The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Itworksformyfamily

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    QUOTE (Hannah1984 @ 10/12/2023, 04:19) 
    Great comments and recaps everyone!

    Well spotted on the possible black eye on her right side, Socal. If you look carefully in Socal's pic, you can see Darlene's left eye area is faintly reddened too.

    Just checked and apart from the brief clip of her waddling around the kitchen bombsite in yesterday's video, she hasn't reappeared since. The messy kitchen scene is sped up but at normal speed, her face is partly hidden and very badly lit - perhaps deliberately? It does look as though she has a black eye as there's certainly a heavy darkness around both, but this could equally be the poor lighting.

    She's angled the camera so she's headless in the gift wrapping clip too . . .

    Can't imagine Stupid thumping her but he might've caught her if she started a fracas and lashed out and he was defending himself.

    And can't imagine Andrew getting physical at all when Darlene is spiteful to him. He seems a gentle soul who'd be much more likely to get very upset and put his hands up to his face or just run away. Besides, Darlene would have long since made it known if Andrew were violent - the pity partying would be too much to resist. She's also bigger and taller than him and it's not as though she couldn't handle herself.

    It's possible someone else might thump Dar though. She's hardly Miss Popular, lol!

    Agree too, it's also likely she could've banged her face on a cupboard door or such, when she was drinking.

    If she does have a black eye, it's odd she didn't come up with a story about it. She might prefer not to go there at all imagining she could hide it, while not realizing it would worsen after Socal's pic and take at least another couple of days to fade enough to be hidden by makeup again. So we'll see how long it takes for her appear again.

    Good point, Kayla, about Stupid's office party. Let's see if she comes up with some lie about it - would she wear those cranberry pants and a black top to the party? That would be quite the climbdown from 2022's knock 'em dead number!

    Wouldn't be surprised if last year's stories were a charade either, including the hilarious party outfit. We didn't see a single pic of the do. Nothing, not even Dar all dolled up (lol) posing with Myhusband as they were about to head out for the evening.

    And thought the same about that checked jacket. I'd pay good money to see Dar bedecked in that :XD: . . It reminds me of that bright orange jacket she bought a few years ago and we've never seen again. Sheesh, she is clueless.

    LOL, Chortle! I also laughed out loud at her being "grateful for help as I'm getting older"!! I thought she was 49, not 79! Her mom didn't need any assistance until she was eighty and Dar still hated doing the tiniest thing for her, but somehow it's fine Dar already expects help?! The preceding line was just as funny, about always wanting to do everything, as though Darlene has always been hardworking and diligent to a fault!

    Good point too, Chortle about the cranberry bliss bars. She finally admitted their HER favorite, so of course she's making them! That oft repeated story about Stupid's colleagues looking forward to them, is utter baloney. It's Darlene who wants them - even though she messes them up every time. As if strangers look forward to anything out of Darlene's kitchen . . . :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    You mentioned never hearing about any joint or back issues and whether she'd have breast reduction surgery.

    Years ago, back before she started hiding more, she used to complain about knee problems. Another time, she mentioned she'd asked her doc about breast reduction but they'd said she should lose weight first.

    She looks like she'd still be busty if she were a normal weight, but this might well be still in line with her frame. Darlene is a very big woman and not necessarily someone who's afflicted with an out of proportion bust size. Trust her to want breast surgery rather than actually lose the weight though. If such a procedure were feasible, Darlene would have all her flab regularly removed just so she could carry on stuffing her face.

    As for her recent use of 'interesting', seems this is now a euphemism for being well pissed off.

    Sarah decorates her tree a la grandma - "it's interesting".

    Dar accompanies her mom to a long appointment - "it's interesting".

    Pat repeats the same question - "it's interesting".

    A day without the Internet "is interesting".

    Dar opens her Advent calendar and finds a coconut flavored coffee (having failed to make the connexion with the coconut on the flap, lol) and "it's interesting".

