The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by PhotoshoppedlikeJenny

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    QUOTE (thisisnuts! @ 4/2/2020, 12:18 PM) 
    Thank you CuteastheMoon ! Your hard work does NOT go unnoticed.
    As for Lemonhead's monthly meal plan.... Who the fuck wastes so much time figuring out dozens of casseroles for dinner??? It's not like Marky Mark can eat them (starting keto again) nor her vegan daughter. So essentially she is meal planning for her three young children and herself. What ever happened to making a protein with two sides??? I never made casseroles for my family nor did I eat one growing up. This meal plan and grocery list took her two days to create! But wait bakers.... we will be blessed with her meal prep on Sunday.

    I would probably go vegan or keto if I had to eat these ladies food.
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    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 4/2/2020, 06:25 AM) 
    🍋's monthly meal planning video is making me feel super ragey for some reason I can't quite pinpoint. She is phony as fuck. Maybe it's how she's acting like she's some kind of expert on monthly meal planning when we know she had only done it a few times ever. Maybe it's how self important she acts, like she is helping us all with her great pinterest ideas, or like feeding her family is some kind of official "job" she has to sit at her desk for 2 hours to complete. She is ridiculous.

    Arghhhh! And I an so sick of this one song she keeps using it feels like every single video. Enough already!

    "Someone told me, it's always in my head". I have not seen that one yet.
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    QUOTE (seasonsinthesun @ 4/2/2020, 05:54 AM) 
    I can't even with her tonight. She is a f*cking liar all round. Her whole life is a lie, a fraud if you will. I could only stomach 5 minutes of her sham of an 'emergency '$ tree haul cause she 'needed 'soap. No, she didn't need soap. Cam whore 'needs' more $$, that's all.

    She needs soap like she needs another hole in the head. I feel like she hauls soap in a lot of her hauls.
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    QUOTE (twitternightmare @ 4/2/2020, 03:40 AM) 
    Flappy is quiet...

    She is probably at the DT or finding 'essential items' since pickup did not get the right ones. Maybe she is chasing some chickens for her dog food?
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    I swear that I have seen her haul soap before maybe it is not hand soap but it will work. Her video was gross and I doubt that it just came to her or that the Whitney Houston song was random and spontaneous. Crappy crafty is the least spontaneous person I have ever watched.
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    I feed my cat regular cat food and soft food, it is made for them and it is a good cat food so I do not feel bad. He does get fresh food as well if I make it (table scraps), it is selfish at this time to get chicken just for the purpose of making pet food when so many people do not have access to that right now.

    Most of their food looks gross and it makes me laugh when Lemons kids said no more freezer meals. They all have so much food and I do not understand why fifty needs so much creamer.
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    QUOTE (Nightshade SugarPuff @ 4/1/2020, 03:36 AM) 
    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 3/31/2020, 03:48 PM) 
    Yes, it is true that our gguurrlll seems to have real difficulties acknowledging that a worldwide crisis is happening. It is truly a real disaster that impacts all of us in one way or another. There are even things most of us never imagined until they happen, such as postponed weddings and funerals. Victims of the virus are usually kept isolated and their loved ones can’t be with them, even as they are dying.

    The CDC allows family presence with loved ones in end of life situations. I read through the funeral home guidelines the other day. We cannot touch our loved one if he or she died from the virus. The director must enforce a limited number of guests spaced apart in the parlor for viewing and funeral. No chair Covers and canopy will be provided during this time period. Chairs are being discouraged except for those with special needs or elderly.

    I get bitter when I think of how I am separated from my widowed mother during all of this. I don’t want to miss this time in her company, but I don’t want to risk killing her, either. I don’t stay bitter bc it helps nothing. She has very kind, attentive neighbors checking on her daily. That gives me a great measure of comfort.

    ETA: Removed a very Marie kind of illogical sentence.

    I am so sorry, I am sending you some good vibes and prayers. I am glad that she has a good support system around her.
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    Ugh, why did I watch this? I wonder if that video can be reported. It was so lame and making light of Convid... I did not find any of this funny at all and I do have a sense of humor maybe I just do not have the right one.

    QUOTE (Frenchy66 @ 3/31/2020, 04:53 PM) 
    QUOTE (Riocat @ 3/31/2020, 04:42 PM) 
    Omg literally EVERYTHING is farmhouse to her. Now the color black is farmhouse. Just the color itself. And anything and everything made of wood is farmhouse. She would look at a pencil and say “that’s very farmhouse-y to me”.

    Anything brown, black and white is farmhouse to her. She drives me crazy. I think the clipboard diy was stupid. You can't use it without covering up the crap she put on the clipboard.

    Those were so ugly and boring. I could come up with something that would look way better and I am not a crafter.
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    QUOTE (RainbowsandSunshine @ 3/24/2020, 05:53 AM) 
    QUOTE (MountainGal @ 24/3/2020, 03:29) 
    And those 2 selfish bitches probably won't even catch it...

