The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BowlingForSnark

  1. .
    QUOTE (T-time @ 11/26/2021, 03:57 PM) 
    I'm new to this thread. Does anyone know if she has a job outside her youtube channel?

    No, she doesn't have any job aside from YouTube (and I use the term "job" loosely with Giada). She did once upon a time but hasn't since at least early 2019, possibly even earlier.

    She is not nor has she ever been married. She got pregnant with her daughter near the end of high school with what was basically a one-night-stand baby daddy who has spent years of his life in & out of prison, mostly on drug charges.

    No one knows where all of her money comes from. She was always a hoarder with a shopping addiction but in late 2018 or so she really started kicking it up a notch with the out of control spending.

    And no, she is not from a rich family and does not have anyone in her family who would have left her a large inheritance. She has sued at least one person for damages in an auto accident and has sued her daughter's father for back child support in the past but nothing that would allow the kind of spending she does.

    In the past, the Bakers have speculated that she's a cam girl, an escort, or involved in illegal activities of some sort but evidence of any of these have not really presented themselves.
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    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 11/25/2021, 09:55 AM) 
    Does anyone else think it a bit odd that CCG says Thanksgiving is almost always just CCG and Jr. With her brother and his family in Dallas (and possibly other relatives not that far away) why doesn’t she invite them to her house? Or go to theirs? Christmas I understand since many people like to be at home for that, but Thanksgiving is usually a family day if possible. Is she that estranged from her family (her brother) that they only get together when they need a baby sitter?? Kinda sad. But CCG can be a pill. A bitter pill. And just odd. We see how she acts around Mikah — like a very different person than the goofy woman she is on a day to day basis. So if she was my relative (and thank goodness she is NOT) I’d keep any contact with her to a minimum. Like once a year on vacation. LOL.

    Anyhow, it is still hard to believe that she goes to all that trouble to festoon every nook and cranny in her house and not show it off to her family and (non-existent) friends. But then she has her subbies, so I guess she substitutes them for people that she knows personally. Plus, she can keep them at arm’s length and never have them darken her door. But she gets to hear their praise — get her ego boost. And that’s what it is all about, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

    She & Junior usually go to her Uncle Alex's house (in Dallas) sometime around Christmas and they do a Yankee Swap/White Elephant present thing & dinner with his family & extended family. From what Moira has said on her Facebook in the past, she and her husband frequently come to this too (pre-Covid).

    I guess it's possible that Bro and SIL go to SIL's family for Thanksgiving but there's no doubt that they seem to use her for baby sitting services more than they actually want her company.

    Hope you all are having an awesome day! I'm excited because all of my kids & my bonus daughter (son's fiancée) are all going to be with us for our Thanksgiving meal at 2pm today. This is the first time we've been able to all be together since Covid reared its ugly head and I'm thrilled!

    May your stuffing be tasty,
    May your turkey be plump,
    May your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump.

    May your yams be delicious,
    May your pies take the prize,
    and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs!
  3. .

    Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it!

    Anyone want to take bets on whether Joda the Martyr will grace us with yet another vlog this year complaining about how she slaved all day (all by her lonesome dontcha know) making Thanksgiving dinner for her & Junior. Junior will likely spend her day playing with Loki, taking selfies, and making pouty fish faces on TikTok. :b_wink:
  4. .
    QUOTE (LateKate @ 11/24/2021, 07:42 PM) 
    QUOTE (campjulie @ 24/11/2021, 19:25) 
    Did she order a fucking case of that chocolate? Relax, they're not gonna run out you idiot.

    Also, Archer & Olive is really great quality and the owner is sweet, I own several.

    She ordered a Library of those chocolates. Her words.

    Geez, I'm shocked she's not pre-diabetic with all the carbs & sweets she consumes.

  5. .
    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 11/24/2021, 01:09 PM) 
    Glad she took the kids at least somewhere, and that their heads are warm but those hats are gross.
    Too baby-ish even for Dawny, and really grimy.

    No time for laundry when you spend most of your time with your head up your own ass. She probably never laundered them at the end of last season and they've been in sitting in hamper since then. :sick:
  6. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 11/24/2021, 01:03 PM) 
    My ginormous potatoes need more time:

    She woke up happy because she got up before Don #cockblock

    HandymanLikeJen thinks she should go to Target for space heaters? Try Home Depot you ninny

    And Don criticized her apple peeling technique and did it himself…

    The party animals are home before 10pm from the party in the City (including picking up Winnie from Camp Julie). How is that possible? Was everyone 75? And Don was in a fraternity? That’s shocking to me. Was it an academic one?

    That's the first I've heard about him being in a fraternity. She talked about visiting him at his fraternity "a lot" when she was visiting him at college so I'm assuming it is a social fraternity.

    List of current fraternities at NW:
  7. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 11/24/2021, 11:49 AM) 

    Just put this on for background noise while I work on Thanksgiving prep. She starts the video so very perky & happy and talks about how she loooooves her seasonal prep and being a bizzy bee.

    Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  8. .
    QUOTE (HappiestAlone @ 11/24/2021, 10:37 AM) 
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 24/11/2021, 16:29) 
    What is this tight-lipped face???



    She looks like Ja'Mie from the show Summer Heights High, etc. :snickering:

  9. .
    QUOTE (loveholidays @ 11/24/2021, 09:13 AM) 
    The way she talked to brat during this whole production! I would have went right back to school. I really think that Jr. is the brightest of the two, but that doesn't say much Then the witch says "oh I forgot we were filming". Right!

    Yes, no one with half a brain would believe that they "forgot" the camera was on. <_< She thinks that her interactions with Junior are just so cute & funny. Trust me, Joda, they're not. That display was idiotic & trashy. You had Junior with her potty mouth and you acting like a haranguing hag. If anyone finds that act amusing then I'd have to question their level of intelligence.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Gnocchiknees @ 11/23/2021, 06:37 PM) 
    QUOTE (shitshow @ 23/11/2021, 20:02) 
    I wish he had, TBH. We would have one less fat, smug, uneducated INCEL POS in this world, and Tucker Carlson would be jacking off to some other redneck's photo today.

    Oh well, hope this kid gets taken out in someone else's Active Shooter event. Apparently you can claim those are "self defense' now. :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:


    Wow, Gnocchiknees, I think you just broke the hypocrisy meter!!

    Here's another quote from John Cleese:


    Edited by BowlingForSnark - 11/23/2021, 07:06 PM
  11. .
    QUOTE (RainbowsandSunshine @ 11/23/2021, 05:00 PM) 
    It is 69° in Prosper, TX right now yet the mush for brains Joda is showing a fire in her fireplace. What a fucking idiot! 🤦🏻‍♀️

    She did the same thing last year then ran out when she actually needed it. I think she really must have a below average IQ. She continually does stupid things but never learns from her mistakes.
  12. .
    QUOTE (couchcroucher @ 11/11/2021, 02:32 PM) 
    I wondered about that too... Will she be saying. "It's only a dollar. One dollar. Oh. And one quarter. A dollar and a quarter. How do they do it? Well, I see how.. it's because of that extra quarter... It's like 39 percent more than it was... That might not be right. I'm not good at math, but this is is still a pack of stickers I need. I only have 10 of them - but these are better because they are 35% more. If that's right. I don't do math, but you need these for a gift basket. Just add greenery, a mug, cheap and only slightly toxic beauty products along with a knock off magic sponge and out of date candy bars and there you have it! The perfect holiday garland.wait... what was I talking about? I just ran a marathon in my black Nike's and I have to cook dinner.. and by cook, I mean I have to go thru Starbucks, Wendy's, and Panera because it's midnight and I didn't have time to eat. I had to send gift bags to my entitled only child. It's already Halloween. Wait .. Halloween was last week. That's okay. She can open it when she gets here tomorrow. It's the same one I sent her for Easter. I have to cut this short. We are having a frigid heat wave, monsoon drought. Tornado-cane and everything EXCEPT a pandemic. That's not real.see you next...
    ***Video ends abruptly.. did "Pita" come???"

    couchcroucher Bravo!! This so spot on & I laughed so hard that I almost spilled tea on my laptop!

    You deserve a round of applause & a big sparkly Bakery cupcake for that one!

  13. .
    So Don, goes out of his way to make sure Jen has lunch, snacks, & a dinner he thinks will please her and Jen acts as though she thinks it's her due. When did she ever go out of her way to do the same for him? Most of the gifts she gave him over the years were bland & boring while he seemed to go out of his way to find gifts he knew would please her or that she would enjoy.

    Her narcissistic, over-the-top version of gift-giving was on full display in yesterday's video. How absolutely ridiculous & audacious of her to assume that Emily would use the outfits that JEN chose to dress Grace for their family Xmas photo. <_<
  14. .
    QUOTE (Marycatherine @ 11/23/2021, 11:19 AM) 
    Now she’s trolling us with the poop commentary- right?! I mean texts from the Hubs about BMs?! No way. No freaking way.

    She's just biting her nose off to spite her face with that. It just makes her sound even more clueless & classless than she already does.
  15. .
    You know, there was a time (before she headed off to college) that I thought maybe Junior could overcome being raised by a classless, trashy mother who was also spawned (and eventually abandoned by) yet another classless, trashy mother.

    I had high hopes that when she got away from Joda for a while that maybe, just maybe, she would rise above her upbringing and become a better human being. I’m not saying it’s impossible because sometimes miracles happen but I really think this kid is never going to change for the better. Ten years from now, Joda will probably continue to coddle her, grant her every wish, and be bailing her out any time things go south.

    Sleazy-G’s haphazard “training” of Loki gives a lot of insight into the way she raised Junior. Her past interactions with “Bug” do the same.
2695 replies since 25/1/2018