The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by LurkHer

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    QUOTE (deltaburkefan @ 14/1/2020, 02:48) 
    QUOTE (LurkHer @ 14/1/2020, 02:46) 
    It’s hard to keep up with this thread, but am I the only one who thinks they DIDN’T have a bumpin’ sex life? And not just after the kids, but like for quite a while pre-kids? She’s just seemed very not into him for quite a while, and he seemed to try WAYYYYY too hard. I feel like things really unraveled after the kids, but not because of lack of sex. I think that was already lacking.

    I think it was due to many reasons people have already noted: Don’s injury, increase in time spent working (while simultaneously decrease in showering Jen with gifts, poems, treat Tuesdays), and Jen becoming a mother, vegan, actually having some sort of responsibility being the mother of 2 small children, it’s not her cup of tea. PUN INTENDED.

    The hearts in her journal would suggest otherwise.

    Good point... I forgot about that, I think I’m having a mental block because I can’t accept that someone would have that much sex with Don. 😐
  2. .
    It’s hard to keep up with this thread, but am I the only one who thinks they DIDN’T have a bumpin’ sex life? And not just after the kids, but like for quite a while pre-kids? She’s just seemed very not into him for quite a while, and he seemed to try WAYYYYY too hard. I feel like things really unraveled after the kids, but not because of lack of sex. I think that was already lacking.

    I think it was due to many reasons people have already noted: Don’s injury, increase in time spent working (while simultaneously decrease in showering Jen with gifts, poems, treat Tuesdays), and Jen becoming a mother, vegan, actually having some sort of responsibility being the mother of 2 small children, it’s not her cup of tea. PUN INTENDED.
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    Well I was on the train, and I am STILL a little shocked, I must admit. Didn’t think she’d have the balls to go through with it; mainly because she’s such a creature of habit/doesn’t do well with change/sticks her head in the sand. I’m interested to see how this plays out. I think eventually she’ll share a lot, she can’t help herself.
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    I found Jen while looking for something to do with organizing circa 2014. First couple videos, I assumed she had kids or some sort of career. Didn’t take long to see had neither of those things, but instead was a housewife with a generous allowance and a shopping/hoarding compulsion. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Shop, hoard, rinse & repeat.
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    QUOTE (TipTheUPSmanLikeJen @ 26/12/2019, 20:36) 
    QUOTE (BinThereOrganizedThat @ 26/12/2019, 20:34) 
    Her latest story ”the spiritual path to higher creativity”

    Her amazon recommends needs a cease and desist order.

    Oh, good. So we can all anticipate a “create with me” video and then countless Instagram stories in the following months complaining that she doesn’t have time to be creative and is trying to forgive herself for her shortcomings.

    ... I just noticed she’s got a new 5 Year Memory Journal in her IG story. Nooooooo.

    And a new pack of pens to boot! I’m so glad she got herself a pack of at least a dozen new pens. I’m sure she has no pens/writing instruments of choice in that house and needed more. (🙃 sarcasm)
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    Just a thought. Imagine how fulfilling it would be for someone like Jen to shop for & donate things to a women’s/children’s shelter? Like toiletries, nail polish, soaps, socks, etc. I mean she has the love of shopping/spending and loves to give gifts, and tons of cash/the means to do so. She could be so much more fulfilled if she looked outside of herself once in a while.

    (This is not to say someone needs to have her level of $$ to do good or donate to a shelter by any means, just imagining the good she could do with her shopping habit.)
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    In the holiday house tour, her family room tree isn’t up but she’s not getting rid of it because “who knows what next year will bring”. So cryptic, right?
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    I honestly to goodness laughed at her with that Starbucks in this vlog. Come on Jen. It’s EGGS! And you know there’s cheese in there, come onnnnn. And even a comment about the paper & plastic waste from that “meal” or whatever. She cares soOoOoOoO much, yet couldn’t be bothered to grab one of her (probably 20) travel hot liquid vessels on her way out of the house?!
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    I’m 2 minutes in to this mommy’s day out vlog. She’s just unbearable. Her heart hurts when she’s away from the kids? Donny is not even 2. Unless she’s a working mom (which she’s not) she doesn’t need to send her 1 year old to childcare on a regular basis. SHE should be the one taking him places to socialize and have experiences. One more thing that she can just outsource and pay someone to do for her. I know she’s not the only person in the world to do this, it’s just she puts it allllll out there ...
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    Just getting around to commenting on yesterday’s stories with the cookie baking. Remember when Jen had “treats” like literally every minute of every day? Donuts, cupcakes, freezers full of m&m’s and chocolate up the wazoo for no reason. But now she’s so smugly showing those knock off vegan m&m’s she’s subjecting the kids to. 🙄 come on Jen. I feel bad for them, they missed out on the fun treat-saturated Jen years. Although to be honest, I’m not so sure she doesn’t partake in all of that stuff when the camera’s not on..
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    I’m trying to start a new comment here & not reply to someone else’s but I’m not sure I’m doing it right lol. Anyways.
    Just skimmed her blog post..

    Her urge to share, as always, is totally one-sided. It’s always irked me how when subscribers comment on her videos, especially when it’s something heartfelt (from a subscriber), she replies with one word answers or even worse “TFS” (thanks for sharing). She says she wants to make friends/connections with people but doesn’t she realize her actions don’t reflect that?
  12. .
    I’ve been watching Jen for longer than I’d like to admit and just created an account because I literally JUST discovered such a board as this existed. I don’t know where to begin.

    Ok, yes I do. 😂 Her stocking stuffer guide is really ticking me off. I can’t believe she has the wherewithal to suggest she is environmentally conscious. I mean, I am just floored. No amount of reusable straws could make up for the absolute piles of waste that she, alone, has created.
627 replies since 26/11/2019