The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by TheresaGreen

  1. .
    That tree looks awful. Unbalanced and over-decorated.

    She talks through it about depth and layering and turns out that?

  2. .
    QUOTE (ArtDrecko @ 9/12/2022, 00:32) 
    I'm tired of her antics. Maybe she's getting worse or maybe I'm just over it so it just seems that way.

    Same. It’s been many many years and she hasn’t accomplished much apart from acquire more stuff.
  3. .
  4. .
    I have just one question... why is it her Christmas Spectacular?

    What on earth is *spectacular* about her house / decor?

    Does she know what spectacular means?
  5. .
    P.S. all trees can be pulled over if you pull on them :10:
  6. .
    I just watched the tree video, she really does rate “stuff” doesn’t she?

    A rotating stand to show off her tree? To who? Who’s coming round her house to watch her tree rotate? She sees all the ornaments when she puts it up, why does it need to rotate? Is she Macy’s?

    When will she realise there is more to life than stuff?
  7. .
    Sophia doesn’t want anyone to derail her gravy train that’s why she deletes negative comments, she’s worried that people might read them and agree.
  8. .
    QUOTE (KittyOfLeisure @ 13/11/2022, 19:42) 
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 11/13/2022, 08:08 AM) 
    Thanks to KittyOfLeisure for the thread title

    Thanks. I didn't even know I was proposing a title with that one or, if I did, I've forgotten, LOL.

    You didn’t, I saw it, thought it was funny so put it forward for the new title as the thread was at a crazy 88 pages.

    I know you think I’m not a “thread regular” anymore but I still pop over ever few weeks to catchup with Sophia’s Shenanigans, I just don’t comment much as the thread has usually moved on by the time I read 2 week old posts.

    Anyway... as you were.
  9. .
    I just watched Sophia’s Quick Cleaning for Messy People videos... sanctimonious to the max!

    Sounds like she’s been reading about neuroplasticity, the ability to rewire your brain... which you can do fairly easily (and is the basis for most therapy to help address disordered thinking patterns) if you want to.

    Sophia (and other people with ADHD - not diagnosing anything 😉) can learn to help themselves... like hanging your coat up as soon as you walk in, not just barging through the house and dropping it on the nearest surface. She’s taught her kids such bad habits.

    Also... are poor Willy’s bookcases his own or Sophia’s “archive of children’s book” and Scott’s “archive of illustrations”? He didn’t seem like he knew what books were on the shelves!
  10. .

    The My Great Challenge Thread is at 88 Pages, so needs a new one created.

    Clutter with me: Corningware, Calico & Lace - This and More on Patreon!

    My Great Challenge - Partie Vingt Quatre

    Thread Title:- Thanks to Kitty of Leisure
  11. .
    Capsule wardrobe



    Saturday 30th...

    Live Giveaway... of the stuff given to her by sponsors for her YouTube subs
  12. .
    I think its crazy that one of her weekly Patreon videos will be a 15m weekly update, “with photos”.

    She is so up her own ass that she thinks people will pay to keep up to date with her life and see photos of her stinky dogs or whatever.

    The ego is strong with this one.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Chalky @ 29/6/2022, 14:20) 
    I'll be curious as to how many Patreon subscribers she'll get...I guess we'll see next week :huh:

    There’s approx 50-60 people commenting that they will definitely join and 15-20 say they definitely won’t.

    At this point in time, she’s had less than 10% of her subs (57k) watch the video (4500), and about 1.3% of those (60) comment that they will join.

    So based on those figures, my guess would be between 700 and 750 patrons maximum (1.3% of 57k)

    Personally, I reckon she’ll be around the 300 mark at kickoff and maybe creep up to 500. So $1500 - $2500 per month before fees. Basic Patreon fees, inc payment processing fees are about 11% (8% fees, 2.9% payment processing) so for those numbers she would be earning $1335 - $2225)...

    ...not bad for 15 minute chat video once a week, some half-arsed weekly video of her quilting or cleaning and a monthly live chat.
  14. .

    No Joanne, 20 million views is due to her viewers, including us 👋🏻 the haters.

    You know that she sent that milestone to her friends & family with “if I had a dollar for every view...”

    I hate this type of online begging. She gets money from YouTube to compensate for her content, so asking her (clearly elderly) audience to fund her life further is just greedy. You can see by the comments that people are confused. Some will even feel obligated to pay to keep watching “their friend”.

    If Sophia’s content was better and more saleable, she’d get more advertising revenue. Her CPM would be higher (the amount that advertisers pay to put their ads on her videos).

    Channels are categorised and rated by Google who put them in packages to advertisers. If your content is shoddy, random, sporadic, or doesn’t add value it will have a lower CPM (to attract budget advertisers) and you’ll get less adsense revenue because the advertisers are paying less.

    YouTube made it very clear when they changed the adsense structure that they reward good quality content and there will be less reward for low / no quality content. If Sophia’s ad revenue has reduced, it’s because her content has been rated low.

    It easy to see that the MGC channel hasn’t grown exponentially in the last 12-13 years. If you compare Sophia to Diane in Denmark, who started making flylady videos just 5 years ago, Diane has 20k more subscribers and almost double the amount of monthly ad revenue (according to Social Blade).

    Quality and useful content is compensated by YouTube, but not the people who just monetize their everyday life.
  15. .
    I just watched her “people love me” video.

    If she buys stuff especially to make videos, that’s why her videos went to shit. People preferred her honest, real life content that didn’t “cost” anything to manufacture.

    No one likes to watch fake
1486 replies since 8/1/2018