The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by JudgyPants

  1. .
    Jen: I need more hours in the day!
    I haven’t got time to clean my office!
    Times wimey!
    Also Jen: I drew up a month at a glance spread in my sticker book
  2. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 6/5/2024, 21:26) 
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the soup kitchen has the kids make something for her for Mothers Day. But she doesn’t want handmade things from her kids—she’s pissed that nobody is showering her with expensive jewelry and breakfast in bed. It’s all about being spoiled, not about appreciating her Circumstances.

    Exactly! If you’re kids are in primary school, you’re getting a beautiful home made card and gift, only to Gene do these not count!!

    Also, not that I’m making a diagnosis 🤪but the first 3 minutes of the latest update were like the most perfect example of ADD ever
  3. .
    She admits in the Disney vlog right after buying yet another backpack ( ‘at least you don’t have to carry it around!’) that running away from home / travelling ‘is like a different reality’
    Nope! Wherever you go there you are, as alone as ever!
  4. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 3/5/2024, 22:46) 
    OMG - she’s expanded since last month!

    It’s not her fault! She has a uterus and had to birth TWO! children
    (It’s the croissants croissanting 🥐)
  5. .
    Every day is a yes day to the children who have since infancy been shunted to and fro, and in school in a pandemic.
    Now they spend half their time in a cold, unfurnished, mouldy house where the wind is blowing the doors off the hinges.
    Their ‘mother’ arrives in the house five minutes before them so it’s uber eats or bacteria rice yet again
    Give them a break gene and stop being a total bitch to them
  6. .
    Not while you’re eating AirportHashBrown !
    There’s a LOT of extraneous talk of drain hair and she shows the stick she uses to pull the hair out 🤢
  7. .
    Those expensive brushes would be perfect for brushing CC’s thick, luxuriant hair
    But Jen never uses them so they go in the auxiliary extraneous hair drawer
    And that’s ok, clearly all hair styling is happening at RM3
  8. .
    Imagine having a casual conversation about body lotion, and saying you don’t need to use it because the bath bombs you use leave an oily film on your body
    (Also known as reason #732 why Bakers don’t use ‘other peoples’ baths ☠️
  9. .
    I’m only 15 minutes in but the Bakers Who Went Before Us on this one were not kidding, the drain hair talk is out of control

    Also didn’t need to see her diva cup, she’s still wondering if pads go bad, throwback to her stale panty liners 🤪
  10. .
    Heeeyyyy…. your need for certainty and control is ruining your beautiful life…let it all go!!!…..

    Unless you serve Jennifer, in a cafe, or on a cruise ship or in a restaurant or as part of her PT team…
    You lot need to snap to attention

    Also, omg I love the bakery and have cackled like a witch over this last thread!! 😂
  11. .
    QUOTE (PigtailsandBabyTalk @ 23/4/2024, 03:22) 
    Are most of you watching her "private" content? I'm reading through the comments and clearly I'm not in the loop! I joined her Patreon group at first just out of curiosity (I've watched her since the beginning of her YouTube journey) but hated giving her even $5 so I ended my membership. Now I'm wondering if I should join again.

    No one knows, we’re just guessing, she’s got TS tickets and they could be in Paris 🤦‍♀️
  12. .
    Jen! It’s totally acceptable to stroll the streets of Paris with a giant take away cup in one hand and a croissant in the other!
    No one will comment! They will find your rolled up jeans and runners totes adorable, bon voyage
    No wonder she’s being saying accoutrements it’s her one French word
  13. .
    At 6 weeks post partum it’s a uterus

    At 6 years post partum it’s a FUPA, babe

    Stop blaming your babies for what the sweet treats did, ungrateful cow!!
  14. .
    We found Jen’s interior designer!!

  15. .
    Didn’t Tens work with Stella and Dot back in the day??

    The cowboy boots are even more stupid and hideous than the LV bag!! 💩

    I also want to know why she was so snippy and pissed after her PD where she dropped $1000’s on a bag that was lost to the elfa bowling alley and never seen again
    That dopamine hit didn’t last long did it?
565 replies since 25/9/2018