    She then whines about the coconut coffee not being very Christmassy right after she's said "it's interesting". How interesting can a simple coffee pod be, let alone one she clearly doesn't want . . . :eyeroll:

    As for Dar being "very private about my religion", oh please! Which religion is that - Devil worship? . . . :snickering:

    Does anyone else remember that time she implied Andrew was the reason she doesn't attend church? How exactly is he stopping her!

    If it were important to her, she could go whenever she likes and if Andrew's home, leave him with Stupid or a support worker. Besides, there may be services that are set up to help SN folks fit in.

    Andrew doesn't like having to sit in a car for hours on end, then be forced to trail round Costco but that's never stopped her! Yet somehow gradually introducing him to church is a no-go.

    Darlene's behavior towards others proves she's not even vaguely religious - other than when it suits her purpose, like pretending she was meant to buy some stuffed toy because it's been possessed by her dad!

    She's probably hinting about "my religion" because she thinks it sounds good at Christmas. As the proverb goes, the Devil can cite scripture for his purpose.

    Darlene has claimed before that Andrew was violent. I have long suspected that this will be the reason she gives for a permanent placement. The sweetest most gentle souls can still snap when pushed. I believe Andrew likely has the capability to get frustrated when cornered by Darlene and lash out physically because he has no ability to communicate or escape on his own. I DO NOT THINK andrew would harm a fly unprovoked but do I think he would shove her maybe leaving a mark because she has invaded his space and shrieked at him excessively, absolutely.
    Hiding a personal antidote about this situation behind the spoiler
    SPOILER (click to view)
    I’ve mentioned this story before but my step mom is a sort of foster care provider for physically and mentally disabled adults. They live in her home with her. We had a man very much like Andrew in terms of developmental age/ physical size but he also had some physical disabilities. He was a very sweet, loving soul who at 30 had never had one single documented violent outburst. After several years of constant belittling, control and mental abuse by my step mother she made the mistake of cornering him in the hallway while screaming in his face. He finally had enough and in an effort to get away from her hit her with his walker and shoved her into the wall. She twisted it left out the fact that she provoked him and had him labeled as violent. He is now confined to a 24/7 lock down mental institution because he has a violent event in his file he’s no longer able to have any interaction with the public or leave the unit. Every time Darlene opens her mouth she reminds me of my step mother trying to make the public think she’s some wonderful person.
  2. .
    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 5/12/2023, 01:32) 
    I don’t have cats but they have four so I would think they would go through a lot of litter. What do I know

    We have 3 and go through approximately 40 lbs a month. 4 boxes. They get scooped twice a day and fully emptied and cleaned the first trash day of every month
  3. .
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 2/12/2023, 21:46) 
    Lemon decided to give her family diabetes for Christmas.

    She has been posting lots of sugar overload Christmas SWEET TREATS .

    My question is. Why doesn’t she just PRINT the recipe out???? Why does she sit and write the entire thing out on a pad of paper? It took me 2 seconds to find the recipe she is copying.

    She wrote it out so it’s her recipe right?!?! No need to give credit to the original creator. I guess the team of lawyers haven’t warned her that she could be sued for plagiarism for blatantly coping recipes and passing them off as her own.
  4. .
    QUOTE (Scarlet66 @ 25/11/2023, 11:37) 
    QUOTE (Crusty Pie @ 11/25/2023, 06:05 PM) 
    How can she call putting her Christmas tree up in November, "taking things slowly"?

    Count how many times she says she "loves" the couch and is very happy with it. Keep repeating that Darlene, maybe you will finally convince yourself. There is no way that couch is comfortable for someone so morbidly obese. And febreezing the couch, yuck! I also do not believe that control freak Darlene let Steve choose the couch. She won't let him choose a snack!

