The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by LyingLiarWhoLies

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    QUOTE (D**'sGlowUp @ 10/1/2024, 18:45) 
    This might be unpopular but having done some real dumb sh*t in my own lifetime (that involved cops being called) I am one for the belief that none of us truly know the facts or circumstances of a situation and the people directly involved are best positioned to decide what is best for them.

    T is a grown woman, and while everyone is quick to say drop that loser and run, it may be worthwhile for them to get collective help and figure this out for their family that I believe both of them are committed to. I am not one for forgiving crap treatment and giving multiple chances, but if this is his one big screw up and IF AND ONLY IF he’s willing to seek intensive help and commit to change I believe that is the better outcome than another uprooting for the couple and the children involved. As someone in a second marriage myself, I don’t advocate for drop and run. Keeping a family together with the added complexity of ex-spouses and step-siblings is hard work. Finding a co-pilot in life is also hard. I’m glad that T (appears to be) someone who doesn’t tolerate bullshit, and I trust her to make decisions that make sense for her and her household without speculating that things are at the extreme end of horrible.

    The one thing in this I am truly outraged by is how Jen has acted out online and made this all about herself. Whether she feels “vindicated” by this dirt or what ever her first priority as a mother should have been to protect her children because like it or not that is their father and their last name Jen is helping smear dirt on.

    YES !!!!!! 🙌🏻
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    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 10/1/2024, 18:38) 
    Let's keep it on the rails.

    Yes let’s !!!!
    I think that the final straw could have been Jenny’s journal sharing… I think that was very calculated, and I think that Ten’s knows exactly how calculated she can be…

    I also think that Jenny has taken for granted the fact that for the most part D** and Ten’s have shut all of their social media down and kept it locked up and private and so Jenny has been able to spend whatever narrative she wants!!!

    I don’t blame Ten’s for and the nicest kindest semiprivate way she can!!!

    QUOTE (Igotmaditurnedhouseintoaplayroom @ 10/1/2024, 18:41) 
    Thought just occurred, Jen was giddy to me, means she was in a way glad that his too soon love and 2nd marriage hit the skids so soon. She is incredible.

    News for you, I don't think current wife will walk out so fast.

    100% this… I think Jenny was thinking that her and D** would get back together literally up until the moment he remarried… And I think this was her way of feeling smug and feeling like ha ha ha it didn’t work out and hoping that he would come back to her!!!!
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    QUOTE (Weird Like Jen @ 10/1/2024, 18:17) 
    My house is a wreck and I have piles of laundry waiting to be folded. I have to step away, I am far too invested at this point. I'm writing this post for accountability. I'll be back when my chores are done.

    Me too !!!! it’s a rainy cold day here and I had plans to organize the whole closets… But I’m here with coffee a movie and I’m all in… It is like Christmas time at the bakery !!!! I hope Jenny is having the day she deserves!!!!
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    With some of the comments here you would think that D** was on an episode of cops!!!! we don’t know the full story…

    To say that Ten’s should cut and run is so extreme!!! to say their marriage is failing because they fell in love quickly and got married quickly is crazy… there are many successful marriages of people who get married way quicker!!!

    Good grief, life is not black or white… None of us know what really is happening… The best thing anybody could hope for, is that if D** is getting help that he is getting the proper help that is needed … and together all of the adults in the situation will do the best they can for the children involved.

    Maybe she doesn’t want to leave because maybe she loves him… Maybe she wants to work it out… Maybe she wants to get help and have a healthier marriage… That’s not a bad thing!!!!
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    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 10/1/2024, 17:45) 
    QUOTE (AcademyAwardWinningActress @ 1/10/2024, 11:43 AM) 
    Maybe he agreed to leaving the home voluntarily.

    Definitely possible! He's done it before. But then why the family photo?

