The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by martiniflightlikedon

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    I watched their vegas video because I was deeply bored doing my taxes. Some rapid fire notes

    -The sound is really really bad
    -Nick gambles so much. They got a free room at the Venetian because he gambled there so much and neither of them even remember going there (too much alcohol probably)
    -5 min of riveting content of them checking in to the hotel and then nick recapping a fight they had where aaryn screamed at him for making her walk in heels a long way. She seems like SUCH a heinous bitch
    - she talks about this steak house they go to and calls it the “6th best steak house in the world” and when they google it its not on a single list anywhere and when you see this place later its very obvious why. They have some guy performing there who looks like a subway busker. (( I Have no doubt the place is very good but it’s just funny how Aaryn always thinks she doing the best, most envious things and she rarely is)
    - Nick is honestly so gross to look at and listen to.
    - they bleep out the word ‘vow renewal’ early in the ep despite the fact that they show it in the preview for the next ep (“the ep” barf)
    - they repeated the fact that they got a comp room for gambling at least three times.
    - Aaryn is sooo controlling. She basically tells everyone at dinner what they can and can’t order. And she can’t even pronounce “béarnaise” correctly.
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    I cannot imagine giving my young kids soda. I didn't have soda till I was like 9 I think. and it was once 😂
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    QUOTE (Petty Crocker @ 2/23/2023, 06:50 PM) 
    QUOTE (Gallagher‚ Fiona @ 23/2/2023, 16:55) 
    Early in their marriage they went and never thought anything of it and now they realize they were naive and have set boundaries which include no strip clubs.

    Why is it when couples go to strip clubs, it’s always with female dancers? And when couples have threesomes, it’s almost ALWAYS with other women exclusively?

    Ladies, stop trying to be the “cool wife.” Ask your husband to be the “cool husband” instead and let you have naked dudes grind all over you, or even another dude have sex with you. Watch how quickly that idiot is suddenly against strip clubs and threesomes 💅

    Some wives like other women...😏😏😏
  4. .
    Vow renewals are the kiss of death, at least if you're a Real house of ______ 😂😂😂😂
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    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 2/21/2023, 03:19 AM) 
    What's this the Weather Channel?
    I want Jen to slip in a pool of her own sweat and crack a bunion.

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    the fact that she can basically only do things that are Disney related is soooo pathological and embarassing.
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    QUOTE (Aloner Like Jen @ 2/4/2023, 06:35 PM) 
    As wasteful as Jen is regarding material consumption, she does have a thing about not wasting food. She’s talked before about how she hates to waste food. It probably has to do with her weird relationship with food.

    However in this case it’s not just about not wasting food. It’s also about her complete and total disinterest in her kids well being. The least amount of effort for the people who are a constant reminder of the cushy life she had before them.

    I also think she may be doing it somewhat intentionally to try to get Don’s attention, hoping he may deem her incapable of proper mothering and take the kids FT. Then Jen can take Blue and travel for weeks on end with no interruptions for babysitting duty.

    lol absolutely not. Jen and Don would order so many dishes at Restaurants and never ever finish them all. This was a weekly occurrence for them. She doesn't give a rip about wasting food.
  8. .
    Guys, come on.
    Jen is nothing if not a selfish asshole. Going to DW with Covid is like so deeply on brand for Jen
    why would she post that photo on social media if it was a lie for D&T?
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    i feel weird saying I miss murder shack Jin.
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    SHes such a nasty bitch in that. like ... a dropped water is THAT MUCH OF AN inconvenience ?!?! ANd its WATER. Like your baby literally needs water?????
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    Sorry to say so, but sadly its true
    Donny is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... not cute
  12. .
    She's so ridiculous.Your husband is not just "a man"
    He is your partner, and if you supposedly love and respect him, you'd at least ask if he would greatly mind if you had your naked photos on the internet
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 1/26/2023, 07:26 PM) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 1/26/2023, 11:58 AM) 
    my guess is that she doesn't talk bad about them. if anything I think when the other house is brought up by the kids she quickly shuts down the conversation and talks about something else

    I think so, too. She can barely stand to utter Don's name, so I don't think she talks about them.

    I have the distinct feeling she makes extremely passive aggressive remarks
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    I know her kids are super milquetoast but her parents have got to show them something else other than Disneyworld and Utah, this is embarrassing.
    like they have to be bored of it by now?!
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    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 1/19/2023, 10:32 PM) 
    I don't understand how he's the one being charged and the person that did it isn't? It would be negligent homicide. Why is he being accused of doing what he thought he was supposed to do and was supposed to be in a safe environment? Unless he's the one that put the ammo in the gun on purpose.

    its his production company which means hes culpable in these situations. It's his production companies job to make sure the set is safe
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