    I am not buying the story about the quick military move. She has said before she chose not to move with Steve. When she started her channel Steve was living in another city. She has always stayed in the same town. I bet this house was another impulsive purchase for Darlene. Only this time she couldn't just return it to Costco. She also implies that they downsized and this house was smaller than their last, in other videos she has said her old house was smaller.

    Whilst I was looking at the couch situation, I heard her say they had been in their first house 9 years, then the next one a year and now this one... thats hardly quick or frequent moves. Here it is at 1:57

    This whole story had me rolling my eyes. She has no idea what it’s like to be a military spouse. My husband was in for 10 years (a drop in the bucket for some) but in that time we lived in 5 different states did a move less than 2 weeks postpartum, 3 moves over a thousand miles and 2 with less than 30 days notice (1 we knew we were moving but not where and 1 where we got last minute emergency need orders to report in less than 2 weeks).
  5. .
    QUOTE (Socalgal @ 16/11/2023, 02:46) 
    I had my hips replaced a few years ago. Everything went well but coming off the morphine made me so nauseous. I had a box of hot tamales (cinnamon candy) on the second surgery that helped a lot because I read that cinnamon was good for nausea. I think that drug was worse than the surgery itself for me. Be patient with your recovery. Come here for laughs...laughter is great medicine too!

    I’d love to hear about your experience with hip replacement. I just had preservation surgery about 6 weeks ago but my surgeon told me it was only a temporary fix and I’ll probably need a new hip before I turn 40 due to the extent of existing damage. He already had to place a few anchors to keep my existing hip together.

    As for Christmas decor I put ours up this past week. Some of our decor was in my house when I was little so it’s 30ish years old. Our tree will go up and get decorated on thanksgiving as per tradition. We decorate the tree every single year while the parade is on. It’s always a fun time since all of our ornaments are collected from different trips we’ve been on or shows we’ve gone to.
  6. .
    QUOTE (HomeInTheZoo @ 16/11/2023, 04:55) 
    QUOTE (BerthaGene @ 11/8/2023, 10:16 AM) 
    Also, I am so completely burned out with work that it's preventing me from concentrating and I can't get into any new books recently. I bought Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Torzs and A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon recently and I didn't even get past the first couple of chapters of either. Even the new RaeAnne Thayne couldn't keep my attention and I love me some shitty holiday romances. I keep seeing people talk about the Fourth Wing series because the second book just came out- is that any good?

    I just finished Fourth Wing and I loved it from beginning to end. Fantasy is not my favorite genre. I don't love a lot of world-building and background info, but Fourth Wing did it really well. It was a 5 star book for me very early in. The characters are likable and the dragons just make the story, they are cute and vicious and snarky, very human-like and they add so much to the story. The romance had a lot of angsty enemies to lovers and great chemistry without feeling forced. When I finished the book today, I jumped online immediately to order Iron Flame.

    I read the first 3 A Court of Thorns and Roses books, loved the first 2, the 3rd was very hard to get through, and I have no motivation to read the rest. But Fourth Wing was 100 times better IMO.

    You’re going to be so disappointed. Iron flame IS NOT GOOD. It was clearly rushed through publishing in order to ride the hype wave rather than pushing the date back another 6 months so another pass could be taken with editing. I read fourth wing a few months ago and also gave it 5 ⭐️. Went to the midnight release of iron flame I wanted to love it so much but the writing is just bad.
  7. .
    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 14/11/2023, 20:14) 
    Thanks Pond Scum & Socalgal I'm so ready to get it over with so I can enjoy December. I joked with my husband I'll finally sleep through the night for once. He snores and I mean he SNORES. There was one night a few years ago I said to myself not a single woman on your jury would convict you. I love my husband very much, but I have wanted to smother him with a pillow once or twice with his snoring lol.

