The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Nefarious Oatly Foam

  1. .
    QUOTE (ZenJen @ 6/19/2023, 11:56 AM) 
    I do not get the appeal of that mail subscription thing she gets with the encouraging words. At all.

    Shit quotes in the mail because it's not enough to search and repost them from IG. More crap to spend waste Don Dollars™ and throw on the pile in the office.

    QUOTE (pinksims @ 6/19/2023, 11:17 AM) 
    This whole paragraph feels like a massive lie:

    Pics or none of it happened.
    Dinner outside? I know she's not photographing the kids at the moment, but you know there'd be a shot of the "Donny" trash plate with a scoop of bacteria rice and some soggy broccoli on it, right?
  2. .
    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 6/19/2023, 03:47 PM) 
    Why? Why does she always have to say something about if you are not having a great day, week, or whatever, I am sending you love and something else? FFS, I had a shit day yesterday and imagine there will be many more, but Chinny’s fake words only make it worse.

    Projection. She probably assumes everyone is as miserable as she is.
  3. .
    The giggling at nothing and no one but herself is beyond nauseating. No Jinny, you are NOT adorable.

  4. .
    Just had a thought. Perhaps she's taking them to Disney because it works VERY well for her?

    I wonder if she has a solo trip planned to the West Coast a bit before she takes the kids and will be leaving the luxury adventure rig in Orange Country by the park?

    Can't you just imagine Don having a West Coast trip at the same time, and that he'll pick up the kids and take them home while Jen hops back into Blue and drives her herself and her pee rags up to the Redwood Forest to sleep in her stinky, well marinated vehicle?
  5. .
    I don't really know why she's taking them to Disneyland. Has she ever been there? It's minuscule compared to Disney World and you can pretty much do the whole thing in two days - but maybe that's the whole point?

    And I don't even want to know if the slob once again puts CC and Jr in a stroller. :enraged-smiley-emoticon:
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    QUOTE (AbundanceOfCaution @ 6/12/2023, 09:42 PM) 
    Probably nobody trusts sending their kids to Jen’s. Relatives can see she’s a shitty mother and know she doesn’t like kids around. And she’s only at the school to drop off and pick up. She’s a stranger to the parents there. They are safer having play dates with people they know.

    How true. They simply don't know her. No one leaves their kid with a stranger. A strange stranger, no less.
  7. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 6/12/2023, 11:55 AM) 
    literally the *entire* time she has had that house she hasn't been able to handle being home by herself

    get a real therapist Jen

    She's so full of shit. If she can sit all alone in a murder shack in the middle of nowhere with iffy cell service and no Whole Foods or Peloton, she can be home by herself. The house is a reminder to her every day that she's encumbered by her own kids and "lives on the road" to cosplay being childless.

    What a sick B.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 6/12/2023, 12:34 PM) 
    Jen’s Mon update: “I love having my kids but I try to squeeze in some exercise and work. And I find they are more imaginative if I don’t get involved in their play.”

    One day very soon, those babies will "imagine" how much better and more fun their lives would be with their dad and new mom and if they never had to see that gray basement playroom again.
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    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 6/12/2023, 10:25 AM) 
    QUOTE (NefariousPeletonPatreon @ 6/12/2023, 05:52 AM) 
    She is so weird. Thinks she has to flash her shark teeth and hand out cash to the poors in order to have an okay time at a bar.


    LOL This is the Jin I LOVE!! smug cunt. I love it because it shows the true twat she is. No friends, no clue. It's beyond pathetic. It must be sad that the only thing that can make you feel confident is Don's dollars and your gross smile.

    Most of us can just walk into a place and be just fine. I don't have to toss money at everyone to make friends or feel confident.

    I will forever love smug cunt and bunion Jin. why? cause it shows how pathetic and weak she really is. too scared to get bunion surgery and too scared to find out who she really is and just be confident with who that is. LOSER!!

    Keep on wearing disgusting looking shoes and try to hide your BUNIONS and PULEEEEZE keep being smug, it works for you jinny girl!!

    Does this epic moron really believe the secret to 'feeling comfortable alone", making friends, and "fitting in" is to waive cash in front of people? What kind of sick, skewed thinking is that?

    I suspect this was also the preferred method used by her parents and Don. They're all a bunch of classless dolts. Too bad she wasn't nicer to Sweet Boy, he would still be happy doing this for her.
  10. .
    WHAT "mama bear" in the entire universe would say "I'm very much looking forward to having them for spring break next year."
    That's like telling a colleague that you're looking forward to seeing them at the next annual corporate meeting. Geezus!
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  12. .
    QUOTE (Jens George Washington Curls @ 6/8/2023, 01:25 AM) 
    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 8/6/2023, 05:56) 
    Random thought: What happened to her drone? Did it crash and burn? Buried somewhere in her hoarded home-on-wheels? Lost in her “organized” garage? Or just another expensive toy she got bored with?

    It’s just like everything else Jen buys: gets used once or twice and is then thrown into the abyss never to be seen again except by the Bakery stuffed in a corner visible in only one shot of an “organization” video ten years later. we witnessed earlier this week - never used, not once, and then thrown into the 'random' closet of old chocolate. ;)
  13. .
    Damn! I just caught her IG story and at first glance I thought we were in for a scolding. SO disappointing!
  14. .
    So, she took in $5740 this month for whining and moaning and "cleaning" her closet of old chocolate and hoard.

  15. .
    Exactly WHO'S money did she save for the Cartier bracelet? :29:

    Thinking of changing my screen name to Closet Chocolate
896 replies since 11/1/2020