The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by DaisyMay

  1. .
    SHEIN is on speed dial for Aaryn. If she didn't toss that millionaire comment around, she could SHEIN on all she wanted. Right Aaryn?
  2. .
    "generational wealth" always has you pay to view a 3 year olds party. Right KKKAaryn?
  3. .
    Josie who said she is still living in NV has two of her girls names on the hospital bands. Charlotte & Penelope Mommy driving about 5 hours to come see the mini horse or mini pony LOL I have a feeling Josie didn't want that to be out on the web. She keeps saying she is in NV but her reels show she is in Southlake. Running from the law much?
  4. .
    She is in that house in TX 100% looks like Southlake is their new home! Watch her call it my "friends" home again!

  5. .
    Oct. 8 the new parking lot sale! Snipers will be ready to kill if you even think of getting close to the QUEEN with little lips!
  6. .
    IG looks very much like the house in Southlake with all the white. It's not NV. Nice place for her horse. Right?
  7. .
    The dollar general lip injections really worked out well for you Aaryn. Did you get to keep the yellow bag with all the samples they gave you? She knows she has issues with her upper lip and injections. She gives a fly by night lady 3 X to get it right. What a joke.
  8. .
    Honestly, I can't wait to see Brittney in that blue dress. That will make my day! Get the white boots Brittney!
    She might could sucker Vicki Holcombe into wearing that blue dress! LOL OMG it's a mean girls # reboot! Get Josie one.
  9. .
    Aaryn has the best steamer there is right? Have your help steam your clothes. Everything looks like you pulled it out and put it on. Even what Skyla has on looks like hell. Come on Aaryn you can do better!
    look how bad this looks.

    Edited by DaisyMay - 8/17/2022, 02:35 AM
  10. .
    BRITTNEY HOGAN get your birthday gift card out! Look what you can get! LMAO! OMG!
    Belle Of The Ball Cocktail Dress
  11. .
    Tara and Adam are having a major laugh with this launch. YaYa get on the next flight and help your girl out! LOL

    " lard in a tin"
    "our brunch pants" WTAF Aaryn?

    Edited by DaisyMay - 8/17/2022, 01:45 AM
  12. .
    Brittney Hogan how is your weekend with Aaryn? LOL
  13. .
    Angora goats make shitty mothers Aaryn? Well, that makes you part angora goat. You walked yourself right into that one!
  14. .
    One of the biggest questions I get is HOW!!? “HOW do you still have a platform?” “HOW do you get past the constant bashing?” “HOW did you do XYZ?“ well, I decided to. I decide every day and you can too. You’re not done unless YOU say you are.
  15. .
    QUOTE (CrazyDaisy22 @ 8/12/2022, 12:12 AM) 
    Not to be "that person" but does anyone else find it off the baby doesn't move her legs? She should be rolling over, climbing, etc. Her little legs should be flailing. She moves herself with the upper body. Almost seems her legs are straight and stiff.

    Maybe I'm seeing something that is of no concern. Feel free to correct me.

    Aaryan took care of that on a story just for you :)
4958 replies since 14/7/2019