The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by martiniflightlikedon

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    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 1/19/2023, 10:32 PM) 
    I don't understand how he's the one being charged and the person that did it isn't? It would be negligent homicide. Why is he being accused of doing what he thought he was supposed to do and was supposed to be in a safe environment? Unless he's the one that put the ammo in the gun on purpose.

    its his production company which means hes culpable in these situations. It's his production companies job to make sure the set is safe
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    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 1/20/2023, 11:34 PM) 
    Just watching now.
    Doing the best you can? Nah bitch, doing the best you can would be to stay your ass home!


    "...while trying to live my life"
    Thats the whole point you selfish sewer rat!!
    You have to put your life on pause to prevent affected OTHER peoples Lives
    She is such a Capital B BRAT
  3. .
    QUOTE (Don'sDollars @ 1/20/2023, 06:26 PM) 
    Hearing her thoughts on covid and just because she "didn't have any symptoms" she doesn't feel like she's "spewing anything." The majority of people are contagious for 10 days once they test positive. Her running in close proximity to all those other people, with her spittle flying during those runs really irritates me. And add in the fact that she flew on a plane.....Glad you only think about yourself, Jen. You should have stayed home.

    I tested positive over 2 weeks ago and am still testing positive. Not having many symptoms doesn't even mean anything. She had a fever and was achy .... those are symptoms babe!
    My twins didn't have symptoms and tested positive still, and they gave it to their brother. Like this is not that hard to figure out. 9 days after testing positive it's entirely possible she isn't contagious anymore, but its really hard to know for sure. Shes a bad person.
  4. .
    I recognize i'm behind here, but
    its very hard to fake a positive covid test.
    and if it was an old one from the kids, it would look old. The red dye would have bled all around. Even just a few hours after doing those very home tests mine always look that way

    i guess it could have been an old test VIDEO that she saved. but jen does not have the wherewith-all for that and its also important to Remember that Jen is a severe attention whore and also quite dumb
    she absolutely had covid, couldn't stop herself from sharing for sympathy, and then did not at all think through the consequences of sharing that and also sharing that she traveled very soon after.
  5. .
    Nick did look insanely skinny in that preview for her latest uncut episode
    and we know its not because he quit drinking
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    I think she associates the makeup and everything with her caged life ("CAGED LIFE" with enormous quotation marks) with Don and just is trying to reject every single aspect of that because she thinks maybe THAT life made her uphappy, so if she does the OPPOSITE of that life she will be happy
    but its been over 2 year snow of rejecting that life and she is still miserable
    because she has done no work to overcome her depression and the fact that she has no purpose in life. A rudderless existence and she won't even look to her children for that happiness
    she's just a empty empty person and I have no clue what will help her at this point.
  7. .
    i love my vuori joggers but hers are at LEAST 1 size too small
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    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 1/12/2023, 07:09 PM) 
    She always complains about feeling like shit after she drinks… because she doesn’t eat. She’s perpetually dehydrated. And she has no self-control when it comes to managing her alcohol intake. And she’s on a cocktail of different medications that all have side effects that are often worsened by alcohol consumption (Vibryyd for example).

    But, sure… it’s the Prosecco brand that’s causing the problem. 😂

    seriously. if you drink alcohol and do not drink any water .... you're gonna have a headache. prosecco has a lot of sugar. I swear she is actually brain dead
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    the running Jen is too much for me. I mean, they all are absolutely ....but the running one is deeply and truly so boring
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    I love how Aaryn posted about Diamond's death (the real lady and not her cat 🙄) but conveniently left out that she DIED OF COVID
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    Maybe Jen could manifest some more hair with her positive POV? Just a thought...
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    QUOTE (Natural Single Mother @ 1/10/2023, 06:34 AM) 
    Agreed! If she has a bath snack, Target run snack, snack for a snack… she most definitely has a bike snack.

    she probably has a feed bag attached to her face
  13. .
    why does the way she puts the straw in her mouth and sucks on it make me so irrationally annoyed
  14. .
    i just tested positive today and feel like crap. I had to keep my girls home from school because I don't want to risk it, even though they're testing negative. my son is still on winter break. My husband has to work
    so here i am caring for 3 children, oh and we can't even go outside because its pouring rain
    Oh and I'm trying to minimize exposure so i'm wearing a mask

    and heres jen pretending like the rules don't apply to her
  15. .
    gosh. i hope we get a good olde fashioned Jen scolding. Would really set 2023 off right
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