    Right?! It’s like, where the fuck is the karma when one of the most beloved humans in America (the world?) gets Coronavirus, but people like Giada will be perfectly “fine” & “normal”. WTF? (I’m meaning Tom Hanks just for clarity)
    I used to watch PnF for her crafting, but then she just became a haul channel so I stopped.
    I want to craft & “use my stash” during this while situation, but I have no motivation to do so. *ugh* Anyone here paper craft & have any favorite projects or YTers to watch?

    I like jay munee diy. She makes a lot of stuff using dollar tree stuff.
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    QUOTE (MountainGal @ 3/24/2020, 12:38 AM) 
    Are you all happy to know she mows AND fertilizes her own lawn?? haha The way she said that I wanted to laugh! Are we supposed to be impressed?? What a dumbass. I had to stop watching halfway through, she just irritates me.

    I know I have mentioned before that I watch "ThriftyTiffany"...she also does DT hauls. Go check out her DT haul video posted today. She says just what needs to be said regarding this virus and precautions that need to be taken during shopping. She really seems like a nice/ down to earth person and her videos are always fun to watch. The reason I brought this up, was to point out the contrast between her and Giada. Giada lives in a bubble and really has no clue as to what is happening....she's just too damn ignorant.

    I like ThriftyTiffany and PrettyNFlawed. They do hauls but they do not do them every week and think out what they get so they are not hoarders.
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    QUOTE (guava @ 3/23/2020, 02:07 PM) 
    it bothers me the way she interacts with the cashiers in drive thrus. no “thank you”, no “i’m good, how are you?!”, or “have a good day”....nothing.

    she also fails to understand the concept of money right now. her target pillows were “only $20” well, i can speak as someone who has lost their job due to the virus and i can tell you $20 FOR A PILLOW IS UNNECESSARY AND ABSURD at a time like this. and who else isn’t excited for her stupid room theme? it’ll probably be ugly as hell, emerald green? knowing her it’ll be RUSTIC TUSCAN OLD TIME ITALY or whatever the hell she comes up with this time. why does everything have to have a name to it? just decorate it how you like, damn she steals everyone’s personality and tries to emulate them.

    I always thank people but I was raised to be polite and also I worked in customer service for too long so I treat others well. She is pretty tone-deaf and right now is not the time to show off hauls but what else will she do? I am tired of listening about farmhouse and all her stupid "can you believe it" and other stupid sayings. I lost my job today because it is not considered essential. We are on lockdown, hopefully people will start listening because I would not have lost it if people listened. I hope that you find something soon and I am sorry for the rant.
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    "Do I have this?", "I think that I have this", "I am unsure if I own this" etc. Marie, if you find yourself asking these questions maybe it is time to declutter and go through your hoard.
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    Was a majority of the gifts that she got ones that she bought herself? That is sad, I could not imagine wrapping a bunch of gifts that I got myself and unwrapping them.
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    QUOTE (LouisVweetton @ 12/1/2019, 02:19 AM)

    Marie's stealing content for her "Deep Thoughts" once again. Just because you change some of the words doesn't mean you made it up yourself, Marie.

    I hate the deep thoughts they are lame.

    QUOTE (Athletic Calves @ 12/14/2019, 01:23 PM)
    When CCG showed the plaid mug from Amazon and stated how much she loves coffee, I was like “WTF?” Have you all noticed how she makes a cup of coffee? She showed footage again in a recent vlog...half coffee, half milk. Argh! That concoction is NOT someone who LOVES coffee (sorry, I am a coffee snob). She has the teeniest, tiniest coffee maker and dilutes her coffee 50% with milk but yet she LLOOOOOVVES coffee. I can’t with this be-yotch. Just another excuse to purchase a $15 mug (I checked to see how much it was).

    Gross, I roast my own coffee and I love the taste of coffee drowning it in milk does not make you a coffee lover.

    QUOTE (RainbowsandSunshine @ 12/15/2019, 09:29 PM)
    She’s basically begging for likes/love/admiration/ass kissing on IG.
    Why does she only tag DT & not every other store where she bought shit that she used for her entryway? Oh yeah, she wants people to think she’s “thrifty” & that most of that came from DT when it’s a big fucking lie, she also is PRAYING DT will sponsor her. 🙄

    I want to take everything off of that shelf! I am sorry if I am responding to the wrong people it is a heavy meeting week and I have meeting brain.

