The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by life by vanessas bald spot

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    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 2/26/2024, 12:01 AM) 
    Lemon knew Paige was moving out she just assumed it was later. Then Paige told her it was earlier. So she knew she was moving already but she wants them all to depend on her so she can shop more. Hoard your family like she is apparently hoarding records

    She also needs the kids to start the next grade so that pearl is jealous and wants to stay home. It’s all part of the manipulation

    100% accurate
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 2/24/2024, 09:08 PM) 
    I wonder if they are moving out near her parents so they can use their pool? Plus having ma and pa lemon nearby would mean more help for Vanessa.

    What is her obsession with Taylor Swift. No offense to anyone who likes her, but Lemon has been playing her albums for the past 3 days and it seems strange to me.

    I will laugh so hard if the only way this bald bitch can get an inground pool is to move to her mommy and daddy's house.

    The offer they couldn't resist is most likely from a family member. They all know she's a loser.
    Maybe ma and pa lemon are gonna retire out the area. And they are giving them a chance to buy their home for below market cost or do some sort of rent to own. Or maybe they'll be taking some extended retirement vacation and are gonna go live abroad for a year or two allowing Marky Mark and the funky bunch to house sit and save money. Grandpa whatever also could be hooking her up with his home if he feels like he can no longer stay there on his own. The dude gave her a shed for her shed and his old minivan, so why not a house.

    The other possible scenario is some hook up from Marky Mark's job. Could be leasing a new build they can't sell. Or Effectively The Boss has been upgraded to "THE BOSS" and he's getting some housing perk.

    Anyway if it is a move I hope that some san antonio area garbage person sets up a viewing of the house and reports back on how shitty it is irl and how bad it smells. The Mwanias from Our Tribe Of Many had to take their house off the marker for a while because so many people were complaining about the smell.
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    I hope the thing they couldn't resist is that million dollar lake house that she and Fiddy dreamed about sharing.
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    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 2/23/2024, 08:10 AM) 
    The hideyholes need to be emptied and refilled.

    That's immediately what I thought when I saw the whole I'm gonna be brutal about decluttering post. Life By Vanessa is just clearing out shit so that she has more room to hoard. And so she will look busy for her husband.
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    QUOTE (JamHands9 @ 2/20/2024, 04:55 AM) 
    Her parents have an outdoor drink fridge loaded with drinks at their house too.
    Is this a thing now?!?

    IIRC they've had one for a long time. Cause back in the boerne house and shed days it was mentioned. They'd go swim over there a lot and would get into them. Esp when they were in the shed. I guess it makes sense if they had upgraded their kitchen, the fridge was still good and they did a lot of entertaining. Seems like ma and pa lemon host a lot of extended family events. And unlike their troll of a daughter and son in law they actually have hobbies and friends. So it def would come in handy.
    But life by Vanessa constantly wants what other people have. And she put one out on her patio so the kids and their "friends" wouldn't have to come inside for drinks even though she has like 3 or 4 fridges already.
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    QUOTE (Itworksformyfamily @ 2/18/2024, 04:03 AM) 
    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 17/2/2024, 23:12) 
    I don't think Lemon and Paige are close. My mom and I have a very superficial relationship. She never really knows how I am doing. I learned a long time ago anything I tell her will be used against me for the rest of my life. I can't tell her how I am feeling or what is really going on. I could see lemon being the same way.

    I talk to my mom once a week. We have a fine relationship but it’s mostly just surface level. She did her best but there’s always judgement and projected feelings and insecurities that I don’t need. So I relate to how you feel and agree that that’s likely the relationship lemon and Paige have. I also moved out at 17 and got married. I think for a large percentage of people it’s so difficult to even imagine a life where they aren’t close with their parents/live nearby share their life etc. ESPECIALLY how by all accounts Paige grew up with the outward appearance of an easy life but sometimes those household are just as toxic as outwardly abusive ones. If Paige is keeping her mom and Mark at arms length to protect her own mental health than good for her for setting boundaries early. You don’t owe shit to toxic people family or not.

    If there are some issues going on with their elationship (which I think is definitely true) then she'll never own up to it or do anything really to improve them. If anyone were to ask her about it, she'll claim the way she words things isn't indicative of their real relationship. She's just trying to respect Paige's privacy by acting aloof.
    I imagine if anyone ever wanted to know how Paige was really doing then they'd need to ask grandma lemon.
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    Emotional Support Spork Thanks for the new profile pic bb!!!
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    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 2/14/2024, 10:10 PM) 
    Yeah, I have to agree with the consensus here. I'm extremely skeptical that she is legit getting 10,000 steps in daily. I struggle to hit 10,000 unless I have put in a good 4-5 mile run that day. But then again, I don't put much emphasis in my life on "getting my steps in". I just go about my life normally, and only occasionally even check my steps at the end of the day. So you would never catch me doing something like walking around my island while the microwave is going just to get more steps in. That is so illogical to me. It's weird, sorry.

