The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Flowerchild01

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    QUOTE (Bama Girl @ 4/6/2023, 07:31 PM) 
    QUOTE (JamHands9 @ 6/4/2023, 22:11) 
    I only open my son’s orange when I pack him a cold lunch just because they have sooo little time to eat. But I don’t even break it apart, just peel and stick in a container.

    Understandable, time is limited at school cafeterias, but….she is homeschooling, so time is irrelevant.

    Lemon is homeschooling ALL 3 kids? I didn't know that. Why? How long has she been doing this? So I'm guessing she is going to have three more hermit children, that will only get out when they turn 18. What is up with Paige after she moved out?
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    QUOTE (Itpaystobesmart @ 4/6/2023, 02:33 PM) 
    QUOTE (Flowerchild01 @ 6/4/2023, 20:04) 
    I know this is not on subject but... Did Lemon have her grout cleaned? Or did they get new tile? It doesn't look as black as I remember.


    I thought they had to replace a few tile around the kitchen island that might be where that is.


    Nope, same ugly dirty looking tile. You would think that the area that was fixed would be some sort of inspiration to at the very least "Clean The Darn Grout." SMH!
  3. .
    I know this is not on subject but... Did Lemon have her grout cleaned? Or did they get new tile? It doesn't look as black as I remember.

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    QUOTE (Calla-lily @ 4/5/2023, 09:15 AM) 
    QUOTE (Flowerchild01 @ 4/5/2023, 08:10 AM) 
    Hello garbage people how are things going? I haven't been here since sometime at the end of Feb. or the beginning of March and it looks like all is the same in the Lemon world, pressing buttons on appliances and playing video games, but what about 50? I only read back a few pages and didn't see anything about her. Would someone be sweet enough to give me a brief rundown of what's been up with these two? Thanks to whoever in advance.

    50 tried to pull down a box at work with a ladle. We haven't seen much of her since before Christmas outside of her work's social media. She's actually working and doesn't have time to post on YouTube or Instagram about her coffee, laundry, or Walmart pickups.

    Huh? Did she hurt herself or something? Same old same old with her, still a pinhead.

    Thanks Calla-lily!
  5. .
    Hello garbage people how are things going? I haven't been here since sometime at the end of Feb. or the beginning of March and it looks like all is the same in the Lemon world, pressing buttons on appliances and playing video games, but what about 50? I only read back a few pages and didn't see anything about her. Would someone be sweet enough to give me a brief rundown of what's been up with these two? Thanks to whoever in advance.
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    QUOTE (Calla-lily @ 2/28/2023, 10:44 AM) 
    QUOTE (Dontdothat @ 2/28/2023, 09:40 AM) 
    Probably either were sold on Facebook marketplace or in the landfill. Didn't even make it a year in that house. These are the new tread on Tik tok.

    She's no influencer. Her kids broke the last cereal containers like this which is why she bought the hotel continental breakfast dispensers. Her kids should just have the cereal boxes and chip clips. Of course they will neglect or forget to apply the chip clips... but it's way cheaper than more cereal containers to break. And anyhow, aren't those big plastic containers too big for tiny petite Rose to even manage?

    That's right!! She's just one of the influenced.
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    QUOTE (DollarTreeRich @ 2/24/2023, 11:16 PM)
    QUOTE (Onbreak @ 25/2/2023, 03:13) 
    Fiddy shouldn't come back. Shes got to be one of the most embarrassing yt moms. She would be better off in the long run with less video evidence out there of her being a pos mom.

    Agree, if only for her kids' lives to not be ruined any further. And she needs to delete everything so Maya's 2nd grade teacher or junior prom date or first employer doesn't find the text affair video. Although it might be helpful for their future therapists to see.

    I agree with you both to a point. But holy crap there are other YT moms that are 1000x's worse than Lemon or 50, believe it or not. There's a child exploitation/snark channel The Dad Challenge Podcast, that I have been obsessed with watching for awhile now. He rakes some of these shit parents over hot coals. JessFam and The Dougherty Dozen are just two examples, there are many other channels he comments on as well. It's crazy how these God awful people are to their kids and YT lets this "abuse" go on. But all these poor kids are "Living their best lives" according to their parents.

    Edited by Flowerchild01 - 2/25/2023, 06:29 AM
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    QUOTE (Amkytay @ 2/24/2023, 05:42 AM) 
    I saw in lemons comments someone asked about fiddy .
    I am sure lemon has been getting tons of messages about her bestie . 🤣
    I don’t understand why fiddy can’t just post on her community page that she’s doing fine and just taking a break from you tube a little while . 🙄
    Like what is up with the just not posting and making your subscribers wonder what happened to you ?

