The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by LurkHer

  1. .
    $10 gift card for your kids’ teachers seems kinda cheap for someone who just spends money on the most nonsense stuff on a daily basis, no? Or am I just being judgey.
  2. .
    Why does she insist on regularly showing the front of her house lately??
  3. .
    I haven’t caught up so apologies if someone already mentioned, but Jen, you love Jude Law in his glasses?!? (Who doesn’t) But you let Don wear his god awful glasses for YEARS?!! Wtf girl. She didn’t give a shit about Don or want him looking cute at all lol. No 1%er should have been wearing those damn outdated frames. 😂
  4. .
    This is such a classic one. 😂 someone told her they broke a glass at the very end and she definitely was pissed. “Oh it’s one of mine? Drats! Heheh” as opposed to one of the caterer’s. What a bitch. Making a guest feel bad that a glass broke. Like she doesn’t have 50 thousand more where that came from.
  5. .
    I’m all for having fun, this just looks staged and not legitimate fun with a friend. Posing with cotton candy? like what is going on.
  6. .
    Did she really get over 1,000 comments on the “what dress should I wear for my birthday?” Post on IG? I can’t believe that many people commented!
  7. .
    QUOTE (Hard Candy @ 1/12/2023, 23:41) 
    Every time she shows the paper-blinds I want to rip them up. Why can't she just fix up that one blind?


    Are these really those stick up paper blinds?!? We used them in our house when we had just moved in and were having guests overnight and I needed something quick up there without having to decide on window treatments immediately. I can’t believe she has them in the front room… still!!
  8. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 28/11/2023, 15:44) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 11/28/2023, 09:50 AM) 
    I don’t necessarily have a problem with Carter’s clothes but when you consider that she is currently spending more money to pay for her backup car to sit in a parking lot than she is on quality clothes for her kids, it’s pretty disgusting.

    It makes me so angry that with all the money she has, with a daughter who likes dressing up, she puts so little effort into dressing them. She's all about joy when it's her joy, but the kids'? Nah.

    Right! It’s another example of how Jen is like disconnected from them. If she saw them as more “connected” she would have no problem spending on them like she spends on herself. But they are so separate from her that she can’t just buy some Janie & Jack for their holiday outfits. I also feel like she sees that as coming out of don’s portion of the $. Her money is for Jen only. Don’s $ is for Don, his wife, his kids, step kids etc.
  9. .
    QUOTE (headspace @ 27/11/2023, 14:06) 
    That fucking shirt lmfao make it leopard print and you got yourself a Peggy Bundy.

    She wishes she had half the personality of Peg Bundy. 😂
  10. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 27/11/2023, 04:14) 
    I made my teenage children do their own laundry and we got by with just one set. But what do I know, i’m just a basic 99%er. What I DO know is that I never felt the need to whine on social media about doing laundry for everyone! even when I actually did.

    Oh yes when my kids are old enough they can definitely assist with their own laundry, it’s more the day dreaming about separate laundry rooms that’s strange. That’s never even crossed my mind. But like you said, I’m also just a 99%er. She also probably wishes they could have separate kitchens and basically separate floors in the house. If Don dollars would allow for this sort of renovation I’m sure she would be all in.
  11. .
    Jen can barely wait to install a separate washer/dryer for the kids, and for the kids to be old enough to take on that sort of chore. In her mind, the less she has to interact with them, the better. 1 adult and 2 children do not need 2 sets of washers/dryers.
  12. .
    I love how she never has said a peep about the thousands upon thousands she has spent over the years on herself but somehow a meal for her family that costs $600 from Whole Foods (so, $400 worth of food if she chose to shop at a normal priced store) she is just blatantly bitching about. Not to mention, probably half of the stuff was her regular groceries!! I mean $600 really is not that much for her compared to how she spends on the daily.
  13. .
    Yes! That house had/has a lot of potential. Potential that doesn’t include 5 desks a crammed into an office.
  14. .
    I miss their old house. 😂 I love the layout of the first floor, not the day-cor or fireplace style necessarily, but soo much room & at least it was cozy. More than we can say about her current home which just seems so cold.
  15. .
    Wait who’s the other A? Is that Adams’s girlfriends initial?
656 replies since 26/11/2019