    So, she's too lazy to walk her dog or mow her lawn with a push mower or often to do her own grocery shopping vs. getting pick up? All of these are productive and natural ways to get steps in, but she'll walk around her kitchen like a hamster on a wheel or put laundry away one item at a time? #lemonlogic

    Imagine how many steps she could get in if she parked at the very end of the parking lot and walked into Target or Sams.
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    QUOTE (Snark Overseas @ 2/13/2024, 11:55 AM) 
    I don't believe she reaches that many steps daily.
    Also, why they buy soda in cans when they drink it at home? I find it wasteful to buy individually packaged drinks at home. It's better to buy a bottle and serve yourself a glass of soda, but I guess that is too much work.

    None of those kids will ever put the caps back on the bottles and spills will happen. Which they will not be required to clean up. Or they will go flat and the sourpatch kids will refuse to drink them.
    None of them will want to share the bottles.
    And if they are anything like Mark they'll be chugging a couple 3 liter bottles a day.
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    QUOTE (Itworksformyfamily @ 2/9/2024, 09:34 PM) 
    Pearl broke her glasses. That’s what happens when your kids are taught they don’t have to respect anything. My son is 13 has been wearing glasses since he was 5. Between his vision changing and growth he’s had 6 or 7 pairs and has broken one set which wasn’t even his doing our neighbor at the times kid who was a menace threw a ball at him and knocked his glasses off and then proceeded to stomp on them right in front of us. He even plays competitive sports and has never broken a pair on the field. How is pearl breaking glasses at a school?

    Safe to assume that Rose will be getting a new pair of glasses as well.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 2/9/2024, 08:25 PM) 
    Well what do ya know….
    Our girl is using her teeth to chew today!!!!

    Good on ya Ness!

    Life By Vanessa tell us you read the bakery without telling us you read the bakery.
    Was it not yesterday that someone asked why we never see her just eat a sandwich. And boom. A sandwich with half a pack of sams club lunch meat. Hope it was low carb, protein added bread since she's got soooo many carb filled carrots on her plate.
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    Peacock has a new show that I think our dollar tree divas will love.
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    If next.level.nicole was serious about health and fitness she'd tell her friends clients to go get an exam at the doctor including full blood work done. That way they would have a base line to work with. She'd get an accurate weight and they'd get an accurate picture of their health. And maybe that'd make them take their weight loss journey more seriously.
    But nah eating poptarts before "working" out and eating halo ice cream at night before bed is easier and more fun. Like with everything else in her life Vanessa has no will power and self control. She needs a lot of therapy.
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    QUOTE (ThatsWhatSheSaid @ 2/6/2024, 11:49 PM) 
    Why lie about your weight when there are years of video and photographic evidence? I wouldn’t blame her for not literally weighing herself on camera - you couldn’t pay me enough to do that.

    But I also wouldn’t lie about my weight to people who are following my “health” journey. Just leave it as updating losses every week and put up before and after pictures.

    I also have questions on how she reaching 10k steps a day so easily. I consider myself a fairly active person and I have to put in the effort to do that. How did she go from laying in bed all day to 70k steps a week overnight?

    She may not need to show her weigh ins on cam to her viewers but I def think that weigh ins should be livestreamed with her coach. I think lifebyvanessa is a pro at manipulating the scale. She and her family had weight loss competitions every year. Bulking up on junk for weeks and drinking lots of liquid before stepping on the scale for the initial weigh in is one way. Also putting the scale on an uneven surface like carpet is another way to fudge the numbers. Abusing laxatives and diuretics before a weigh in.
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    QUOTE (CallieJade @ 2/6/2024, 07:22 PM) 
    No way in hell is she only 207 lbs.

    Add a 100 to that for sure. She's like 5'6"/5'7". Not to mention she is very chest heavy.
    She claimed around the disney trip that she had been the heaviest since she had been pregnant with the sourpatch twins. She did the progresso diet and has eaten every thing in sight ever since. No way she is anything close to the 200 mark. I like using mybodygallery to get an idea of weight and size.


    And she's gained weight since these pics.



    Edited by lifebyvanessas bald spot - 2/6/2024, 08:01 PM
4460 replies since 31/7/2019