The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Bitch‚please

  1. .
    Such a dramatic change in her home and Xmas decor from when I first started watching her videos. It's cold, cold and colder. I have missed nothing by not watching her. Nothing.
  2. .
    What the HELL did I just watch?! It's been a long time since I've watched one of her videos and OMG what happened? I keep thinking she can't keep sinking but then...she does. Is she going bald? Every person in my household asked that question. What has happened to her face, her forehead, her hair and her videos? She's an ad for Walmart. She looks like a puppet with that face (the one in Mr. Rogers Neighborhood).

    I am SO confused as to what the hell happened to her. Wow.
  3. .
    Someone has new boobs and boy, they are OUT there!!

    I just skimmed and no clue which bags she's selling but ALL of them she regrets? Damn...nothing more to say than that. No....I KNEW those bags wouldn't work for her the moment she swore how FABULOUS each was.

    Getting serious Harper Valley PTA vibes. Wonder if she strolls into her sons' HS dressed like that; poor kid :(
  4. .
    Wow. I have been out of the loop due to our eldest son being in the hospital (he is disabled) and then dealing with Hurricane Ian shit. So now, finally having a moment to sit down and pop in, I see I have missed a LOT.

    What event did Lisa have to go to? Monet? YT? I'm just getting a chance to watch the newest video and all I see is massive FILTER regarding her face. Brooke is a lesbian? When did that happen...I thought she was living with some guy.

    Wow just wow. I wish there was a "end of 65 pages Synopsis" here at the Gossip Bakery, lol. I would feel so far behind, lol.
  5. .
    QUOTE (FreeBella @ 4/21/2022, 10:17 PM) 
    I actually think her letting her naturally color grow out is a step in the right direction. Why do you all hate grey hair so much? I think it will look much better than poorly dyed blonde with silver roots showing every two weeks. I’d way rather be a woman who people say looks good for their age, rather than one trying to fake looking young and failing!

    Because grey hair isn't flattering to the majority of woman, it can make one look older, the texture can give the appearance of dried out and coarse hair and it can make you look unkempt. Sorry, it can. In my family, the females start to go grey around 11 or so; I found my first grey at 11. My mom would pluck them out. By 13 I was coloring my hair. Understand that I had long, thick hair that was almost black and the white hairs stood out. I cut my hair super short and used dye to experiment with different looks and found out that I look HORRIBLE in light colored hair. I've had every shade and color/s you can have. I've been a hair model. I have super think, shiny and DARK hair now because I have my roots touched up every 4 weeks. I attempted to go grey once and OMG, unflattering is an understatement. If you love it, do it. But don't do it just because you think "oh, why bother, I just go with it". If you take the time to purchase clothing that flatters you, to wear makeup that flatters you, why would you wear your hair in a color and cut that does NOT flatter you? Tammy is all over the place, vain and full of shit; THAT'S why we're on her ass about "embracing the grey". Do it or don't but stop going on about it!!
  6. .
    Regarding the Naples home:

    I was interested in this due to our relocation to Tampa about 2 years ago. As I recall, Uppity would post pictures and videos (a few) when they would be in Florida for many years (Bindi was still alive). Initially I thought this was a rental but she mentioned this was their home and they would eventually retire to it....appears they did. We're talking 6 years plus. The home is in his name and it didn't cost 3 million when he bought it. Like all homes today, it had flown up in price over the past 2 years due to the insane market (the house we just bought is an example as well).

    Unless they sold that house and are now living in a rental or something really small, the Naples home is their Florida home. Considering the market here, they would be fools to sell their home as they chance of finding something is slim to non (not to mention being over priced).

    They do have that tiny apartment up in NY and yes, the sold the Buffalo home which belonged to Lou's parents who then deeded it over to im some years back.

    Why Uppity is so secretive about her housing arrangement, I will never know. WTF is the big deal?
  7. .
    Not a fan of Uppity's but have to say:

    Her makeup and hair look really nice with the tank time. The colors and application flatter her. Remove the Granny Costume Crap and add a simple hoop or a simple single diamond around her neck and she would look like a classy, elegant mature woman.

    Beyond that, she's still a snot who shills shit.
  8. .
    Are they moving back North for the Summer? I know they bought that tiny place for medical trips but is that going to be their summer abode as well? Stupid as all you need is AC to survive the summers in Florida. I should know, I live South of Tampa (about 2-3 hours from Uppity).
  9. .
    "The grass is greener...."

    I truly believe Lisa thought everything was wrong in her world at the old house would be fixed in the new house.....and it wasn't Won't be due to the issues she has and the family dynamics have yet to be addressed. All they did was change the location. I found myself nodding along with every post discussing how the new house was a mistake, how nothing has changed for the better, that how she started out is NOTHING like it is now. THe only different is the DEBT load. Talk about stress....

    IF she actually listened to anyone and IF I had the ability to look her in the eye I would say to her: Leave YouTube for 6 months. Same with Instagram. Make a video simply saying that you need to time to regroup, to think and to examine things and then sign off.

