The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Whackadoodle

  1. .
    How sadistic must you be to live with a person, see their pain, know you are the cause of it or at least contributing to it, and not give a shit? All the while filming her videos, showing off the wealth that Don provided her because he loved her and wanted her happy.

    She took and took and took from him and gave back nothing. Conniving and stringing him along. For years. For a decade. She had the second best bedroom in the house for her office, which should have been the guest bedroom since it had its own bath. He turned another blind eye to her using another room just for her creepy doll collection. Whatever she wanted, she got. And heifer couldn't even cook dinner for him while she was home all day. All she did was shop and play with her toys.

    This bitch is beyond contempt.

    One thing I can say about Don, he found his balls rather swiftly upon finding out about her treachery. Before that, it looked like he had lost them forever.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Jens Divorce Journey of Choice @ 6/8/2020, 09:57 AM) 
    My guess is that Don discovered her infertility lie while she was in Oregon and called her out on it, saying he wanted a divorce. That’s why she was crying herself to sleep. I’m glad to know that Don did not cheat. I actually feel bad for him right now. He’s an ass, but finding out your wife has been faking infertility issues for years because she didn’t want to be a mother after leading him to believe otherwise.....DANG! This is the stuff that cheesy Lifetime movies are made of!!

    This new info needs to be added to the timeline, etc. just in case!

    ETA: Now that Christine is back, I’ll stop speculating and let her tell us the truth!

    that is a good theory. I wondered when she was gone long enough for him to do any quality snooping. That would have been the perfect time.
  3. .
    Another variation before bed:


  4. .
    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 6/8/2020, 02:49 AM) 
    Thought of another one:


    Ooops, I have been informed by my friends daughter that I am not hip nor cool. I misspelled "deets" 🙃🙃

  5. .
    QUOTE (GonaldDonald @ 6/8/2020, 02:58 AM) 
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 8/6/2020, 08:28) 
    Any predictions on how Jen will react to this tomorrow? Will we be lectured again? Will she run on IG live, clutching her iPad, to nostril flare defend herself? Will she cry about mean people and seek pity? Will we get a novel length text post since she can't show her smug mug in the new house yet? Will we get more "anti-racism" reposts with her pretending she didn't see anything?


    I bet she'll continue milking the blm thing for as long as she can. She was told off for not mentioning Ahmaud Arbery's name, so now she's showing how much SHE cares, and making excuses for not posting videos.

    After Christine gets rolling, Jen will be too distracted to care about BLM anymore. especially since it wasn't a genuine interest anyway.
  6. .
    QUOTE (YouGuysSlayMe @ 6/8/2020, 02:42 AM) 
    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 6/7/2020, 11:33 PM) 
    That's why I vote for Christine having her own thread. This is too juicy to get buried in the middle of a random thread. I want it very easy for Hag to find and read. Well, easy for all of us.

    Her lies will officially be outed. No more hiding behind an off button. Whether she posts or not, Christine is rolling the camera on what is going on.

    This pretty much IS Christine's thread.

    Again, all of Christine's posts can be read by clicking on her user name.

    Yeah, I'm just thinking months/a year from now it would be nice to have a purely identifiable thread for this info. I mean other than the divorce announcement, this has to be one of biggest spills in thread history. I think merits its own thread. But whatever. just a thought.
  7. .
    Thought of another one:

  8. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 6/8/2020, 02:28 AM) 
    Any predictions on how Jen will react to this tomorrow? Will we be lectured again? Will she run on IG live, clutching her iPad, to nostril flare defend herself? Will she cry about mean people and seek pity? Will we get a novel length text post since she can't show her smug mug in the new house yet? Will we get more "anti-racism" reposts with her pretending she didn't see anything?


    That's why I vote for Christine having her own thread. This is too juicy to get buried in the middle of a random thread. I want it very easy for Hag to find and read. Well, easy for all of us.

    Her lies will officially be outed. No more hiding behind an off button. Whether she posts or not, Christine is rolling the camera on what is going on.
  9. .
    If we do give Christine her own thread, I'll throw this title suggestion out there:

  10. .
    QUOTE (SeeminglySweetLikeJen @ 6/8/2020, 01:59 AM) 
    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 8/6/2020, 07:58) 
    I feel we need to compile one giant list of questions and just let Christine answer them all in one special thread.

    Yes, let her tell her story and then open it up for questions, give her the floor!

    Can we give her her own thread so the info doesn't get lost in the shuffle? Start the thread with her posts and then open it up to questions. That way everything is contained.

    We can think of a neat thread title for Christine. So we will always know where to look for this bombshell.

