The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by brashumpire

  1. .
    I'm legitimately thinking she has an eating disorder.

    She had A tablespoon of egg whites for breakfast......

    That's not even a single egg
  2. .
    QUOTE (The Wookie @ 24/4/2024, 19:36) 
    Tyler said in his vlog that they are refinishing their floors. And it sounds like they will replace all of their furniture so that it coordinates with the new floor color. Buy, buy, buy!

    Yet the only thing they're keeping is the hideously outdated island
  3. .
    She also admitted in one of her recent videos that she took a nap during the day when Evie napped so..... It seems like she's getting enough sleep.
  4. .
    This woman actual said "if you're craving bad foods, sometimes drinking a sparkling water or eating a piece of gum will help"

    ... That's an eating disorder, Tiffany.
  5. .
    She honestly looks like an escort on this trip
  6. .
    Can someone get this woman a real plate?

    Paper plates, every single day. Like you're home all day and only have 2 kids. You're able to do the dishes, I promise.
  7. .
    QUOTE (CherieRose @ 17/4/2024, 22:49) 
    Tik Tok is where they'd get noticed more. Jessica hardly uses her account. Ever so often she'll post something about makeup. They're both quite lazy, but pretend to be busy.

    She is truly one of the worst "influencers". I get that it's a LOT of work, but she claims it's a full-time job which means she should be able to manage all 4 platforms (which is how successful influencers do it). She just relies on YouTube.... She could be tripling her income and reach if she just tried.

    Part of it is she doesn't think outside of the box, she's super not creative. Hence why she's been doing the same rotation of videos for the past 5 years even though video trends have vastly changed.
  8. .
    Do these children ever eat anything but tacos? Real question.

    I swear every dinner she says she's making the kids are "daddy tacos"

    Also it still grosses me out that they use theives on their vegetables and to clean their countertops/toilets. Either you're poisoning your family or your countertops are not getting clean... There's no way it can be both
  9. .
    In their Costco vlog they looked at like 5 gadgets/items they already have but debated buying the new one because it was "better"

    They are bored and have some issues.

    Also they spend so much time without their children. I work a 9-5 so my kids are in daycare but I rarely have childcare other than that which means I do all my errands and other stuff with my kid.... And I like it? It seems so weird they just ship them off so often.
  10. .
    A podcast room for a podcast that as far as I understand, doesn't exist anymore (or is just on an endless hiatus 🙄)

    I can't with this house, it's so dumb. Like someone said, they just wanted an excuse to buy new shit. I still don't understand why they had to purchase new furniture
  11. .
    I fully agree, the outfits for Easter are too young for Baylee! Poor girl seemed self conscious. And the Easter outfits with the bunnies literally look like toddler dresses....

    And so does taras dress for Easter
  12. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 16/3/2024, 23:26) 
    Oh, this is TRAGIC! 😂😂😂


    Everytime I see one of these outfits I cringe. They are so incredibly hideous and cheap looking
  13. .
    I am shocked at how many clothes she bought the big girls... It was like an entirely new wardrobe 😳

    Also, don't they go to private school and wear uniforms?
  14. .
    Tyler absolutely has ADHD & doesn't have a 9-5 job. Its like... Textbook.

    Also, their Disneyland vlogs are embarrassing. He's supposed to be a Disney travel agent but knows absolutely nothing about Disneyland. I get they don't go there often but in the same video they're promoting his travel agency 😑
  15. .
    She must mean she doesn't leave as much as she wishes she did (constantly) because she definitely leaves her house a normal amount...
1010 replies since 12/3/2017