    She better get back to YT before she's been absent for 6 months or more. I heard that YT de-monetizes you when you haven't posted in 6 months.
    I don't think 50 will really be back to YT or sm until she gets fired/quits. She's got to be in a much happier place working, you would think, because she pretty much has disappeared from sm. If I remember correctly, although I haven't checked in a long time, she hasn't posted on IG since before Christmas.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 2/14/2023, 08:45 AM) 
    Lemon woke up with a fever and a bad sore throat. Someone in that house is always sick!!!!

    Anyways. She showed what they got for the kids for Valentine’s Day. What ever happened to just candy???

    It’s like Christmas morning. Bryce got a $25 gift card to Five Guys, a long charging cord, chalk, some candy, a Pokémon toy that costs around $20 and a $10 gift card for roblux. So about $75 worth of things. Plus the 13 days leading up where there were taken on outings and given junk daily. OBSCENE!!!!!!!!

    How does her husband think this is anywhere NEAR normal?!?!?!? What happened to enjoy the little things??? She’s out of control.

    She must think when they are adults and they look back on their childhoods, they will remember all of the juvenile and unnecessary crap they were bought as kids. Nope they'll remember the fun times like the lake trips. Not all this try-hard shit she does for every single holiday major or minor. She's so dumb.
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    QUOTE (Miranda22 @ 2/14/2023, 12:47 AM) 
    You should know you need help or to get a job/hobbies when your main content is pushing buttons.

    I wonder how the movies went for Lemon. It may have been rough. It may have been the first time she has watched a movie in the upright position with no pillows and blankets for a very long time.

    This cracked me up! Right! Lemon must have a gene that is insufficient in that she doesn't like standing/sitting upright like the homo sapien that she is, :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
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    Here's a new one for you all. This is hilarious to me. Why does Lemon have a Linkedin account? Does she not know that platform is for professionals NOT SAHM"s that don't have ANY work/job experience. I wonder what she expected to come from that. Maybe a nanny position even though she can't even handle her own three at once in the kitchen. So maybe not then. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:


    So Paige was "schooled" from home from the time she was 11? Holy crap I never saw Lemon do shit with that kid for school.
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    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 2/6/2023, 03:06 PM) 
    Do these kids need to have a dessert Everytime they walk in the door???

    How about slicing up some apples for them. Or setting out some grapes and a handful of nuts.

    I don’t understand why she feels the need to constantly having them ingesting processed sugar.

    I guarantee that the kids can find some quick snack to have when they walk in the door, but she insists on tempting them someone unhealthy on a daily basis

    I agree with you. She should take a look at this article, especially since their entire diet almost consists of processed foods.

    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 2/8/2023, 12:58 AM) 
    Anyone else get the feeling that Vuhnessa's constant hauling and blowing money on shit like valentine's day countdowns is to prove that she doesn't "need" to work (unlike Kieruh) and that they weren't dependent on those child support checks for her Real Housewives of Dollar Tree lifestyle...

    I'm just wondering why she came back to YT at all if they are so financially secure? Is she addicted to YT? Why does she feel the need to prove that they are comfortable? They probably "feel" comfortable but the way money just flies out the door in that house I can't see any of that being true. So she doesn't have to work good for her. :7043: She acts like she is some sort of anomaly or something.
  13. .
    Lemon will sit/lay on that couch once to binge a show and will be in bed for a month because her back will go out. Then there will be a whole new living room set in her house. Nothing makes Lemon happy for long. Hence all the changes every 12 months or so.

    I saw some pages back someone said that Lemon mentioned a pool this year. How the hell can they take on another payment? Because there is no way in hell that they save enough money to pay for kitchens, pools, cars, etc. outright. No Way! Once a poser always a poser.

    QUOTE (dirtydarrylssidepiece @ 2/5/2023, 12:12 AM) 
    Soooo is effectively the boss and Vee "borrowing" stuff from the staged houses his company sells??? Or maybe one of the companies they use to stage the houses got rid of some of their older inventory? Cause her new furniture and rug give me that vibe.

    I bet you are 100% right about them buying staging inventory from MM's company or whoever they use to stage a house.
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    That new furniture of Lemon's is such a bad color with that jailhouse gray that they have on those walls.
  15. .
    Her "changes" will never last. She's so stinking transparent. YTuber's do this this time of year. She'll be back to her old ways soon enough. I have all the faith that she won't be successful, she's already shown the world who she really is. A new and improved Miranda is so far fetched. But good luck!
3039 replies since 19/11/2019