The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Flowerchild01

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    QUOTE (WV. Transplant @ 10/3/2022, 05:31 AM) 
    Yep, I do that if my tomatoes are a little bit acidic. When my kids visit my sauce is what they ask for. They still to this day don't know my magic ingredient. I have been making it for around 20 years now. It takes maybe 45 minutes and that includes taking the skins and seeds out. I can't have too many seeds of any kind so I gave one more step I have to do.
    I just hope he had a decent birthday.

    See that's my problem with Lazy Lemon. She can't take an hour or so out of her day to cook homemade meals. ONE HOUR!!! I guess she must have so many important things to accomplish in a 12+ hour day. Maybe she's on call for her massive expertise in so many areas that she just can't spare that one single hour or so to actually cook. She's pathetic.

    And if his birthday was crap, he deserves what he got. He promotes her to do and be inferior and lazy. So......
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 10/2/2022, 11:13 PM) 
    Mark’s favorite meal is spaghetti

    So for his birthday, his wife who doesn’t work, bought a JAR of sauce to go with a bag of pasta and a box of FROZEN garlic bread….For his BIRTHDAY !!! For his FAVORITE meal!!!! Effectively the Boss gets a meal like this for his birthday???

    She can’t find the time to make a pot of FRESH sauce for her husband as a special treat for his birthday??? Or a fresh loaf of Italian bread with olive oil and garlic under the broiler???


    Another great example of just how REALLY lazy Lemon is. I'm not so sure what's so hard about making a homemade spaghetti meal, but I guess that's just my opinion. Maybe Lemon really can't cook and MM would rather have a nice meal even if it is from a jar.

    QUOTE (WV. Transplant @ 10/3/2022, 01:10 AM) 
    I could be. I don't use cannes sauces anymore. I make my own and can it. I add meat when I add pasta. I just remember when I had my first homemade sauce it had a more acidic taste than the commercial stuff. Even the stuff that claims no added sugar tastes sweet to me.

    Their pickyness makes her life easy though. Canned and frozen stuff. The only thing more easy would be delivery.

    If you add some carrots ground in the food processor it adds the sweetness to counter the acid in the tomatoes without adding any sugar.
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    Oh wow! I just came here to see the latest conversations about the Gruesome Twosome, and I'm shocked to see no comments since Thursday. They mustn't be doing much so nothing to talk about. I'll check back later. Hello everyone!
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    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 9/29/2022, 02:02 AM) 
    Yeah I don't get the freeze dried thing either. i saw listings for freeze dried scoops of ice cream and it just reminds me of those astronaut ice cream sandwich things. Those are gross af. You lose the appeal of a chewy candy like starburst by turning it into a dry, powdery mess. I saw some people on facebook selling freeze dried soup & alfredo. Maybe she can start freeze drying her crockpot slop for some crocktober content...

    And why haven't we seen her give some samples for her product to Fiddy for her kids to try? Since vee is off of youtube, you'd think she'd like to use her bff for some marketing.

    My opinion is about the same. If she wasn't planning on freeze drying excess food for long storage I don't know why she purchased the freeze dryer. It would be a shit ton cheaper to just buy what you like from Amazon every so often. I think this freeze dried candy is just a fad, also candy tastes so much better the way it was meant to be. I've had Skittles and Spree's and they're not awful but the original state is by far superior. IMO
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    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 9/26/2022, 08:28 AM) 
    I'm wondering if she has a sticker book from childhood she still adds to.

    Are magnet boards a thing?

    I don't think it's a thing. But who knows, maybe she thought of the idea, nah she definitely saw it somewhere online.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 9/25/2022, 12:03 PM) 
    Can you imagine buying 5 round trip tickets to Baltimore, packing, dragging your kids through the airport twice in 3 days, having to get on a shuttle at BWI airport to rent a car and then turn around and do the same thing for the return of the car…..just so you can have one day of sight seeing in DC and then go to an amusement park that you have down the street from you at home????

    What an absolute exhausting waste of time and MONEY. That was a VERY expensive 2 days of travel.

    I don’t know what they were thinking???!!!! Why???

    I was thinking the exact same thing. They were in Baltimore why not go to Hershey Park? The drive would have been about an hour or so.
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    Man too bad the Lemons did not realize what kind of an area they were in at Six Flags. I would never go there now and it's probably been 20 years since I've been and it was slightly sketchy back then.

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    QUOTE (Daisy-a-day @ 9/24/2022, 03:35 PM) 
    Kiera if your or your paralegal do not like what you read on this site maybe don’t come here.

    You cannot be a “public figure” and put your whole life, dirty laundry included, out there for the world to see and not expect some criticism.

    Having a personal opinion on matters and expressing them is not against the law as far as I know. Freedom of speech and all that jazz.


    Seriously she went on and on like people were coming to her house, like a bunch of voyeurs, peeking into her windows. A little dramatic there Keira?
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    QUOTE (Flowerchild01 @ 9/24/2022, 07:31 AM) 
    So I just saw 50's latest update video in my feed. I skipped through it and heard her say she has a relative who's a paralegal and she monitors "that gossip site" to make sure everything said about her is within the 2nd Amendment. Really Keira? She also made a great claim that it's been two years since she's read here. Sure 50 sure.

    OOPS !ST Amendment! Sorry! :10:
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    So I just saw 50's latest update video in my feed. I skipped through it and heard her say she has a relative who's a paralegal and she monitors "that gossip site" to make sure everything said about her is within the 2nd Amendment. Really Keira? She also made a great claim that it's been two years since she's read here. Sure 50 sure.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 9/23/2022, 06:30 AM) 
    Baltimore??? Why the hell would she pick Baltimore? There must be a housing convention that Tim is going to and they are tagging along.

    I did a lot of agency RN work there at the start of the pandemic. And let’s just say, i wouldn’t fly my family there for a vacation!!!

    They are one hour outside of DC. Why Baltimore???

    They are so odd.
    I’m with Paige on this one. I’ll pass

    Plus the radius of where they can go isn't far and wide. Most of the city is a shithole, other than The Inner Harbor. And even there may be questionable at certain times of the day.

    They are in the city and they go to a f'ing chain restaurant? Seriously?


    I feel her presence in my State. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:
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    I guess Lemon Moneybags couldn't spring for some new slides for her kid. Those things are worn the heck out on the soles.

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    QUOTE (BetteDE @ 9/20/2022, 03:19 PM) 
    I don’t think Denver is a 3-4 hour flight though. And just a weekend?

    I’m thinking Washington DC

    Uh no!!!!! That's way to close to where I live. :nervous:
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    I just popped in to add my two cents about the Lemon's going away again. Is it the whole family? And how can they getaway again so soon after school started? What has it been only 5-6 weeks? Don't those kids have any new fall activities to "IN-JOY"? Boy are they trying to show off.
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    QUOTE (Miranda22 @ 9/19/2022, 12:31 PM) 
    The "tap to unload" is so annoying, as if her viewers get pleasure from virtually emptying her dishwasher with a click. 🙄🙄Lemonhead is the most boring content creator and person ever.

    Oh my gosh, yep I agree with you. Can't those people just fill and empty their own dishwashers? Maybe she means to entertain those that don't have one.
3019 replies since 19/11/2019