    Hope your surgery goes well but LOLing about the snoring. My husband snores too. Something awful as does our dog. He finally went for a sleep study a few years ago and turns out he has a hereditary form of obstructive sleep apnea where the muscles in his throat collapse on themselves when he’s relaxed. He has a cpap now and snores much less.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Cindy58 @ 8/11/2023, 14:44) 
    Rose possibly is on some sort of spectrum, children on the spectrum usually are attached to one thing and get fixated by them. My nephew is on the spectrum all he cares about are trains.

    True. My son is on the spectrum and can hyperfixate on things for extended period of time. based on what lemon chooses to show of rose I would bet she would meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD.

    HOWEVER as a parent of a special needs child it’s our job to nurture fixations in healthier/less obsessive and more age appropriate ways. I.E. a 2 year old may have trains as a special interest with a real interest in Thomas being age/socially appropriate. However it wouldn’t be age/socially appropriate at 11 to be buying Thomas themed board books and watching nothing but Thomas cartoons. but you can encourage the child in ways that still support their special interest by taking them to train museums, helping them learn the history of how trains aided the Industrial Revolution or learn about how they are engineered.
    It is also the responsibility of the parent to get the child emotional and academic help if needed. Just based on the things lemon has shared rose could use OT to help open things and speech therapy at the very least and could likely use some help with her self confidence.

    On another note I hope some bakers remember that at the end of the day rose, Bryce and pearl are CHILDREN and comments about their appearance and intelligence level are unnecessary. Maybe we could stick instead to bashing lemon and the way she parents. I’ve seen a handful of comments discussing how unfortunate rose in particular looks.
  9. .
    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 2/11/2023, 15:25) 
    Darlene's Summer come hither look. Don't forget about that one.

    When was this from? Sure she may not have been a beauty queen but damn did she look comparatively healthier and happier as well as better groomed then. She even wore something that showed her nasty armpits. Does anyone else remember dainty dar being offended by other women’s armpits or is that just me?
  10. .
    Ok I’m going to call it and do my October wrap up.
    22 books broken down in the following statistics
    10 audiobooks (all from my library through Libby)
    12 physical books
    -4 purchased new 2 for book club
    -4 KU
    - 4 from the library

    And the list of books
    Your not supposed to die tonight by Kalynn bayron -audio- 4.5⭐️
    Rouge by Mona awad- purchase- 3.5 ⭐️
    The last house on needless street by Catriona ward- KU 5⭐️
    Such sharp teeth by Rachel Harrison- audio- 4⭐️
    Paul takes the form of a mortal girl by Andrea lawlor -purchase- 4⭐️
    The broken girls by Simone st. James -audio- 4⭐️
    Carrie by Stephen king -audio- 3⭐️
    Something wicked this way comes by ray bradbury- purchase- 2.5⭐️
    The butcher and the wren by Alaina urquhart- audio 3.5 ⭐️
    Den of vipers by K.A. Knight - KU 4⭐️
    The missus by E.L James- KU 2⭐️
    Drowning by TJ Newman- audio 4.5 ⭐️
    The haunting of hill house by Shirley Jackson- purchase 4⭐️
    Midnight is the darkest hour by ashley winstead- library 3.5 ⭐️
    Ninth house by Leigh bardugo- audio 3.5 ⭐️
    These vicious games by Joelle Wellington -library 4.5 ⭐️
    None of this is true by Lisa jewell -library 4.5 ⭐️
    Legends and lattes by Travis baldree- audio 4⭐️
    The haunting of Adeline by H.D Carlton- KU 3⭐️
    Nothing to see here by Kevin Wilson- audio 5⭐️
    The maidens by Alex michaelides- audio 3⭐️
    Suburban hell by Maureen Kilmer- library 4⭐️
  11. .
    There are still 5 days left in October but I thought I’d share my current stats

    18 books read
    8 audio books
    7 physical books (4 purchased new 3 from the Library)
    3 ebooks (2 from KU 1 from libraries Libby)

    Lowest rated- the missus-EL James- 2⭐️(library Libby)
    Something wicked this way comes- ray Bradbury 2.5⭐️(purchase)

    Highest rated- the last house on needless street- catriona ward 5⭐️ (KU)

    Current read- haunting Adeline (KU)
    Current audio- nothing to see here (already on solid track to be 5⭐️ and likely top 5 book of the year)
  12. .
    QUOTE (Bananabread @ 26/10/2023, 13:55) 
    I remember hearing about devil in the white city, maybe on a podcast, and thinking it sounds good, but that it would probably scare me lol. I’m not a fan of true crime stuff.

