The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by EyerollOlympian

  1. .
    It's the top 1%. They DGAF. They think the kids will be ok, because whatever happens, they can throw money at the problem, and fix anything.

    NARRATOR'S VOICE: They will fail.
  2. .
    The name Tensleigh appeared well before we knew anything about Don's new partner , after Jenbo. It was a curse for Jen, by a Baker. We were wishing Don finds some tall, hot chick, with gorgeous hair, named Tensleigh. Fully jokingly.
    When we found out he met someone, we just continued the name.
  3. .
    LMAOOOO that last IG post by Jin. She sent a message to Tens. Tens, Jin is a moron but you should consider the message.
  4. .
    Holy shit, Batman.
  5. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 1/9/2024, 05:04 PM) 
    Don divorced the mother of his two children while the youngest was still in diapers so let’s not sing his praises as a father quite so loudly.

    Yes, Jen is an intolerable asshole but so is he.

    Yes, they both are spoiled assholes. Anyone believing otherwise, is a sweet , summer child.

    There is also the fact that NO ONE goes through a divorce for funsies , or over trivial matters. Divorce is one of the top life traumas. Usually it's something brewing for years and years, even if the partners are not aware , until they are. I am not a divorce lawyer but it's just my own , informed opinion.
    I found the Bakery after Jen's Introducing Charlotte video. The video is loaded with so many marriage red flags, it prompted me to look for other people who felt the same, as I did watching the video. They divorced 5 years later.
    We don't know if they had counseling, we don't know what they did to save the marriage. We have no idea. All we have is what we see from Jenbo. So until we hear the other side, I wouldn't toss blame.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 1/9/2024, 04:58 PM) 
    So much for her coast to coast challenge or whatever it's called.

    But, it's cool. Being there for her babies is her number one priority and she's happy to do it.

    How ironic that I can hear ROSS screaming PIVOT, PIVOT, PIVOT !!!!! :hearty-laugh:
  7. .
    If anyone finds something they think it's really newsworthy, I think it would be prudent to send it to the mods first. Because of 2 possibilities. Either it has been posted/debunked/discussed, or it has personal info that cannot be posted publicly.
  8. .
    Icicles on the edge of the roof is the death sign for both attic insulation, roof quality and wall insulation. She has heat escaping through the roof, that melts the snow too fast, and creates the icicles.
    The icicles can create leaks in the attic and inside window frames.
    How do I know this? We owned a nightmare house at one point, with all of these issues. The icicles are not charming. And also a hazard for anyone passing by, or for your cars if they are parked too close to them.
  9. .
    I know a handful of divorced women. Some in my family, some in friends circles.

    And without fail, those who escaped true cagers, really toxic marriages and abuse, flourished after being removed from that environment.

    The rest is a mixture , depending on the cause for divorce. I don't see Jen being better off, in any area of her life. It's been 4 years since the announcement, and likely double that, since the crap hit the propellers. It's been more than long enough to determine who flourished and who deteriorated after the split.
    Looks like the cager wasn't Don.
  10. .
    I think she will hide anything that had any decent views, so she can lure more people on Patreon.

    Either that, or Chins met someone and doesn't want them to watch her content. Her giddiness in her last video is both disturbing and disgusting, but it is unusual.
  11. .
    The removal of all the Disney vlogs will shave a huge chunk of her views. A lot of people watched those because of DW. She is beyond dumb.
  12. .
    Most YTbers who show their kids , are now paying the kids a portion of the profit. I have a popular YT friend who does vlogs and she has a lawyer drafted contract for her 4 children, and it all goes into a special trust for them.

    Looks like someone might have called this hairless wonder on it, and she freaked that the Heir and the Spare might ask for coin down the road, who knows.
  13. .
    Why would Don have a clause for her to remove the videos? Him and his family gave consent to be put on public display, when they consented for Jenbo to have them in her videos. That is past tense, cannot be undone.
    Have you tried to remove something from the internet when you consented freely to be out there? Good luck with that. There is no legal precedent, unless it's a harmful content. No one cares about Chin's content.
  14. .
    Is she going to whore the old vlogs for coin on Patreon now? New level of low even from Jenbo .
  15. .
    If she axes YT however, the Patreon will wither and die tout de suite, scuze my Quebecois cheek.
    Aside from losing D**, she still hasn't confronted the greatest truth of all-She is a nobody.
    People weren't watching her for her travels, organizational skills, or anything else. People watched because of the idyllic, wealthy life she lived, and because it was a glimpse in her personal life. We enjoyed the hauls, the overspending, the comfy life she lived, and of course all the tea she allowed us to enjoy, without even being aware.
    Remove all that, what is left? No one sane will follow her as a travel vlogger.
2750 replies since 22/10/2019