The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by GrandmaSophia

  1. .
    It is the Mormon Utah culture to bake bread and do all of the mothering/chores. Honestly, I feel bad for Kimmie because I use to be in her shoes, as a church member but I got out 25 years ago. There is a good reason why so many Utah Mormons are on medication for depression. The church takes a lot out of you and your family! Many hours each week devoted to only church meetings, Temple work, etc.

    I only had three children. I saw many other mothers struggle with 6-8 children and not having enough money to buy their children school clothes but went to the DI (like Goodwill) for their children's clothing because they paid 10% tithing each year. I have seen homes where there were no electricity due to lack of money because it was more important to get that money into the tithing envelope each month. The church honestly does not care for its members but for how many members they have and the money they can get from each family. That is only one reason why my family left the church.

    Kimmie is living in her in-laws home due to her and Deric not being responsible enough with their finances. Kimmie is struggling with pleasing her in-laws so they have a place to stay so she has to do what she can to make her in-laws happy while they are there in that home now. That is a lot of pressure on Kimmie to be the "perfect" wife to Deric. The in-laws don't see Deric messing up his life and marriage but they probably do see Kimmie always messing up in the marriage because Kimmie is not their daughter but only a daughter-in-law. I know I would be stressed out if I was living with my in-laws and always busy making sure the kitchen was cleaned up after each meal so the mother-in-law would not be griping about the mess. Same with the candle smells. It is a control issue.

    I honestly do not understand why Kimmie doesn't let her three kids still living at home HELP her with chores. What do those kids do all day long other than homework or sports? All of them can help her cook, do the dishes, sweep and mop the floors, do laundry, etc. Why does she allow her kids to be so lazy? Kimmie just seems stressed out and overwhelmed in many of her videos. She needs to delegate some of the chores to her kids and husband.
  2. .
    The photo of her standing in the mirror says it all, camera in hand. Sad life when there is nobody in that photo except her. Everything about that photo is cold and sterile, except for the bright orange top.

    Maybe, that is why she chose that house, it is exactly like Jen - cold and unfeeling.
  3. .
    Wow! What a great weekend, Jen! Doing more yoga and massaging her bowls. LOL
  4. .
    Her IG stories are so boring! Get a life, Jen! A real life!
  5. .
    I totally do not understand her NOT staying in the first home with the beautiful lawns and neighborhood. That house was paid for. Don't understand her need to move away from it? She could have found another home with a much better lawn and garden too with trees. Every time I see those two kids playing in the yard, I see dry, patchy grass and a ugly fence for the price she paid for her current home. Would be interesting to hear the real story of why she moved away from house #1. Seems like Don would have let her keep that one instead of moving away. I don't think he would have wanted his children to be uprooted from the home that they knew and loved. Don't understand Jen's thinking that the first home never felt like her home either. Unless, Don brought it without her seeing it first? I don't think that was the case either. She's an odd duck for choosing the home that she did.
  6. .
    Thought she was taking an IG break? This morning the kiddos are playing outside in the yard of the log cabin.
  7. .
    Her "diet" is doing her no good. She looks 20 years older than she truly is! Looks like vacationing with her ex and in-laws is NOT what she thought it would be!
  8. .
    What a weirdo! She could have done that little IG story from her bed in Illinois. How about some REAL content, Jen. Stop being so lazy! I know that you are on "your Utah vacation" but when aren't you on vacation?

    Look at the Mikesell family. They were in a plane crash last week and they are STILL posting content on IG and YouTube even though Betsy has broken and bruised ribs and her husband is in ICU with broken leg, pelvis, back issues, facial injuries and he had multiple surgeries so far. Betsy Mikesell is a trooper and a strong woman with a beautiful family. How come she and her family can manage to keep their channel going each week and Jen Ross can't even bother to show a good video once a week?

    Jen is absolutely nothing compared to the Mikesell family that actually do care about their viewers. I don't even know why I bother to watch Jen Ross anymore. She cares nothing for her viewers. She only cares about herself and like her IG story showed us - Jen is LAZY!!!!
  9. .
    I thought she was taking a break from vlogging and IG stories? LOL Hope the kids, Suzanne, Poopsie and Don had a yummy lunch and real ice cream to eat at Deer Valley Resort while Jen is riding alone on the ski lifts over and over again. :lol:
  10. .
    I am an older person so I met Marie Osmond, Jay Osmond, Lindsey Buckingham formerly of Fleetwood Mac, Dick Clark and that kid that use to be on One Day at a Time that the family adopted or took care of. I can't even think of his name now but he was around 14 on the show in the latter years they were filming it. I also met Mario Andretti, the race car driver back when I was a kid and he was still racing.
  11. .
    I wanna see Jeff do the tarot cards again but with the whole family after the children are asleep. I think it would be interesting to see what he says about Suzanne and Poopsie! :)
  12. .
    I am sorry but bathing a dog or person in the kitchen sink is kind of gross to me. Why not use a bathtub or a giant metal bath bucket that some people use for their pets to bathe in.

    Hopefully, she will give Winnie a haircut. Not cool to let that poor dog run around in the dirt with long hair in the summer months.

    Yeah, the only thing Jen is feeling grateful for is her in-laws let her visit the family home in Utah AGAIN and she doesn't have to worry about her finances like other divorced women. That is the only thing she's grateful for. Oh yeah, she is grateful for KALE too.
  13. .
    It is so odd that she is there in Utah with them. Suzanne, Poopsie and Don could handle the kids on their own. Jen didn't have to go with them. It was good to see Don with CC and sitting far AWAY from Jen too. I believe he is so over her! I honestly do not think Jen is over him though. She is still constantly sneaking filming them when they are not looking. So dishonest, Jen.
  14. .
    Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a Q and A segment with Don, Jeff, Poopsie and Suzanne! :)
  15. .
    Watching today's IG stories made me laugh. Jen demanding her Starbucks and hiding her bad hair under a hat. The kids screaming in the back. Poor sleep in the RV. Poor Winnie looking like a ragged mop. No place for her to hide or be comfortable. Poor Poopsie and Don doing all of the work driving to Utah. That is what you get when Jen and Suzanne has your body parts in their purses. LOL
287 replies since 2/7/2017