    I have authors that I pretty much read everything they’ve written, like Mary Roach, Taylor Branch, David McCullough, Jon Meacham… and a lot of times in their books, other books are referenced so I’ll read those. I get recommendations from podcasts and I’ll also just go to the bookstore and see what they have. I’m going to start “the secret history of home economics” soon and that’s one I just saw in a bookstore.

    Where does everyone get their books usually?

    I have a kindle paper white so either Kindle unlimited or my libraries Libby catalog for e books. Audiobooks is entirely from Libby I’m debating about trying audible out and seeing how I like it.

    I do also get physical books from my library. Usually new release mystery and thrillers since I typically don’t keep those for collection/display purposes.

    Purchasing books new probably 80% come from Barnes and noble and 20% from a few local bookstores.

    I’d say probably 80% of my overall purchases are used though. Usually from library $1 book sales that happen at pretty much every library branch within an hour radius of me.

    A large bookish goal for me in 2024 is to not only track my reading but track where the book came from and how much I purchased it for as well as if I donated it after reading.
  13. .
    I’ve been on a hot streak for October but I know November is going to be much slower. Trying to finish 5 more books plus an audio book before iron flame is released.
    Currently reading midnight is the darkest hour. About halfway through. It’s fine
    Current listening is ninth house. Also fine
    Need to finish 4 library holds that all came in at the same time
    The hexologists
    The last devil to die
    None of this is true
    These vicious games
    If I can pull all 6 off by November 1st I’ll be at 19 for October.

    November reading plans
    The shining
    Fourth wing reread
    Iron flame
    Crescent city 1 and 2
  14. .
    QUOTE (C3P0 @ 22/10/2023, 00:40) 
    Omg yes, Lucy Score is a prime example of women writing women badly. "Code red" for periods? Really???

    But, even if you consider it a double standard, I think it's worth discussing.

    Also, hard to believe I missed anything I wanted to say during my long post 😂 but I do agree about Riley not being literary classic. I rate books based on how much I enjoy them, not whether they'll be remembered in 50 years, or not whether critics like them, but for me, personally.

    His books are VERY good to read, imo. I've enjoyed them, they feel quick and easy and addictive because they are.

    I did not intend to start this debate just think it’s worth noting because I don’t believe his work would have sold as well if it wasn’t for the obvious marketing towards women and the choice of a gender ambiguous pen name. It has nothing to do with the quality of his work which I think is very entertaining for a popcorn thriller. I view them as a great palette cleanser in between denser books. His publishing team has definitely nailed the algorithm I’ll give them that. They aren’t well written but I gave both the only one left and lock every door 5 stars because I had an enjoyable reading experience.

    House across the lake was trash. Utter putrid dumpster filled with decomposing human flesh.
  15. .
    I’ve read all of the Riley sager books. Here’s my ranking for anyone interested.
    From best to worst
    Lock every door
    The only one left
    Home before dark
    Final girls
    The last time I lied
    Survive the night
    House across the lake

    House across the lake was the only one I actively disliked. I could go on a whole rant about how much I hated it but I won’t. I’ve also never read any of the books under his actual name.

    I will also add that I do find it moderately problematic that a male author writes under a feminine pen name because his books aren’t taking off in the mainstream market. Many many people don’t know that Riley sager is actually a male author and a pen name. I have no problem with pen names in general but I think it was a deliberate choice to get more female readers
1344 replies since 11/8/2019