The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ListerineLikeJen

  1. .
    Hey all. I’m watching along with you guys but a few days behind. Wanted to pop on to mention and chuckle at the fact Jen lugged up all her tea crap from the downstairs kitchen and a day or two later she mentions that Don makes his coffee in the Kurig downstairs. She’s such an ugly person. Doesn’t even bother to bring up his Kurig but brings up all her tea. What a brat.
    Sorry to derail. Just had to bring that up
  2. .
    He’s always proud of himself or boasting about something. Even putting his shoes on the right feet is an accomplishment to him. :m1273:
  3. .
    QUOTE (bitchybetty @ 2/10/2021, 23:23) 
    QUOTE (EyerollOlympian @ 2/10/2021, 22:45) 
    True, there is that. Gross but in store for most of us as we reach a certain age.
    Maybe she is embarrassed to show them, who knows.

    This is another good point. I probably wouldn’t show my period products to the world either. There’s a lot of things I wouldn’t show in the bathroom. My husbands rogaine is another one 😂

    I noticed she had what looked like feminine products to the right of the right of the cotton rounds and Qtips and figured she thought it was too personal to mention. I could be wrong tho
  4. .
    Did anyone else snicker in today’s vlog when he mentioned that his nail tech is fast becoming a friend.
    It reminded me of his old friend Jen.
  5. .
    Holy Crap! THIS is where all the toilet paper is, it’s in her bloody basement! No wonder she has a nervous laugh, she’s hoarding it all!!!
  6. .
    Ohhhh PissedOff Jen is back and she just ripped into her faithful friends again.
    I love me some angry Jen, that’s my favourite (In an ELF voice).
    Fuck off faithful viewers
  7. .
    Hahaha on the GIF; I can’t be the only one who can hear her nervous chuckle when I see it
    The Queens CupHoard
  8. .
    Ya that last video of all her food is ugly. What atrocious behaviour to clear the shelves and her “Every man for themselves” attitude is shameful. The glee in her voice when she spoke of finding a shitload of canning goods says it all. “Screw everyone else” is what she implied. Also the way she describes how delicious her canned goods are when they are paired with other foods is off putting to say the least.
    Such a gluttonous greedy pig. I used to enjoy watching her recipe videos but I think at this point I am hate-watching.
  9. .
    QUOTE (Chachayaya @ 27/9/2021, 22:34) 
    How many times can he repost people reposting his story 🤦‍♂️

    How else would he fill his work all day other than flash his LV and name brand bags around and move his Tesla in different parking spots in the school parking lot? Maybe he trips a few underprivileged kids in the school hallways or shoves them into lockers too, He is such an arsehole.
  10. .
    Is that stove not working shpeel for real? Surely if this chick can afford the homes she has been showing us vlog after vlog, she can afford to replace a stupid stove. Stoves aren’t THAT expensive and neither is a new A/C unit, compared to the mortgage payments of a million dollar home that is. Give me a break Kim
  11. .
    QUOTE (BinThereRebrandedThat @ 23/9/2021, 23:21) 
    QUOTE (Bunion of Fury @ 23/9/2021, 22:50) 
    Wait, the overalls were shorts? OMG.
    Walmart Cringe! Well, goes with the view at the "resort". My Wegmans has a better parking lot view and it's free, I should start renting tents for idiots like Jen. "Magical view, caterer within walking distance".
    What a moron! Those tables look sticky as hell too.


    I just found out my cancer came back. This picture gave me the laugh I so needed. Thanks Bunion!!!!

    EFFF cancer. Laughter is the best medicine. Keep laughing friend
  12. .
    Ya, the 20lbs of salt is alarming, actually the whole bloody video is alarming
    Ken has quite the beer gut too.
    The part where she claimed they forgot to eat was hilarious to me. Ummm ok Shelby, whatever makes you feel better!
    What was the point of the video other to show what selfish gluttons they are and have no self-awareness.
    Shameful and pitiful
  13. .
    2 minutes in and I feel nauseous
    The intros was definitely rehearsed and forced
    “Mill plan” what an idiot
  14. .
    Don’t feel bad, I haven’t found the house either. Even searching through “Pending” homes didn’t work for me.
  15. .
    Fire ants are nasty, and can attack so quickly, apparently so can gators . I sure hope she keeps her little ones away from the lakes. I am dumbfounded as to why she would want to live on a lake in Florida. I always feel panicked whenever she vlogs and her kids are so close to the shore. I always think of that poor toddler that got attacked by a gator while at a Disney hotel.
625 replies since 7/1/2020