The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by BatBat

  1. .
    I think she appears to have taken something also. Just a little something to take the edge off. No judgement - maybe she really needed it. I moved a couple of years ago. It was very emotional. Made me exhausted. That could be it too.
  2. .
    You can bet the farm that if one of the girls needed something they wouldn't fiddle faddle around they would rush right out to buy it.

    I have never had kids and even I know that if you don't want your kid to whine then stop giving them what they want when they do it. Parenting 101.
  3. .
    I just want to know if he said anything about Jen
  4. .
    It is my understanding that a staged house will sell faster and for a lot more money. It's worth it or they wouldn't do it. Having said that, I think they have way overpriced the house so I don't think it is going to sell either way until the price comes down. A lot.
  5. .
    Well ! They really told us off didn't they, Heehee.

    When they first separated I felt there was a chance they might reconcile. However, if everything in that "letter" is true, I don't see it happening.

    I wonder if Don tried to get Winnie in the divorce - LOL - His new bach pad probably does not allow pets (So no Jen, you may not spend the night)

    Great thread title - We also need to save that one about Jen being a pet for the next thread - that one was too good not to use
  6. .
    I just re-read the long post. I am in camp Insider. They just Knew too much. My money would be on a cousin that he is very close too. He would have talked to his parents but more in general terms. Not all of the details. And this person seems to know every single detail. Wowza - She must have been in shock after reading that. I wonder if Jen knows who it is.
  7. .
    The reality is that we don't know how much is in her "Nest Egg". If she has 2 million, she very well could buy her "own" house. If she has a half a million, it would wipe her out. She wouldn't do that. My guess is that she will use Dons' money, and accidentally forget to mention it.
  8. .

    Single Mom - Urban Dictionary

    A Female who is the sole provider for their child(ren), financially and emotionally.

    It really isn't complicated.

    I am really not convinced anymore that she reads here as of late. If she did she would realize that someone in the bakery will know her new address before she even moves.
  9. .
    I don't know why she can't store the things she is donating in the gym. Packing is a lot of work so she doesn't need any more exercise.
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    Someone mentioned her vases "collection". Oh My - I would bet she has a hundred of them. That task alone could take her all day. I don't see how she will be ready on time.
  12. .
    They used to use respite care and go out for a movie or something. I haven't seen them do this for quite awhile. I agree with BsBuster that since they have been her care for 7 yrs now others would question why they are not progressing and I think if they questioned Keez he would tell the truth. I don't think they want to risk it.
  13. .
    Just curious - Do people have to pay taxes on alimony and child support ?
  14. .
    Great title !
    I wonder if she will purge those silly slides. I am still amazed that they did not get one of those fancy swing/slide combos.
  15. .
    I think the house will sell for 1 million. And I would like her Halloween seasonal decor please.

    If the house sells fast Don will probably have to get his own storage unit. I can't imagine him wanting anything from the inside of the house, but I figure he has some things in the garage . I am just picturing him crab walking that grill all the way to storage ! Hahahaha
722 replies since 7/3/2018