The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by CrankyPantsApparently

  1. .
    I think she had a toddler temper tantrum when not everyone agreed with her, and then she discovered a majority of viewers did NOT agree with her political views and she had a self indulgent meltdown. I think she has a basic rebellious spirit, but not in an empowered a spoiled and I know better than the whole world way.

    It caught up with her. People began pointing out flaws and problems, and deep down she knew they were right and she fell apart.

    When someone says something about you, and you know to your bones it's not true, it doesn't affect you like that. She realized she'd let the mask slip, and people had seen the real attitude and that made her Big Girl Mad.
  2. .
    I’m trying to watch the tart video, but my gawd, her attitude is just so … condescending
  3. .
    She's just rested and able to keep up the facade again....give her some time and she'll forget and show her true colors again.

    A leopard doesn't change their spots..
  4. .
    Oh, all this carrying on about how he is so "obsessed" with real estate.....


    surfing Zillow an hour a day because you don't have a job and are bored, is not a passion for real estate...LOL
  5. .
    Well, KK burned so many bridges on her way out...much like LoveMeg they both used to be fun to watch and seemed to be good homemakers....they both got inflated egos, mouthed off and were offensive on IG, and walked away from YT and burned down the bridge, the toll booth and all the landscaping on their way out. No new MLM's to push, YL money dried up, even Grove Collaborative seems to have stopped promoting on YT....and Athletic Greens so saturated the one believes those sponsored ads are true.

    The biggest difference between KK and Meg is that Donnie is a hard working husband and Meg's husband can't be arsed to get a job.

    So with so few options left to KK, I really won't be surprised to see her have a new found religious conversation ---- but time will tell I guess.
  6. .
    My blood pressure gets too high watching their lazy shenanigans, so I haven't watched for a couple of weeks?

    I get a little too rage-y when young people that have the ability to work and better their lives use excuse after pathetic excuse not to work and expect the rest of the world to pay their bills.

    So, he has a condition? So? So do I, and here I am 69 and still working full-time because SS retirement isn't enough to live Kimi Kong and her side-kick Ass Scratcher Bob can kiss my arse.
  7. .
    So I predict one of two things....this woman will end up not wanting to work with Kristin because KK and fam don't go to church.....or.....suddenly we'll be seeing everyone in their Sunday best off to church on Sundays and a big "dedicating my life to Christ" content dump will follow.
  8. .
    The emotional investment, watching and waiting and praying and good vibes etc through the entire cancer treatment? Then a teary "baby is coming early" and then nothing for 4 months?
  9. .
    See, this is the kind of speculation they leave their devoted followers to think about rather than come out and tell the truth.

    I'm so disappointed in how they have handled this. Eamon can walk up and down the sidewalk talking to strangers about tea, but they can't get something together for a 60-second update? I don't know....I don't want to come across as one of those entitled hateful people that think they have the right to every details...but shit....

    does any of that make sense?
  10. .
    Maybe it's both...pot and porn? A nice pot plant, growing up a pole.
  11. .
    cleaning clothes: Also includes the oldest, tattiest bra I only....only because I need it to help The Girls not get heat rash from sweating so much....LOL
  12. .
    I just assumed it was a grow room
  13. .
    I've had to block her so it won't keep popping up in my news feed...she's way overboard with her "reporting" on his death.
  14. .
    LOL .... as someone that cooks about once a month and makes 40 freezer meals...I absolutely freeze individual servings of pasta dishes. I just make it a point of slightly under cooking the noodles.
  15. .
    QUOTE (SarcasticScribe @ 3/28/2024, 04:25 AM) 
    Amazon Flex drivers in my area wear vest. I live in a metro area though, I don't know if they have Amazon Flex in the country. The wallpaper was done sloppy but looks better than the sponge. Two sandwiches and a frappe at McDonald's!? I guess healthier eating Kimi has left the building.

    We live in a tiny town, just about 2500 people and the amazon drivers here wear vest, Amazon blue with reflective tape.
4227 replies since 10/11/2019