    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 12/16/2019, 05:53 PM)
    I noticed that she had purchased several planners (never cheap, although often on sale) and was thinking WHY? She has very little to actually plan other than maybe her YT life. Since she has no outside of the home J.O.B. to factor in, she should be able to manage the rest of her sad life without posting reminders to pay her bills. I don’t know about y’all, but garbage day in our neighborhood is once a week (used to be twice but in a cost cutting measure, they eliminated one day. 🙁) Between my husband and me, we seldom forget it. And as for putting a reminder on the calendar? Uhm, no. I make note of vacations, concerts, appointments and visitors arrival/departure, but feel no need to document garbage day. 😂😂😂

    She seemed genuinely sad that Jr. most likely has no use for a planner. Definitely disappointed that she has not inculcated that into her lifestyle. But as she has noted, Jr. is a different sort of guuurrlll than her mommy is. She is pretty lazy, too. (Shall we say...spoiled?) It is possible that Jr. will change into a more responsible human being but I would not expect it for several more years, especially if CCG continues to do everything for Jr. such as filling out applications, etc. Luckily for Jr., a lot of the school related things SHOULD be her responsibility so maybe she’ll get better at doing those things. Also seeing classmates doing these things by themselves might make her more ashamed to have to rely on Mommy.

    Plaid week (as noted by several of us) was a bust. She talked breathlessly about it like it was going to be all new material, ground breaking and definitely worth waiting for. If her subbies were not disappointed (tying a plaid ribbon to a plain wreath and hanging it up??? 🤪) they are not paying attention. CCG has just flat run out of steam and inspiration. Too lazy to even raid Pinterest and called it her own idea, she just goes through the motions these days. It is still an attention getter for her channel so she was going to put something out or bust wide open. Gotta keep those likes, thumbs up and views coming. Lackluster is a better word to describe her efforts but she will still say she did Plaid Week. I just wonder what her long time subbies really think. We’ll never know for sure since she either has no comments or only allows heavily monitored remarks. 😳

    I have no idea what she has to plan. She just shops and posts crummy videos. When I first started watching DT hauls, I did it because I hate shopping, I had a dt near me but again I hate shopping so I would watch to see what Tupperware (I was working at a call center and people would steal it all the time) they would haul and good foods. Well, that was a waste of time because they never hauled anything good or in my interest. So I would just go and check out the store myself, I would only get my Tupperware and some food but only stuff like Snyders Pretzels or the dumplings, I am cheap and also I hate having a bunch of stuff, I always ask myself if I am going to use something even if it is a dollar... There are a few dt haulers that I watch but they rarely buy stuff or if they do they make cute DIYs or it is good stuff.

    QUOTE (RainbowsandSunshine @ 12/17/2019, 01:25 AM)
    She is stretching the term “DIY” to the max in her latest DT video—$20 worth of cookies & candy that she plopped onto a cutting board. What the actual f***? Please tell me that someone got a ss of her IG stories where she wrote that this is her all time favorite DT DIY (she has deleted it).

    That board makes no sense...

    QUOTE (KarmaKat @ 12/17/2019, 09:55 PM)
    As for her "donating" last year, Maria doesn't need to find some random place to (never mail) those things to. There are so many LOCAL places to give her silly, childish things to.

    ~Ronald McDonald House (near almost any children's hospital)
    ~Children's wing in any hospital
    ~Any children's daycare center or school, private or public
    ~ Domestic violence shelters
    ~ City homeless shelters that house families
    ~ Prisons for parents to give as gifts to their kids on visitation gifts
    ~Any residential homes for children with special needs
    ~ Any Salvation Army Center that hosts holiday party for kids
    ~ Any church that holds holiday drives for less-fortunate children
    ~ Organizations who work with displaced workers, sex-trafficking victims (especially personal hygiene products), CASA centers, etc.
    ~ Nursing homes, esp. those who work with Alzheimer patients, etc.

    There's no need to find some random, far-away place to mail them to. Of course, if you've never helped anyone, you might not know that. Now, you know, Marie. There is a list of generic places. Purge all of your stuff. It's weighing on your psyche. Part of the reason you're spiraling downward.

    Really troubling and damn gross to watch you "play" with your "store" of bags, tissue paper, and ribbons like you're 8yo and running some make-believe store. I almost expect you'll get a baby doll and start carrying it around soon. Or, suck your thumb. It's not gonna stop until you hit infancy and someone has to 5150 your sad self. It'll be someone close to you. Like your daughter.

    If you're faking this, know it's not a good look - and is as crazy-looking as if you're being serious.

    Give ALL that childish crap away. See how it makes you feel. Getting out of your head, letting go of selfishness, and helping others can often be the best mental help around. People and community make you healthy, not inanimate stickers, coloring books, or gift bags. They make you look like a loon. DT will never hire you or sponsor you with your fetish. Use your money to make kits for the homeless and go out and meet people who really know what struggling to survive means. Go rock some babies in the cancer ward. Make 2020 about others and not you or your daughter. Life is short, sweets. No one on their death bed thinks about how many butterfly stickers they've accumulated. They think about whether they've left the world a little bit better...

    I doubt any of these ladies donate. It is so gross just to shop so much other than contributing to your hoard. I will go to the dt for stuff like gloves and hats to donate to those in need but other than that? Mostly no.
  15. .
    She seems nice and all but she is always shopping. Her house appears to be so cluttered, she is really into prepping for some kind of disaster.
2547 replies since 27/7/2019