    Edited by Whackadoodle - 6/8/2020, 02:06 AM
  11. .
    QUOTE (FakingIt_MakingIt @ 6/8/2020, 01:57 AM) 
    QUOTE (TuesdayErrands @ 8/6/2020, 07:56) 
    So Jen said she never wanted kids sometime in early-to-mid 2018, but Don didn’t find the journals with the proof until just before he moved out in September 2019? Did he go looking for them because she’d stopped going to marriage counseling with him?

    And how the hell did he find anything worth reading in her office? When did he have time to go through piles and piles of crap to find anything of use?

    And when was the recluse out of the house long enough to look through her things?
  12. .
    QUOTE (FakingIt_MakingIt @ 6/8/2020, 01:53 AM) 
    It actually makes me like Don a little less knowing for sure that he saw Jen for who she is but still up and left his small children with her.... I gave him a little more grace when I was leaning on the side of Jen telling him to leave.

    to be fair, her bad behavior during the marriage wouldn't warrant taking the kids away from her. It was how she fell apart after he left when she truly stopped caring about those kids. That should spur him to seek custody now. She can't even muster up enough maternal instinct to groom her children anymore. Anyone looking at her now can see she is a hot mess.

    Edited by Whackadoodle - 6/8/2020, 01:59 AM
  13. .
    QUOTE (recoveringperfectionist @ 6/8/2020, 01:42 AM) 
    QUOTE (Whackadoodle @ 6/8/2020, 07:41 AM) 
    So was that other insider right who spilled some tea on their counseling? I am trying to remember now what exactly they said about counseling.

    From the post on her YT video (that was deleted)?

    Hmm... I don't think that one. Wasn't it the same one who said the house was going on the market on 6/3?

    Edit: No you are right. it was the YT comment.

    I cannot bite my tongue any longer, how can you continue to be so smug and self righteous? Those of us that truly know what’s going on can see right through this nonsense you put up on here. Just stop! Don is the one stable parent those kids have, since you had Charlotte you have been nothing but resentful toward Don, Charlotte and even Donny (even though you favor him) Don wanted those kids from the very beginning and you continued to make up reasons to put it off in order to keep all of Don’s and the family’s attention on you. We know Don did everything he could to keep you happy and beyond taken care of for a decade of childless marriage with you dangling the promise of children in front of him, it was one the coldest things you’ve done. Once you had little Charlotte things changed drastically- you punished Don for insisting that you fulfill your promise of children by way of emotionally / physically abandoning the marriage. Don tried his best to do everything he could to care for Charlotte as a baby/toddler but he was met with strict guidelines on what he can/cannot do. Don insisted on couples therapy and things improved some as you put the minimum amount of effort back in, long enough to get pregnant with Donny (which you were not happy about in the least) after that your selfishness increased to an unbearable and unhealthy level with all your new found lifestyle needs. How do you think we all saw you after your ridiculous switch to being “plant based” which was so convenient since you were in charge of family meals. We’ve been there as you’ve taken turkeys apart for soup, devoured Don’s meat creations, guzzled milkshake after milkshake, etc. That move was the final straw for him, you had successfully estranged yourself from Don in every way, he tried to talk to you multiple times, when your therapist agreed with him during what would become your last couples session you immediately insisted on changing therapists and going by yourself. What you did to Don, to your family is unforgivable and the epitome of selfish. Those who really know you know that your not a loving mother, those kids live in front of a TV when they aren’t with Don. Lastly; you may be single and a mother but you will always be supported by Don. Don’t think for one second your life isn’t funded by him now and in the future. He supports those kids emotionally and financially, any house you buy will be the result of Don’s money you never have nor ever will support your or your kids on your own.

    Edited by Whackadoodle - 6/8/2020, 01:50 AM
  14. .
    QUOTE (Christine14 @ 6/8/2020, 01:32 AM) 
    QUOTE (fiercelyprivate @ 6/8/2020, 07:16 AM) 
    I keep trying to catch up before asking questions (in case they are repeated and already answered) but I can't catch up :lol: So fuck it.

    Christine - did they separate (meaning, Don moved out) before he made the final decision to divorce her? If so, how long were they separated for?

    Are Jen and Don on good terms? That's the narrative she spins on social media.

    How wealthy are the Rosses really?

    I don’t know the details of any financial stufff..

    He left in late summer after their marriage counseling wasn’t working because she stopped going. I believe he was firm in divorce at the time he moved. They are on speaking terms but he tries to speak to her as little as possible.

    So was that other insider right who spilled some tea on their counseling? I am trying to remember now what exactly they said about counseling.
  15. .
    QUOTE (FakingIt_MakingIt @ 6/8/2020, 01:30 AM) 
    It really is interesting to me that she thought she was so clever she could document her lies to her husband ....

    Often a narcissist undoing. They think they are so clever. They get careless.

    Why was she even keeping track of something like that? Maybe so she could revel in her deceit. Kind of like how a murderer may take a memento of the victim to remind him of the killing.
394 replies since 19/12/2019