    Like I said, I have a friend going through a similar situation and last week and she was all over social media posting photos from their Disney vacation of happy family moments… If you did not know her personally, and such a close families/good friend, you would never ever know anything is going on
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    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 10/1/2024, 17:18) 

    Let’s be real, Paula’s probably en route to Glenview as we speak.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 10/1/2024, 16:49) 
    thanks to GivingMyselfGrace for this thread title :thumbs-up:

    The title is perfection !!!
  8. .
    I always thought all the air filters were weird, too dot like how do you need big huge air filters like that and every single room with newly renovated home… She has to have mold issues… And she is such a dumbass for ignoring them

    I always thought all the air filters were weird, too dot like how do you need big huge air filters like that and every single room with newly renovated home… She has to have mold issues!!!

    She is constantly sick now… There’s never a moment when she’s in that house when she’s not sick!!
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    QUOTE (Yetta @ 10/1/2024, 02:08) 
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 1/9/2024, 07:04 PM) 
    Don divorced the mother of his two children while the youngest was still in diapers so let’s not sing his praises as a father quite so loudly.

    Yes, Jen is an intolerable asshole but so is he.

    I actually think getting the kids away from her for 50% of the time was a good move.

    Me too !!!! What else was he suppose to do … she was bat shit crazy … still is !!! She was unhinged and refused to get help.!!!! I always think it must’ve been even worse than what she was letting on through her videos for him to choose to divorce her and leave while the kids were so young
  10. .
    It seems like Jenny is pretty pissed off and I’m here for it … the last 4 months have been the best in
    Jenny-land !!!! She is having the start to her year she deserves!!!!!!!!
  11. .
    Did we get the videos she is taken down saved … I thought only the videos from MHWL days were saved ???

    Now I’m back on nothing serious regarding illness is happening and she is just getting put in her place!!!!

    This is as bad as the Hayride Divorce Train … and full transparency… I never ever thought they were getting a divorce … but found the bakery around August before the announcement because I knew something was off and had had enough !!!
  12. .
    QUOTE (LyingLiarWhoLies @ 9/1/2024, 01:01) 
    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 8/1/2024, 23:17) 
    If someone truly moved on from their divorce, why would they be reading books about divorce 5 years later?

    I mean, why read books about things that are long ago unless you're not over it or are still reliving it?

    Why would somebody who wanted to divorce for many years? I knew she would get divorced five years before she did get divorced. Need to read any books about divorce PERIOD???????

    Oh yeah… Because she’s a liar, liar, who lies and she got dumped!!!!

    It won’t let me edit my post… And normally I don’t care dot the threat tends to move so fast anyways, but I need to clarify that I meant that who knew she wanted a divorce… I knew she needed a divorce or wanted a divorce!!!
  13. .
    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 8/1/2024, 23:17) 
    If someone truly moved on from their divorce, why would they be reading books about divorce 5 years later?

    I mean, why read books about things that are long ago unless you're not over it or are still reliving it?

    Why would somebody who wanted to divorce for many years? I knew she would get divorced five years before she did get divorced. Need to read any books about divorce PERIOD???????

    Oh yeah… Because she’s a liar, liar, who lies and she got dumped!!!!
  14. .
    QUOTE (Bespoke Poop Shovel of Vitriol @ 5/1/2024, 16:34) 

    OK… I will say that was a more proper way for her to address the situation than she has in the past but why are you addressing it to her private community who you just said, didn’t really say anything to you about it why are you not addressing it on Instagram or YouTube Where the comments were made… You still do not understand the situation !!!

    And the entire point is the comment you made was unkind you started the situation by being unkind!!!!!
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    QUOTE (_withblunder_ @ 4/1/2024, 20:22) 
    Lol, she went from 103 comments to 41 on her Redwood video. I refreshed before I thought to screenshot.

    I guess this also means such that Jenny catching up here… I’m sure that’s what alerted her to the fact that the comments were there in the first place!!!! Hi Jenny … peace be with you !!!
1197 replies since 18/11/2019