The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by TastyTreats

  1. .
    Just popped in to say I thought she looked great for the planner conference, aside from the boots. She looked really glowing, polished, and slim, even petite and pretty! Her hair looked good too.

    It was ridiculous that she had to remind people that she didn't need to work! Those seemed to be the first words out of her mouth. :29:
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    QUOTE (StillChloeKnockoffs @ 12/23/2018, 01:19 AM) 
    Maybe Done has a meat-eating mistress. They go to the steakhouse together.

    💖 Look at my location people!

  3. .
    The B said she was going to share her gift wish list for Don. Where is it? :waiting-hand-gesture-smiley-emo
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    QUOTE (BatBat @ 12/18/2018, 02:46 AM) 
    This is one of my absolute favorite titles.

    I am sure Jen ate the roasted vegs and potatoes at the party. And we know she ate before she left - probably twice. One thing we never have to worry about is Jen going hungry. It will never happen.

    Suzanne is so nice to Jen, so I'm surprised she didn't pick up a vegan cupcake at whole foods or something special for her. Suzanne, if you want Jen to stop over more, just put out more vegan tasty treats!
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    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 12/15/2018, 08:33 PM) 
    Wait was this party in her living room?

    Yes! Go back to vlogmas 2012 Dec 7!
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    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 12/15/2018, 04:50 AM) 
    I actually feel bad for Winnie for living the high life for 8 years and then having these little monsters pulling her fur. So sad :(
    The dress makes her look so broad across the chest & shoulders. No cute.
    Those little girl shoes & tights are a travesty.

    This is an interior design nightmare. All the houses shoved together with no other accents, that wreath looks HIDEOUS with her decor and doesn't match at all. Then the dinky little trees? Wtf? She truly has no eye for style or design


    Can you all see the cool tones in here?? Brr, I'm getting frosty just looking at it


    Nothing says festive and holiday like galvanized metal! To Jenfend, she said she's SlowlyTrendingTowardCoolTones :lol: Who even talks that way about home decor? Those houses do look awful shoved together. It would be interesting to see how they're meant to be styled.
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    QUOTE (lena3 @ 12/15/2018, 04:22 AM) 
    Now that I’ve had time to digest this outfit, I’m thinking that Jen should have made even more of an effort. She is the CEO’s wife. Ditch the hose. Find better shoes. Definitely get rid of that dated clutch. Hell, find a better dress. A DVF wrap dress would look really nice with a pair of simple pumps. A nice clutch. It’s like she threw this outfit together at the last minute.

    In 2012 Vlogidays the party is at her house. It's just Suzanne, Kieth, and some other boring people. No one is under 50. I'm sure she'll get lots of compliments.
  8. .
    Didn't she decorate the tree in the family room? The one in the playroom is just to light up the window. I don't think it's a big deal that it doesn't have ornaments. She seems excited about the holidays and happy this year so I'm happy for her.

    Dear Santa,

    For Christmas I would like Don to pay higher taxes and have it benefit the poor.
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    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 12/10/2018, 09:39 PM) 
    QUOTE (SmoothiesLikeLily @ 10/12/2018, 21:06) 
    Jen is an art history major. And she has gone on & on about how much she loves being a housewife & being home.

    Styling a home & putting a look together should come more naturally to her.

    Jen just memorized a bunch of stuff she put on index cards. We have see ooh and ahh over tacky art before. She didn’t internalize anything she learned.

    Being a housewife and having an eye for design and style are not the same thing. I’m a terrible housekeeper but good at putting a room together. Not everyone has an eye and not everyone can look at an empty room and envision how it will look when complete. My mom is really good at decorating and I was pretty old before I realized that the vast majority of people just shove couches in a space and find a coffee table.

    What Jen really needs to do is hire a professional. She has the money. Her house now makes no sense. The claundry and the kitchen belong in a different house. Why Jen and Don won’t pay for professional interior design is astounding to me.

    She needed to hire an interior designer with her kitchen refresh. Instead she had the cabinets painted bright white and it just looks strange and really bad with the brown couch. I liked most of her home decor items, minus the galvanized metal stuff. I'm getting tired of her pretending things are too expensive. We know she has no budget! :show_me_the_money_smiley_emotic

  10. .
    QUOTE (Depl @ 12/9/2018, 09:14 PM) 
    This isn’t their forever house. I bet a new house is bought in a few years. Maybe even sooner

    They'll never move. Can you imagine how long it would take to pack?