    Shame she'll not do that unless something drastic occurs and even then, I doubt she actually would.
  10. .
    A few weeks back, I started watching a YouTuber who has a style that appeals to me on all levels. She's intelligent, she's classy yet fun and she is savvy when it comes to money and politics (her prior profession before going solo included being an attorney working in the international corporate arena). I mention this because her video/blog of the new year discusses how to have a side business (or two), why you want that, how to go about it, investments, etc and she mentions YouTube: with roughly 15.5K subscribers (I read this as 15,500), she is pulling in $1000 a month (also including the 2 collabs she does with 2 other small, women owned businesses).

    So, looking Lisa's numbers, if she has 110,000 subbies, this means that she's pulling in around $5000 a month (based on the numbers from the other YouTuber). Now, add in the Walmart and Nordstrom collabs and what they pay (someone mentioned $10,000 per each one), the write off of EVERY single item she purchases to show on her channel (including her house and the furniture)....not too shabby. Not sure what John brings in but considering they don't travel/do trips nor spend money on their children (notice there was NOTHING mentioned about the kids and Xmas OR what she purchased/received from her brother/family other than the rings), you can easily see how they can have a nice living and she can spend all the money on HER.
  11. .
    So, after reading the posts here regarding her latest video, I HAD to go and watch it. Not sure how many brain cells I lost doing so.

    What was interesting (to me), was the reaction from my 15 year old son. He was on the sofa with me just chilling and playing a game on the sofa while Lisa's babble was droning on. After it was over he said "how can a person speak so long and say absolutely nothing? She didn't actually SAY anthing, Mom. And she has people who watch her videos? WHY are YOU watching them? You're WAY too intelligent for this chick".

    Out of the mouth of babes. He's right; she didn't actually say anthing. We both read many of the comments below the video and he finally said "did they listen to the same video as you and I?!" He just shook his head in amazement. If a 15 year old teen can see this, how can her followers NOT? What, exactly, is Lisa's point for having a YouTube channel other to feed her illness? Oh, he also said she resembles an insect and is spindly (her arms); thought those were interesting word choices but it goes to show that, again, her issues are pretty obvious to the those who don't worship at her feet.
  12. .
    Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day, Everyone!

    Since I've been too damn busy preparing for Christmas and I'm not doing social media stuff on Christmas, I'm catching up on stuff now. I am not seeing any video's from Lisa regarding the holidays...why is that I wonder? Saw ther pictures from Christmas Eve and she looks MISERABLE. Why do I have the feeling there were NO gifts as the kids are no older so....why bother? Of course SHE bought HERSELF long till there's a video about that?

    Selfish cow. Oh, and she is looking older and worse in every picture she puts out. Amazing she doesn't see it....then again, it really isn't.
  13. .
    I'm not here daily so if the Tiffany/Lisa twins have been discussed to the point of nausea, my apologies for bringing it up. I stopped watching Tiffany D when her face become a bloated mess and I honestly thought it was a different YouTuber when I happend on a thumbnail of hers. I remember when her house was gorgeous and would watch specific home videos/instagram just for ideas on decor; no longer. NO CLUE what happened but it resembles a cold art gallery.

    What made me sit up was a series of Instagram photos that Tiffany had on her home decorated for Xmas which was then followed by Lisa's shots of her sitting on the sofa.....the molding on the walls are identical in each home. Then the sofa and other items popped into view; to me, it's creepy as hell.

    Since Tiffany is always hearting Lisa's shit and vice versa, it proves how fake these chicks are. Sad, pathetic, fake, a waste of time and yet, people fall all over them. That's even MORE sad/pathetic if you ask me.
  14. .
    The MOMENT I realized what her video was about, I knew I had to come HERE, lol. So much BS in that she can even think she knows ANYTHING about the subject matter....WoW! AND there are women taking notes; you know there are!!

    What REALLY stood out to me was the decor; I realized where I've been seeing the same colors, the same kitchen, the same molding/framework: Tiffany's home!!! I had no idea how identical so much of lisa's house is to Tiffany's until just now. She's copying the look of Tiffany's house and it looks just as cold, just as empty, just as fake. So, what is it about Tiffany's house that Lisa chose to copy it?
  15. .
    Regarding the Oribe Shampoo and Conditioner Liter set: I have the feeling she purchased it because the color of that set matches her bathroom...her "look"...her "vibe" (gag). Funny thing is, THAT specific product is NOT to be used every time you wash else it will dry out your hair. Lol, wouldn't that be funny when, in a future video, she says "I just can't understand why my hair is so DRY. Why it's falling out? I use this here expensive Oribe product!".

    She doesn't buy for John, she doesn't buy for her kids but Santa brings them stuff... WTF does that even mean?! Look, my kids are 15 through 24. Their gifts say "From Santa" because it's habit and they're home but everyone knows it's DH and I buying these. Do we tell people "oh, we don't buy gifts, Santa brings them"? Hell no because that's idiotic.

    I do have to agree with her that, IMHO, the sales ARE better now then they were last year (which surprises me because they sucked last year and that's when they should have been great) or even the year before. Bigger discounts, FAR more places offering big discounts (some that never offered one in the past at this time of the year) and offering them for a longer amount of time. As others have pointed out, I'd like to know the "why".
185 replies since 23/11/2017