The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by BarefootNightmares

  1. .
    But the joy ...the joy
  2. .
    She's reading the bakery at the park. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  3. .
    Jen has a supa fupa not a regular fupa. Her uterus is well protected. I hope CC pointed it out and made her cry for real. Back on the kale tubby!
  4. .
    If it's not in Don's budget she doesn't buy it
  5. .
    I think the chicken is well done. :snickering:
  6. .
    Wow her ass shadow! :o:
  7. .
    I didn't have my glasses on and I swore that aura photo was of her coffee! :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
  8. .
    I just think the debate with dear friends of who gets all the blame is staler than a trail croissant.

  9. .
  10. .
    She's calling herself a girly now. Her transformation to chronically online brainwashed imbecile is complete.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 16/4/2024, 19:59) 
    I think you’re just supposed to forget about all of that. it was her attention seeking topic for Dec-Feb and she’s sooo moved on. she has running again! come see me! or don’t! we can just wave! come find me! 😵‍💫

    What you're seeing there is victory.
  12. .
    Her house is a dump and I think her flooring might be warped in places.

  13. .
    Jen's emotion map is a Shake Shack menu. :very-sad-smiley-emoticon:
  14. .
    She thinks she is the most famous failed housewife in America. Not even close honey.
  15. .
12874 replies since 17/3/2017