The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Breakdown

  1. .
    Lol. She did a “Fit Family Flow” yoga.

    You’re supposed to do it with your kids but she probably did it in her bedroom alone.

    It’s possible she will post a pic of them doing the family yoga to try and show that she includes her kids and she’s such a loving mother 🙄
  2. .
    It's mama's "Yes day!"

  3. .
    She's working out right now. Because nothing says Mothers' Day like shutting your kids away in the basement.
  4. .
    She was probably triggered by seeing posts on IG. Remember when she was fuming on NYE because she was sick of seeing people happy?
  5. .
    Yay! WhereDoesDaddySleep is back
  6. .
    I LOVE that she is receiving a bouquet from no one today!!!!
  7. .
    I chose today to attempt to catch up here not realizing it's Mother's Day, the BEST of all Jen days.
    Of course she was on IG yesterday complaining about parenting. OF COURSE :hearty-laugh:

    So she has them today? Loooooove how she was fully called out and is now making a point of spending MD with Those Children. (Mother's Day Timeline from last year.) Eat shit Jen! You deserve it.

    Fat pants 2018 vs fat pants 2024
  8. .
    She publicly shames & resents her own children and her family of origin on the Internet regularly and comfortably. I honestly can’t believe her family didn’t disown her after the Fraughtsgiving bitchfest. I would’ve gone ‘no contact’ immediately.
  9. .
    Everything in the frozen section is unique & fun to try; I check out TJ's seasonally or stop in for cheap bouquets
  10. .
    Her kids could keep sticky fingers away from curtains if she just, ya know, PARENTED them.
    When you leave the table, wash your hands…. How is that difficult?
  11. .
    Sad hag has no friends to share parenting tips with. Who wants to be her irl friend and listen to it all without the fast forward button?
  12. .
  13. .
    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 11/5/2024, 23:42) 
    New video: she is NOT going to try Ozempic

    Thank you. Didn't have the energy to watch.
  14. .
    I got them a year or so ago because the sub reddit was raving about them. They were okay and I still ate them all but would not get them again.
  15. .
    Wow, usually people rave about stuff from Trader Joe's! Now I want to try them just see if they're really that disgusting haha.
23390 replies since 1/4/2019