    They would probably hire the movers who pack for you but still. 😱

    QUOTE (Todolovethebaby2 @ 12/9/2018, 05:51 AM) 
    She replied to another comment about the room switch saying it’s cold in her office as it’s abovexthe garage which has no heating. They looked into it but 💸💸
    So perfect as 💸💸💸💸 is Jens job.

    Her new shtick is saying things are expensive. We know they can afford it.

    QUOTE (LateKate @ 12/9/2018, 10:07 PM) 
    Where did the spider come from? I have never had a spider bite. Not even when I went camping :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:

    Maybe when she was in the attic or basement going through bins and boxes. There are hazards to hoarding!
  11. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 12/7/2018, 10:12 PM) 
    Why does Don think having universal healthcare, which many countries do, require us all to have the moral purity of Jesus?

    Like most 1% a**holes, he doesn't want to pay more in taxes, so he makes up shit that sounds good to him. Jen's international viewers couldn't believe his position. He's an idiot.
  12. .
    QUOTE (seabassJr @ 12/7/2018, 10:05 PM) 
    I think she meant she’d be doing the Poshmark for charity. She says she wants to do a charity auction again but doesn’t know how do it. Then she says, I was thinking Poshmark, what do you guys think?
    She used eBay I before but maybe they don’t allow charity auctions anymore or there’s some issue?

    I guess she never participates in any online charity auctions so she has no clue!
  13. .
    QUOTE (BadKneeLikeJen @ 12/6/2018, 04:58 AM) 
    QUOTE (Nomorejagwire @ 6/12/2018, 04:36) 
    She doesn't HAVE to drink the non-vegan teas. Why not sub those days with her own vegan teas she has in the house if veganism is so important to her? Clearly it's not important to her anymore and by her shrugging her shoulders while telling us it's not vegan, that signifies the beginning of the end of the vegan journey. She could put the non-vegan ones aside for a guest or give them to a dear relative. She acts like she is obligated to drink them all like it's a challenge to try them all. Santa will still bring you your toys if you don't drink them all Jenny!

    It was never going to last past Christmas. She has already missed out on so many festive treats and has tried every vegan cheese on the market and worked out they all suck. Going vegan is a great way to end up fat and tired.

    What's interesting is a vegan friendly advent tea calendar exists. It's from England, like her chocolate. I wonder if she saw the tea set and decided she liked the David's tea set better or just never saw the vegan one. Can we work on getting a count of how many vegan tea advent calendars exist?
  14. .
    QUOTE (lipstick jungle @ 12/4/2018, 10:38 PM) 
    It's jen . we always go overboard with her :D :D
    But yeah, she bought that for herself.
    Which would be fine if she stopped being a selfish brat. she did not :B):

    To me it's more the question if this isn't just her being lazy and having no idea what to get her child , so she just checked what she no longer cared for and gave her that.

    Jen is not a monster. she annoys us. We have fun at her expenses. Everything is magnified.

    Plus and above all things, like Jen herself tells us time and time again. she loves to give gifts. To research, etc.

    we expected a LOT . But I don't think anyone would expect Jen, the shopaholic, to care so little for STUFF ( regarding the kids)

    She said CC played with the calico critters at her grandma's and liked them.
  15. .
    QUOTE (PillPoppinSkank @ 12/4/2018, 07:23 PM) 
    QUOTE (Ohnoitsjen @ 12/4/2018, 06:53 PM) 
    Cc is a really eloquent little girl some of the other you tubers children don’t talk nearly as well and are much older.

    My daughter is the same age as CC and talks so well. Strangers comment on it every day almost. Yet I am still amazed at how well CC speaks. I think she speaks even better than my daughter. Jen needs to take advantage of that and include her when she wants to help!

    It's because Jen reads to her all the time and plays with her. Unlike 90% of you here, I think she's a good Mom. Plus I'm sure the Montessori program helps. I think kids that are rude and scream have ahole parents.
496 replies since 14/4/2017