The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by life by vanessas bald spot

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    Vionic is the brand I keep going back to. And they make lots of cute ones,
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    Vee failing at health and self control.

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    QUOTE (RottenTwatAsaurous @ 7/16/2023, 03:45 AM) 
    QUOTE (Emotional Support Spork @ 16/7/2023, 03:21) 
    I can't figure out for the life of me to to upload a picture anymore but check Lemon's stories. She posted a picture from today and she's in a bathing suit and coverup and let's just say she looks double the size she shows on her OOTD posts. :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:

    I got you 😉


    Someone posted a screenshot a while ago of Vee in the car. So her being this big really isn't shocking to me.

    Bet Kieruh secretly loves that Vee has surpassed her in rotundness. Fiddy is still a big bitch but she's dropped some elbees moving around at work and not being home stuffing her feelings into her face all day.
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    QUOTE (Svea Skog @ 7/15/2023, 08:49 AM) 
    QUOTE (50 Hidey Holes @ 15/7/2023, 01:17) 
    How many years ago did Lemon give her laundry cabinets to 50 cuz they were going to be remodeling? Her laundry room is awful! She will pay for someone to paint the outside of the house but not take care of the dumpster fire inside.

    I think it's on brand for Vee. She wants to keep up the illusion that she's married to a big baller and that they're so well off.
    As my granny used to say "all fur coat and no knickers" 😂😂😂

    The laundry room is probably step #127 parts a-d on their list of renos.
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    QUOTE (RottenTwatAsaurous @ 7/15/2023, 06:18 AM) 
    I don’t like metal headboards like that they are too noisy …….I guess it works for them 🤷🏻‍♀️

    For real tho. No way that bed doesn't squeak and creak under the weight of those two just tossing and turning. Let alone when they have allegedly have "quiet loving".
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    QUOTE (IfYouWill @ 7/14/2023, 02:31 AM) 
    Anyone else wonder if she doesn't want Rose to get help if she has issues so they can get a disability check every month for her? I know in my state children with disabilities can get a monthly check.

    That's a Kieruh kinda move not Vee. Vuhnessa lives in a bubble where everything is perfect and she's the best mom/wife/daughter/person ever. It'd take more than a few hundred disability dollars a month for her to pop that bubble. She's doin just fine blowing whatever money mark makes and guilting her parents into freebies.
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    I think Buhrice was just being a lazy turd just like his mom and has an arrogant attitude like his dad. He didn't like having to write answers out or reading. So he shouldn't have to do it. Plus he's in middle school. No getting coddled, no hand holding and work is expected to be done. It doesn't matter if mommy thinks homework on mondays or fridays work for their family. I think he also wanted the piage treatment.
    Baby bird having some issues and possibly being held back would imo be the main driving force into making the twins homeschool. Also it seems Baby bird is very jealous and expects special treatment. So if Buhrice was going to be homeschooled (which allegedly he was bragging about it at school before it actually happened) then she wasn't going to get up and have to go to real school either.
    I'm sure Lemon was not about to do drop off and pick up for just Pearl (if she wanted to stay in school). Plus she'd probably hive up about having to interact with any of school staff who knew she was only homeschooling some of the kids.

    And if Vee claims bullying i'd take it with a cannister of dollar tree iodized salt. It could be that there were kids who didn't like them or want to play with them and maybe even told them as such or said something about them being annoying. She lives in a bubble. Anyone that is not absolutely ass kissing is a mean hater. She def has never taught her kids how to handle criticism or that everyone is not going to think the sunshines out your ass and that everything you say is hilarious or important. We can see how bratty and obnoxious these kids are in the small amount of time she shares on youtube/insta. Imagine being around them for hours at school? If it was serious bullying esp physical this baldheaded bitch would've done shared that all over the place. There'd be posts of the school and the kids looking sad or crying and telling her followers that the school does nothing to protect her kids so she was left with no choice but to pull them out and homeschool.
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    Fiddy they have a prime day deal on toppiks. You can get the name brand gooorl!
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    Whether or not baby bird has some sort of medical differently ableness really has no bearing on Vee and Tim Tim's parental failings imo. A spoiled brat is a spoiled brat because of their environment.
    The real tragedy to me in this situation is Pearl. Vee is so obsessed with keeping them the same and not hurting Rose's feelings that she's willing to sacrifice Pearl's personal growth and well being. Every kid has different levels of intellect and athleticism. They have different interest and talents. There is nothing wrong with treating them differently and fostering their abilities. Clipping the wings of one kid so that the other is happier in their cage is just disgusting to me. I'm sure Pearl already recognizes it and resents the fuck out of it.
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    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 7/11/2023, 04:56 AM) 
    How much did she spend was it last year or the year before? Thousands wasn’t it?

