The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Suzanne’sBiggestFan

  1. .
    Lol. This is such a waste of time and money.

    Her life, that is.
  2. .
    I think the dick shorts need to be an XXL this year.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Idiot savant @ 5/10/2024, 06:40 PM) 
    Blaming her bad teeth on “inheriting them”. Sure, Jen. It wasn’t the purging at all.

    Gray teeth, fat ass, no friends, no maternal bond, no man.

    I LOVE this iteration of Jennifer.
  4. .
    She's shitty at application, mediocre at reviews. I wonder she has any subs at all.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 5/2/2024, 07:14 PM) 
    I feel like that's some kind of internalized misogyny. Blaming her fat ass on her uterus rather than on the pure sugar drinks and three daily croissants.

    She only get like two xxxxxxl cold brews and huge slabs of cake at Gideon's.
  6. .
    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 5/2/2024, 07:04 PM) 
    Hey Jen, myself and many other women around the world hate Mother’s Day. Wanna know why? Because we weren’t blessed with beautiful (well, just CC) children like you were. Bitch.

    Also if fat around the lower abdomen is meant to protect our uterus, someone better tell all the fat I have around there that I don’t have one anymore. It can move the fuck along! :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Motherhood is 100% wasted on her. It's a crying shame. Good thing the kids will have plenty of DonBucks for therapy, thanks to all the damage their selfish, useless parents and stepparents have done.
  7. .
    Lol my god, she's so fat.

    Have the fat ass you deserve, Jennifer.
  8. .
    I'm 4.5 months pp, and the shedding is REAL.

    I would feel for her, but she's a DOUCHE CANOE.

    So, I don't.
  9. .
    That's all she has. Cheap medals from a greedy corporation to keep her warm at night.
  10. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 4/19/2024, 05:46 PM) 
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 4/19/2024, 05:32 PM) 
    Type 2 Diabetes on the horizon.

    Seriously. There is a lot of talk about her body changes on here and lying about pant sizes..but to me it is way more than that. This woman's body is becoming wrecked health wise. She does all the WRONG things, between just "fueling" herself with what her emotions or taste buds want 24/7 (which she somehow thinks is 'intuitive' and 'uncaged') and stressing a body not made for this type of stressful activity. Between the pounding and the weight gain her joints are going to give up early, she will be miserable and in pain. She thinks she needs a "team" of therapists now? Just you wait. Not to mention the complete whack hormone situation she has going on.

    ALso, how does someone release so much sweat yet look so bloated and like she is retaining so much fluid? Are the epsom baths, electrolytes, and stinger waffles really necessary for a 5K?

    I walk a 5k about daily, pushing a stroller that, with kids, is probably an extra 40 lbs up and down gentle hills.....I'm 4 mos. pp, and I can assure you, there are no electrolyte supplements, waffles or anything of the sort. I'm also delighted to learn that even though I'm 5'10" 158 lbs at the moment, I'm really a 000000 at Carve.
  11. .
    She doesn’t have curly hair. Waves at best, and that’s being generous.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Auxiliary Water @ 5/4/2024, 20:49) 
    She lets her kids play by themselves in the shallow pool while she goes to another deck to stuff her face with apps from the concierge lounge.


    I guess there aren’t child predators on Disney cruises…..?
  13. .
    QUOTE (CherieRose @ 5/4/2024, 19:16) 
    Dr. Now is one of my favorite people. :D "You've got 600 pounds of food in you."


    This one's for Kristin.


    Dr now is a slaying king and legend. Sharp as a tack and tells it like it is.
  14. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 5/4/2024, 06:23) 
    Scary ….

    I’m upping my estimate to 500 lbs.
  15. .
    She’s utterly average looking with subpar style. He’s just ugly as fuck, thinner or not.

    Jen still sucks.
2510 replies since 23/3/2017