The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Nefarious Oatly Foam

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    I'm Jewish and have better Christmas house than this freak. :hearty-laugh:
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/1/2023, 11:44 AM) 
    thanks to withblunder for this thread title :thumbs-up:

    Title Perfection!!!
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    Sitting at a table with a $300 chocolate calendar in the background, gleefully discussing all the other ridiculous advents she had to buy because she loves them so much, while whining that just once she'd like to enjoy a holiday and be able to find a 'crumb of joy'.

    Manic lunatic.
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    QUOTE (shereallysaidthat @ 11/11/2023, 09:28 AM) 
    QUOTE (ThinkingOfVeterans @ 11/11/2023, 07:34 AM) 
    Good morning friends. I am holding all the veterans in my heart today, thinking of them always. Right after my childhood friend, my grandparents, and of course myself. I choose ME.

    As a veteran (and Mr. She Really, too) we are so grateful for you, and Jen, holding us in your hearts. We are off to get our free Dunkin Donut and coffee and may hit our local watering hole for free beer and wings. God Bless America!!!!!😂

    Thank you for your service! <3

    QUOTE (rosarita @ 11/11/2023, 10:57 AM) 
    I just learned how much the disney vacation club costs per year.
    No, she did not "win" that in the divorce. There is no "winning" with disney.
    She uses the vacation club extensively because she thinks she got one over on Don. Those kids are gonna be so over disney in ten years.

    Good for Don letting her have a part-time vacation home a thousand miles away from him, his new, wife and all five of their children. Smart man.
  5. .
    It's not the endless Mickey ear/Crown Athletic pics...
    It's not the confounding half face selfies...
    It's not the barrage of Run Disney videos...
    The chewing of her latte foam...
    Or even the obligatory fist pump shots at the end of a race (well maybe it is a little)....

    But - It's DEFINITELY the very end of each Peloton reel when she's feeling all adorable and giggles into the camera.
    I'd rather be subject to an hour of sitting in a room while someone takes their nails to a chalkboard or have my eyes gouged out slowly but a rabid animal.

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    QUOTE (Cheap Salmon @ 11/9/2023, 02:40 PM) 
    Why not just move to Florida at this point? The amount of time she spends there she can just fly once every month to Illinois, do her motherly duties for 5 hours, pretend to care about her parents and go back to her happy fantasy land.

    Ha! 100%
  7. .
    QUOTE (shereallysaidthat @ 11/8/2023, 06:18 AM) 
    QUOTE (Igotmaditurnedhouseintoaplayroom @ 11/7/2023, 10:44 AM) 
    Jen and that medal pose, reminds me of Mark Spitz and Eric Heiden, however she is no Olympian and theirs was real gold, those guys actually accomplished great feats and were at their maximum. Who else had crushes on these guys, Mark Spitz was too old I was only 8 at the time but Eric Heiden, I was 16. His thighs were power and Jens is just Jen.

    I am not ashamed to say that as a 13 year old I had a poster of Mark Spitz in my bedroom.

    Me too! *_*
    And that's exactly what I think of every time she shows off the cheesy childish Chinese crap around her neck.
  8. .
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 11/7/2023, 04:52 PM) 
    “I DID IT! I dressed like a toddler and walked through Disneyworld! And I got cute medals to hang on my wall! And pictures to put in my sticker books!”

    Nailed it!
  9. .
    So, here we are - 10 months into her WILD year which seems to have consisted mostly of Disney runs, Disney parks, Disney cruising, cheap Chinese Disney medals, hiking up a variety of grey hills all alone, Crown Athletic sports bras, and campground bathrooms. I mean, if that isn't wild, I don't know what is! What new 'inspiring' word do we think is on tap for '24?
  10. .
    I think we should all take a heaping tablespoonful of Ben & Jerry's during the video every time she says it has taken her a lifetime to finally honor and love her body, even with its flaws...of which she'll note are now more pronounced ever since the birth of her two Circumstances.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 10/5/2023, 01:56 PM) 
    Did Winnie not deserve to be gentle with herself?

    Poor sweet innocent baby Winnie didn't even deserve a sterile surgery according to Monster Mom.
  12. .
    Why...WHY is she always hand-wringing and discussing her tender feelings about being a 'creator'? Does she really think anyone gives AF?
    Who does this??

    And no Jen - It's highly unlikely that REAL creators making money on YT and other platforms are sacrificing their health and well-being. Where on earth did you get that idea? Make-up, travel, and home decor influencers are not exactly on par with fire fighters, police officers or military folk. That said, if I'm wrong, please do tell us what you've sacrificed all these years because if it's true, my heart hurts for you. 🙄

    - I realize that for you, an actual job/career would indeed necessitate sacrificing your precious 'me time' and make YOU feel unwell. (Flitting off in Blue and hiking an endless number of lookalike gray trails isn't a job - no matter how you slice it or how many tax deductions you take.

    I have a career that I love and not only don't I sacrifice anything for it, it actually benefits me in many, many ways. What exactly is it that is so self-sacrificing about content creation? Perhaps it's just you and that you picked the wrong 'career'? :rolleyes:
  13. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 9/20/2023, 01:26 PM) 
    “The facilities are sparkling.”

    This is what her life has become. Dear God.


    Some TMI -
    As someone who can't "go" in public places, and being a city girl who's never one squatted in the woods, I'd rather die of uremic poisoning than avail myself of those 'sparkling facilities'.
  14. .
    QUOTE (PowderRoomCandy @ 9/20/2023, 02:51 AM) 
    Jen was always painfully average in almost all aspects of her life. Now she's definitely below average in most things.

    She said it best herself in the scepter foreplay video..."I'm not a beauty queen." No Jen, you most certainly are not. And now you're not even Pwincess Jennifer Ross.


    Poor thing - She appeared so desperately miserable and caged back in the day ;)
  15. .
    QUOTE (LofticeLouboutins @ 9/17/2023, 05:14 PM) 
    Did she ever respond to the patreons comments on her No Friends video? Or will that happen when she does her Town Hall?

    The day before the Town Hall or the day after the Winnie tribute video. Could also happen a week after she keeps her budget as a 'single mama' or stops eating sugar she can no longer process because she's 40.
896 replies since 11/1/2020