The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ReallyReallyReally

  1. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 3/9/2020, 03:08) 
    Trash plates and hairy cookies!!! Pay a monthly subscription to watch this woman be a homemaker!

    That was funny!
  2. .
    Maybe it’s cuz I’m getting old, 60, and sometimes partake in the wacky weed (can’t drink, makes me ill) and I do read every thread here but did I miss her hair cut? I can’t get myself to watch it but her video thumbnail looks like she has a “bob” cut. Like I said, I may have missed it
  3. .
    Just read that Adele is raving about Doyle’s book. Interesting. Another marriage bites the dust!
  4. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 13/8/2020, 02:14) 
    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 13/8/2020, 02:12) 
    I miss The Middle. Loved that Heck family.

    Love M*A*S*H

    We have The Middle on permanent rerun here

    I think the funniest episode was when Frankie was eating Doritos and Axle finaly told her his clipped toenails were in the bag! Great show!
  5. .
    QUOTE (DirtyMartini @ 5/8/2020, 02:31) 
    QUOTE (DonsTrainTicket @ 5/8/2020, 02:30) 
    I really don’t know how to process what’s going on :1485540604:

    I suggest alcohol

    Or.....smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em!
  6. .
    She’s wearing the Cartier “Love” bracelet. I’m sure it was a gift from Don. Hmmm!
  7. .
    QUOTE (BinThereOrganizedThat @ 2/8/2020, 02:15) 
    one of my favorite movies....Jen in tha back with her kale

    Gotta say, that movie is one of mine too!
  8. .
    I really can not picture Poopsie and Emily encouraging Suzanne to let Jen come for family get togethers.
  9. .
    I gotta say...I was a wee bit disappointed seeing Suzanne on IG with her. Like, WTF? After the way she treated your son. She’s a bigger woman than I could ever be. Maybe it’s my age (59) but...
  10. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 14/7/2020, 20:08) 
    QUOTE (BackupSize8 @ 7/14/2020, 08:04 PM) 
    Leaves, sugar, and laxatives.

    We never see breakfast. Safe to assume she's just drinking that morning latte?

    No, she chews it! Haha
  11. .
    QUOTE (Agressive Brusher @ 11/7/2020, 03:52) 
    It’s fucking July. Why the hell is she lighting a fire? Doesn’t she know she can make s’mores in the microwave? Twat.

    But did you notice she gave Don a compliment? Eagle scout
    The comments are getting to her!
  12. .
    Someone mentioned Utah. Gonna be real interesting to see what unfolds with that! Ha!!
  13. .
    Ok, maybe I’m wrong devolved a word? On Instagram
    Ok, guess it is but I think she’s using it wrong🤷‍♀️
  14. .
    QUOTE (Mykull @ 22/5/2020, 22:20) 

    Did you hear him say, “In coronation with CVS”. I do believe he meant in conjunction with. And he’s in education? Good Lord!
  15. .
    She’s asking for Q&A on IG
310 replies since 21/9/2017