The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by thisisnuts!

  1. .
    Is Vee hosting K-pop and her two husbands and kids tonight????
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    QUOTE (Dontdothat @ 1/26/2023, 01:14 PM) 
    OMG her grocery haul is insane. The dog ate the bread but she's still going to use it. She states that the cauliflower rice is because they are trying to make better choices 🙄 yet buying processed prepackaged crap! Not going to the store for 1 or 2 weeks sure Jan...

    Spent $30.00 on sushi. Just unreal the amount of convenience items she bought. How many times does she have to say enjoy😒 ?

    I guess her baby bird can manage to open a pudding cup at school.....
  3. .
    QUOTE (50 Hidey Holes @ 1/25/2023, 11:36 AM) 
    I can just hear her sitting mark down after a 10 hour work day and explaining to him how waking up to that the girls to school in the morning isn’t bringing her joy and she feels she should stop 🤢. And he goes right along with whatever she says! He must feel threatened by her linebacker build … mark do you need help??!

    Mark is probably out of town on a business trip. Hopefully with a side piece!
  4. .
    Here is my take on Lemon's cleaning out her food hoard. Stumpy finally put his foot down to her insane grocery shopping. Lemon mentioned that her pantry and freezers were "overwhelming" to her. She said the same thing last year and then Stumpy cancelled her Costco membership. The only way she could get her shopping fix was to deplete her inventory. I bet her next haul video will be insane. My guess will be $1000!

    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 1/23/2023, 01:35 PM) 
    Lemons kids won’t eat corn flakes. They only will eat Frosted Flakes. 🙄.

    Try mixing both cereals together.... This kids will not know the difference.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Old Rotten Twat @ 1/20/2023, 02:19 PM) 
    QUOTE (thisisnuts! @ 20/1/2023, 20:06) 
    1. Someone to watch/feed the pets
    2. Their ride to/from the airport
    3. Someone to pick up Flappy's walmart order the day before she arrives home
    4. Grammy Flaps does not allow a non relative adult to share the bedroom with her grandkids.
    5. Is there a warrant out for him in NY????? (just gossip)


    Thank you!!!!!
  6. .
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 1/20/2023, 12:59 PM) 
    If Paul is family. Why doesn’t he go. 🤔

    1. Someone to watch/feed the pets
    2. Their ride to/from the airport
    3. Someone to pick up Flappy's walmart order the day before she arrives home
    4. Grammy Flaps does not allow a non relative adult to share the bedroom with her grandkids.
    5. Is there a warrant out for him in NY????? (just gossip)
  7. .
    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 1/12/2023, 07:04 AM) 
    We aren't Nutella fans here at the onbreak house. Nothing against it but it's not a staple.

    My cousin always has hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls at her kids bday party. I'm surprised hotdog queen v didn't think of that.

    That is too hard for Lemon - she probably buys them pre made.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Old Rotten Twat @ 12/28/2022, 08:08 AM) 
    Pizza anyone?

    OMG.... that has to be the WORST pic!
  9. .
    Not much from the gruesome twosome.... so I looked at Mattenga's FB page and they had a short video of the company family xmas party. Great pic of Paul..... and a quick pic of Flappy's greasy mop sitting next to Jakey Poo!
  10. .
    QUOTE (Anothertimesuck @ 12/20/2022, 03:33 PM) 
    Maybe I misunderstood, but did she say she was cooking sauce and chicken cutlets at her house for the company Christmas Party? Who does that when you work at a restaurant?

    Exactly! Fucking Weirdo!!!!!

    The Pizzeria owner needs to see her previous video where she and Dirty D ran another pizza place into the ground and took everything that was not nailed to the wall..... wait - she took the TV that was on the wall......
  11. .
    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 12/20/2022, 05:48 AM) 
    like a true bad bitch

    WTF is up with that forehead? Is like a large growth!
  12. .
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 12/20/2022, 09:25 AM) 
    How long has Jake been working full time for ? Almost a year? Does he have a license yet? No used car he could possibly save up for after a year of full time work that can take him to and from his job? Is his mommy in charge of taking a lot of his earnings for room and board? How is this kid supposed to get on his feet if he has to pay rent and for his food and pay for Ubers to his minimum wage job?

    I smell yet another person in this house getting taken complete advantage of. The kid has one room in that house. And has to share a bathroom with two siblings and a random 60 year old man. I hope his rent isn’t more than $50 per month.

    Also. Anyone else think it’s odd to buy Mya…who is like 7 years old….a gift card to chili’s??? Is she supposed to call and order her own food. Or does she also get an uber gift card to hop a ride share and go out to dinner.

    What an ODD family.

    This comment had me laughing out loud.... I'm still laughing.
    As for Jake - he told his mommy that he is not ready to drive. That was mature of him to say though.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Flowerchild01 @ 12/19/2022, 03:36 AM) 
    QUOTE (50 Hidey Holes @ 12/18/2022, 03:52 PM) 
    Lemons act of buying all of these useless appliances fits her brand she tries to pass off as a busy stay at home mom/ homemaker. To the blind eye she might fool someone, but we all know she is the laziest sit at home human that ever existed. Pizza rolls and lunchables are the extent of her “cooking”. But Keep faking on lemon loaf.

    50 Hidey Holes You know someone probably said to Lemon at some time "You have to fake it til' you make it." She'll never "make it," so she'll continue to be a fake ass person. I'm not sure how she has convinced over 100k people that she has something, anything to offer. CRAZY!

    that her motto with Marky Mark in bed!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 12/16/2022, 08:18 AM) 
    So, did Lem just post a couple of groceries hauls at the beginning of the month and that's her big comeback? Forgive me for not being in the know but I can't stomach actually watching her.

    She wanted to post an xmas tour of her home, but due to illness in her home she will post next week. Like we are all waiting with bated breath
  15. .
    QUOTE (Old Rotten Twat @ 11/22/2022, 01:19 PM) 
    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 22/11/2022, 20:05) 
    Yes prep for Christmas when your kids are home as opposed to all the other days they are in school and you wouldn’t have to hide


    Both these woman do things just to avoid their kids.

    Flappy working 50 hours a week trusting that felon to watch them. Hope he’s not bathing them

    They need showers in the morning from their diapers!
1464 replies since 8/4/2019