The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by RossManor2.0

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    QUOTE (Dons anal plug @ 10/6/2020, 04:52) 
    should I make my Midwestern boyfriend take me to Culver's next time we go visit his parents? (currently living in NYC living that Sex in the City life, ammiright Jen?)

    We went to Kopps the last time, and it was heaven.

    Culver’s is okay. It def won’t beat Kopps. He took you to my favorite of the custard restaurants. :thumbs-up:
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    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 9/6/2020, 21:27) 
    I mean, did you any of you really think she was getting that generous allowance for free?

    Didn’t he talk about having to condition her to spend money... :sick:
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    QUOTE (IDon'tEatSugar @ 9/6/2020, 21:09) 
    Some people are being unnecessarily rude and unnecessarily thread/post policing. We don’t need the hostile tone these past couple of threads have had.

    We’re here to snark on Jen, not each other!
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    QUOTE (Popppp @ 9/6/2020, 20:39) 
    I am sharing some Don gossip
    A Baker confirmed what Christine14 said, but because of many here not being kind to Christine, she would prefer for me to share this
    Her Husband is very good friends with Greg (married to Annie)


    For simplicity’s sake, I will call DH’s friend Greg and his wife Annie so it’s easier to follow.

    Context of how the following info came about: Don and Greg were acquaintances that would chit chat but it was more shooting the breeze type of convo. They’ve known each other for approx. 2-3 years total. Don and Greg have been chatting via text for a bit now (Don initiated contact, he’s looking to connect and reconnect with friends for some support during this time) but as of late they have started doing video or phone calls sometimes (guy’s night type of thing). Overall, Don does have more friends and connections in life than previously portrayed on past YT videos.

    They’ve bonded a lot, Greg is one of those people that has a magnetic personality that people open up to and he also is someone people frequently come to for advice. Don likes to relax and have a few drinks to unwind on the calls. This has the unintended effect of giving him loose lips. Combine this with the fact that he wants to vent about the divorce right now and you get the following...

    1. One major source of unhappiness for Don in later parts of the marriage was the unraveling of their intimate relationship. Jen was happy to service him in exchange for her “pretties” up until a certain point (Don stated an “incident” happened, I do not know what this is) when she started to get fed up with his requests (she told him to cool it but at the same time still wanted to keep getting the pretties). He was upset at the thought of being in a one-sided transaction (his words) but continued to gift her so he wouldn’t have to put up with her whining/complaints. Obviously Don did not give a play by play about what he wanted/liked but from the slight descriptions given to me, his needs were...interesting. Think of an elaborate Tosh Disney princess video scenario but on another level + multiple times daily. Also, there was mention of some sort of reward system: certain above and beyond transactions yielded bonuses. Again, he obviously did not give specifics but some of those random or just because gifts…? They weren’t random or just because at all. That was camera coverup for YT. She also received certain items from this that were not shown on camera. IMO I don’t think Don would have just shared this particular tidbit freely with Greg w/o the liquid courage.

    2. Don is trying to reinvent himself from just a nice nerdy guy to a kind of hip, sophisticated nerd bro that may be attractive to a higher caliber woman (a Tensleigh if you may, this is the type he’s shooting for). Losing weight, new outfits, and growing the beard is only the start of his transformation and he has a lot more planned. He wants to do a complete 180 change. He does not want a Jen copy or similar attributed women in any way. Nor does he want an Emily/Suzanne type, at least currently. Something interesting he told Greg is he will be opening up his racial preferences this time around and would love to try dating outside his race as he hasn’t before. He actually has two ethnicities who he thinks would make a good match for him. This was said after asking Greg if he or Annie might have any single acquaintances/connections of these two races who they could recommend that may be interested in a friendship that goes into something further eventually. He is not looking to get married or super serious right now. It seems that he is open but apprehensive. With all this being said, in his next partner, he still would like to carry over portions of the dynamic he had with Jen._____________________________________________________________________________

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    QUOTE (Christine14 @ 9/6/2020, 15:15) 
    Good morning everyone except the haters 😁

    Good morning!! :6792:
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    I wonder when the divorce is being finalized. I could see it being close and maybe not wanting to share too much that could potentially cause Jen to delay it more than it has been?

    For example, the bit about them making it seem like they’ll let Jen keep going on vacations so that she doesn’t push for the clause of traveling with them out of state. If I was Jen and I read that I would sure as hell push back.

    I realize that it’s giving the benefit of the doubt, but this is the most lively/fun to read this forum has been in a long time. :dunno:
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    QUOTE (grilledcheesesandwiches @ 9/6/2020, 12:55) 
    QUOTE (Little Princess @ 9/6/2020, 12:52) 
    She did provide the YDR pictures.

    Having access to Scott's photos may prove friendship with Scott (of which he has 276, so its a decent amount of people, not all of whom he'd be close to). It doesn't mean she knows the inner workings of J&D's relationship.

    I don’t need the inner workings, it’s been great to just get more of the story from a point of view that isn’t Jen.
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    It wasn’t even a week ago that we were discussing countertops, let’s not be greedy and push Christine away. I think she’s proved enough.

    I’ve been lurking here on and off for years (first found Jen in 2014 while searching Disney vlogs), but reading religiously since the divorce announcement. I never thought I’d actually see photos of the Yellow Doll Room. Let’s not take the gifts she’s already given us for granted.
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    Christine, you have confirmed so much! We are so grateful!
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    We have faith in you, Christine!
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    More doll room photos! Christine, I love you! Now to catch up on the last 5 pages..
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    As excited as I am for our top questions to be answered I cannot wait for Christine’s post she mentioned she started earlier. :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi
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    I want to know what the Roses did with her vegan paska bread, the plan for family vacations going forward, is Don dating, house for sale/new house deets, why they were on the rocks before the big lie, and literally anything about the Yellow Doll Room.
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    QUOTE (LateKate @ 8/6/2020, 17:53) 
    Maybe he doesn’t want to shock the kids. Maybe he’s slowly working on getting more and more custody over time. Why would she want any custody now that we know this....other than for a hefty child support payment?

    My guess: Don wanted to give the kids a slow transition, plus if he originally moved out to Emily’s, I could see how he wouldn’t have the space. If he’s going for full custody eventually, leaving the kids with Jen would give time (and ample opportunities) to collect photo/video evidence of her neglecting the kids to build a case.

    As for Jen, not only are her TWO! children her meal ticket, they’re pawns she can try to use to manipulate Don in the divorce.
769 replies since 19/11/2017