The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SingHo!toDons2ndWife

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    Jen: So f*ing tired of all the new years posts!!!!

    Also Jen: Posts about new years countdown, word of the year, planning a year in review

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    QUOTE (Don'sDollars @ 2/1/2024, 15:13) 
    ZizizouzouTWO! i was coming on here to say this exact same thing. “Helps her keep the lights on?!” Get the fuck out of here.

    This user name and comment combo is 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
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    Can’t this ogre just scroll past the posts she doesn’t want to see? Crikey, someone do a wellness check on those poor kids.
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    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 1/1/2024, 02:58) 
    One more shout-out for Meow's recap.

    Petition for a Meow year in review every New Year’s Eve :D
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    My fave of the year is Jen emphatically saying through gritted teeth, “the name of the bear is Jasper” and then later on pretending she doesn’t know who Jasper is :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Bloody lunatic :5153:
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    QUOTE (AbundanceOfCaution @ 31/12/2023, 00:39) 
    Maybe Don did one of his super dooper scavenger hunts with tons of clues and gifts to show his love, and now Tens is missing somewhere on their property or in the mansion. That’s why Jim doesn’t know how long it will take to find her and she must keep the circumstances until they do.

    Surely Don will summon me for one of his poems :sleazy_smiley_emoticon:
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    Why not gift your staff :rolleyes: a gift card so that they can pick and choose, at their leisure, things they’d actually want? I guess it’s not as click worthy to low key humiliate them by making them supermarket sweet a bunch of random books while you film and post for internet head pats.
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    I wonder if the kids will be with Don on his upcoming birthday… it’s neither here nor there since these assholes can’t even arrange for their kids to be with the respective parent on Mothers/Fathers Day but either way, would be interesting to note
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    I forgot about Krusty going to the White House. Maybe the FBI can escort her there and they can chat about the bakery.
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    QUOTE (xphiler4ever @ 28/12/2023, 00:13) 
    I cannot imagine being on the level of simp that HB is on where he is fine with KB spending tons of his money to buy a car for him. Like doesn't he want to pick out that sort of stuff himself?

    Did she really buy him a whole ass car? Without consultation? Krusty had better tread lightly, lest it no longer be cheaper to keep her than to divorce her.
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    QUOTE (Sheeba @ 28/12/2023, 00:14) 
    Whenever a throwback picture is posted or old video is referenced, I’m always shocked at how she looked (relatively) better. And we didn’t think that she looked so hot at that time either. Her decline is rather interesting to witness.

    We always say “Jen looks like shit” but 6 months later, greyer, fatter, more depressed version of her is unlocked.
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    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 27/12/2023, 21:17) 
    She didn’t have any service for at least 5 hours when she was hiking.

    She always talks about going home if there was an emergency but she really doesn’t give a shit.

    Nooo, Jen is very concerned for her children’s wellbeing! She wants to be contacted in the case of an emergency!
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    QUOTE (ID**’tEatSugar @ 26/12/2023, 20:13) 
    Some of y'all would make great fiction writers :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    A mom, with two kids: “I will be parenting my children”

    The Bakery: “The dad has CANCER!! He’s in JAIL and won’t see the kids for MONTHS!!!!”

  14. .
    I’m not understanding how Don getting back surgery would mean he needs to switch up his custody days. The kids aren’t infants or toddlers who require round the clock, physically hands-on care. There is no reason they can’t be at the house as usual even if Don was bedridden.
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    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 26/12/2023, 17:35) 
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 26/12/2023, 07:49) 
    Why would Don need to reach Jen in an emergency situation? He is the biological father of the children, able to make decisions on their behalf. The kids are not closely bonded to Jen, they do not need her for comfort while sick. I have no idea what value Jen could possibly offer in an emergency situation (or in life).

    Why wouldn’t Jenny want to be reached ??? What kind of decent parent does to be reached in case of an emergency???? It is perfectly normal for either Parent to reach in case something happened happened … it’s called Co-parenting !!! Neither one of them are single parents!!!!

    Have we been following the same Jennifer Ross?
5391 replies since 1/3/2018