The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Emotional Support Spork

  1. .
    This is what is such BS about everything Prissy says. He claims this new job (same as old job) is so in alignment with his intentions and values, well since you were doing the exact same thing in New York how is this any different? Did the job you had previously (according to your bio) you created at a school you started so how did that job not align with your values and intentions? It's all just bullshit from him. This new school sounds like it has all sorts of problems. Can't wait to see how this plays out.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 14/5/2024, 14:00) 
    LOL She has really slunk to an all time low, hasn't she? Nothing redeemable.

    Quick question about an adjacent Tikaa account. The Two Orchids. Are they not the Two Orchids any longer? I noticed I am following an account called "enhancetheseasons" and it is one of them. When did this happen? Did they fall out or did one of them just not want to do it any longer? I never really followed them, only to grab pics of Tikaa in the wild, LOL

    Lauren decided back in the fall of 2023 she no longer wanted to be a part of the 2 Orchids and hung around I think until maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas? Anyway Karen changed the channel to Enhance the Seasons and it's been a disaster every since :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon .
  3. .
    He is literally doing the same thing that he did in New York. As I have said previously, the only thing that has changed for Prissy is his address.
  4. .
    Wow! Great job! I thought he said he was going in a whole new direction? I guess it's like he was going to get a completely different car and got the same one different color lol. He sure made it sound like he was not going to be taking a job in education again. Yet here we are. 😂
  5. .

    So much word salad. Why won't he just come out and say what this new job is? Also no surprise he's exhausted lol and is in bed before 7:30pm.
  6. .
    I had to unfollow her today. I can't even hate watch her at this point. I will follow along here though because honestly you all make whatever she is doing hilarious! :glitter_cupcake_with_cherry_smi
  7. .
    QUOTE (cammyjoy @ 13/5/2024, 16:59) 
    I don't understand why making separate food for Layla is such a big deal. She is home all day doing nothing...I could understand if she was outside with the animals, cleaning the house, actually homeschooling but even still, she is saying the kid needs separate food. Just make it like any other parent would do, she imo suffers from unmanaged mental illness. Also why is she boiling steak? Can't she ever make a normal meal?

    This is what I don't get she is agonizing over this but prior to this latest issue with Layla she was already doing separate things for each kid at meals. Also quit making a big deal about with Layla just feed her, lol. Her food looks no different than what she was having before. The drama over her menu for the month and not knowing what to make now. This kid just turned 3, 2 weeks ago, shouldn't be difficult to adjust what you are making, use your menu and adapt what Layla eats. I guarantee you those kids belly issues are not allergies but all the crap she adds to everything. Their digestive systems can't handle all that yet, so yes, they are going to have issues. She is too stupid.
  8. .
    I wonder why he hasn't been showing family walks in Freedom Park since the weather is lovely. That's what he should have done yesterday instead of sitting on his couch watching Taylor Swift videos all day. He could be doing his "marathon training" outside in the fresh air not in his home gym. Like someone else mentioned yesterday why didn't they go out to lunch and do some local shopping yesterday? So much to do and explore since moving back yet he is doing exactly as he did he New York. Nothing.
  9. .
    I am still just blown away the she moved out when she got divorced and moved 100 feet away to her mom's. Had to live next to her old house watching it rot inside and out all the while sharing a room with her 3 kids, lol. Then decides to buy the shit hole next door back from her ex and try to resurrect it from the dead.
    This backyard transformation being done with a $40 hedge trimmer is really painful to watch. I knew she wouldn't have the proper equipment to do the job. I had to fast forward through most of it. Instead of buying decor and new clothes every week, take that couple of hundred dollars and get what you need to clean the yard up and maintain it. She makes zero sense to me. Those trees are scrub trees and need to just come down. It's not like they are pretty to look at.I agree with everyone else that says she needs to just hire someone to come and clean it all up. Then she can keep up with it. Where is the burned out shed (lol) going when they take it down, in a pile somewhere else on the property to rot?
  10. .
    Prissy's life is exactly as it was in New York, nothing has changed but his address. And the fact that the he has the most part-time of part-time jobs.
  11. .
    I watched the latest video and all kept thinking was this is not going to end well for her and her mental state. When she posted her video of having a bad day sitting in her car and saying they were trying to figure out what's the best thing for her family I knew she was going to say they are moving. Im did not have buying and RV and living in for at least year though. How is this ever going to work for her and all her cooking, baking and canning? Will she just store it all in the storage unit? This makes zero sense to me. Just keep living in your father in laws house and pay rent until you find whatever it is you are looking for. Can't wait for the first bad storm to roll through at night in the RV and Luke isn't there. Poor Winston and the dog. This just has bad decision written all over it.
  12. .
    He definitely took it down.
  13. .
    This was his unexpected new car choice? :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon The exact same car he had. Ground breaking.
  14. .
    I had the same thoughts today watching her latest video. She adds so much extra flax, chia seeds, carrot powder, spinach powder, etc, to everything she makes it doesn't surprise me in the least that these little kids have stomach issues. And like lullabye20 says lactose free is not dairy free! What a dumbass. She used duck eggs instead of chicken eggs, I don't know if there is a difference but I can't imagine there is much of one. Those poor kids. She also said that they should limit the things she listed not completely eliminate. Which is it?? What a wacko.
  15. .
    I hope the guys doing the roofing know more about that then they did her flooring with a threshold at every doorway or opening to a room or closet when it's the same flooring running throughout her house.😬 Maybe the thousands she is saving she can put towards her baseboards and a new front door
2675 replies since 7/5/2019