    That year they were in the shed she ordered so much crap that Buhrice and his friends were able to use the boxes to build a sizeable fort.
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    QUOTE (shefferella @ 7/11/2023, 02:46 AM) 
    I have speculated that Lemon's back problems are tied to her period.

    Is it normal that they prescribe a steroid for back pain?

    My personal opinion is she boohooed and went on and on this time around that Mark got annoyed and told her to go to the doctor if it hurt so bad. She went to urgent care. No doubt exaggerated how much it really hurt. Got a couple scripts but like other people said it wasn't anything hard core. Went to starbucks then came home, posed her pills and drink to show off on instagram like a loser.

    Have zero empathy and honestly don't even really care if she hurts so bad she needs to lay in bed all day. What would be a small inconvenience to most people is a catastrophe in Vee's spoiled, entitled life. So I can not ever believe anything is ever as bad as she makes it out to be. There's been documented proof that she's been dealing with this back pain ever since she went on maternity leave with Buh-rice 13 years ago. She didn't have a traumatic spine injury. She has a condition that is manageable. And would greatly improve with weight loss and exercise. There's plenty of videos out there for stretches for back pain. She could do those while still watching her precious christmas in july hallmark movie marathons. But she won't. She loves thinking she's a special snowflake who is so delicate and needs constant attention.

    Who else thinks Vee is tweaking like a junkie waiting for the prime sale to start????
  12. .
    Was just catching up on the our tribe of many thread. And looks like they had to take their almost $700k house off the market because they had too many complaints about the smell.
    Let that be a lesson to you Vee. They may have a lot more unbathed children running around but Vuhnessa has had what 4 or 5 cats, 4 dogs plus the litter she rescued, the chinchilla, the snake, the lizard and maybe another rodent or two in between pissing and pooping all over the place. I think it would be a safe bet to say the Lemon McMansion smells worse.
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    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 7/10/2023, 03:57 AM) 
    "My daughter is better than yours. My kids' big sister is better than yours."

    He is such an ass. I give sincere kudos to Paige for helping out when needed. That was the right thing to do, and she showed a lot of maturity for a 9 year old. That doesn't make her better than everyone else. Lots of older siblings in bigger sized families do more than their fair share. Anyone who watches the Mills Family has seen teen-aged Asher take on the role of parent and teacher for multiple younger siblings after his mother died. When I was 8 and my youngest sister was a newborn I had to take care of her by myself numerous times while my parents milked the cows because we had an employee quit and there was no one else to do the job. My dad didn't run around telling everyone I was better than their kids. Mark is an arrogant prick who deserves everything he has gotten with Lemon.

    Bet Mark would get his panties in a twist if people posted shit about how their 12 year old goes to a real school because they're not too lazy to read and write or my kid doesn't eat her boogers constantly and hashtagged it my kid is better than yours. Could it be that Paige was so much more mature and responsible because her grandparents were more involved with her raising than the trapbabies lemon had with Timbo?
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    QUOTE (Svea Skog @ 7/10/2023, 12:19 AM) 
    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 10/7/2023, 00:01) 
    Lemon is big mad.


    If she's talking about us, well she sought us out. We're not interacting with her 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Also, she's too old to be vague-booking.

    Wonder who she copied this post off of? Really think it's about nothing. She thinks she's "trolling" and loves the attention.
  15. .
    I mean I'd pay that much to meet and take a picture with Pedro Pacal (Oberyn Martell) but Jon Snow eh I'll pass. And I skip over Daenerys parts in the book so I def wouldn't cough up that much for a photo op. But whatever floats Cankles boat. I still wish he'd done his commentary on GoT and even House of the Dragon. I'd lahve to hear Mr. Effectively The Boss ramble about how he knows everything about the show.

    But I completely agree this was more for her than him. I don't think she was even a big fan but he was. She just wanted to flex, knowing people would find out they blew that much money for something so frivolous. She constantly wants people to think they have money. Maybe she should look up "stealth wealth" and "quiet luxury". This is how we know Vee that you and Timmy really don't have shit but piles of debt and made in china junk.
4497 replies since 31/7/2019