The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Nefarious Oatly Foam

  1. .
    All that brand new, unused crap that Don paid for was simply to feed her need for instant gratification and without regard for wasteful spending. REAL rich people know where every penny goes, Jen.

    My God, no wonder he left - she is such a sick puppy. And just like so many we've all seen on "Hoarders" she has an almost impossible time deciding whether or not she should keep the stuff that she admits she never uses and likely won't.

    One other thing to note Jen - Caged folks aren't the only people who wear makeup. You said yourself, you're 40 - start to look like it and not some unclean, rebellious teenager. Last I heard a little foundation and mascara doesn't oppress or subjugate anyone.
  2. .
    My theory about withholding Winnie info:

    She's dug a dishonest hole so deep that she can't get out of it. There's no way to discuss the timeline, or the actual events without slipping and exposing herself for the bullshit artist she is - even in her own "community".

    I mean, if the Wonderers start to question her, it can soon become an issue. We know she doesn't want to feel obligated to answer anyone, especially people she considers peons. It's Jen's version of "let them eat cake". Ignoring them won't work; she knows she'd get pushback not responding to paying 'customers', and that $5/mo per person is way too important for her to risk. Her only option now is to repeat, ad nauseam, that it's much too tender for her to talk about. Of course, you know her tribe will buy that nonsensical excuse - hook, line and sinker.

    That said, I suspect only a small percentage of those freaks would speak out and question her anyway, but the ~$4k she brings in every month is her travel cash. I'll bet she's socking away most of her alimony and child support for when the kids she's required by law to babysit are old enough for her to be able to take off for months at a time. God knows she's not spending a dime of Don Dollars™ on them now.

    Edited by Nefarious Oatly Foam - 5/30/2023, 11:16 AM
  3. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 5/29/2023, 11:57 AM) 
    She thinks it's casualty cruelty and don't shame her for not sharing about Winnie on YT or IG. Fu@k off, you habe tons of followers who love Winnie.

    Ugg, the preparing the kids for a year and telling them to give extra kisses every time they left lately.

    "Give Winnie extra kisses before you leave for your Dad's, but be quick about it...Mommy has a fight to catch!"
  4. .
    Over and over again we hear how much she "loves to share" with her community. Clearly, the lunatic doesn't understand that sharing is a two-way street. As soon as a viewer asks a question she doesn't like, isn't prepared to answer, or voices an opinion that doesn't jive with her's, she scolds. If this is what she teaches her kids about sharing (assuming she attempts to teach them anything) God help them in the future.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Narcissism101 @ 5/27/2023, 12:10 PM) 
    Re: REI affiliate links- claims she only links items she really uses and loves. But when is the last time she used the camp stove? She sits in her car and eats PB sandwiches, bagged salad and cake. She doesn’t cook.

    She probably thinks all her Paula's will run out to buy it. Embarrassingly, the losers might do just that.
  6. .
    QUOTE (QueenCheese @ 5/26/2023, 11:18 AM) 
    I hope the pateron people report her for fraud when she isn't doing what she said she should have refunded people

    what a fraud

    I pay for a subscription to a writer on Substack at $6/month. A few weeks ago, she got quite ill and voluntarily sent a note saying how sorry she was and how everyone would be receiving a refund for the entire month - and she only missed one of four posts per her monthly commitment. I could have lived just fine without the refund but the writer felt badly about it and just wanted to make up for the missing content.

    Some people have integrity. Jen doesn't know the meaning of the word.
  7. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 5/26/2023, 08:26 PM) 
    QUOTE (KittyOfLeisure @ 5/26/2023, 08:12 PM) 
    I'm an infrequent visiter to this thread so I don't know if it's been discussed at length but do you think Jen deducts all her travel expenses because it's for her "business"? I know she has ample funds but I'm envious if she can deduct everything. OTOH, I'd been too risk averse to stay is deserted campgrounds. Sure the odds are against a criminal stopping by but, still.

    If she does, she's begging for an audit. Her Patreon earnings don't even cover the costs of parking and fueling her rumpus vehicle.

    ETA this is a good read (via reddit).

  8. .
    QUOTE (mywalkingpharmacy @ 5/26/2023, 07:21 PM) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 5/26/2023, 06:36 AM) 

    This being a MAY review, does this mean she's done grieving? I am a bit slow on the processing of the timeline and how all of these events played out.

    I'm unclear about the timeline as well. But what I do know is that this review was written for a trip she took just after Winnie passed or within days of the poor thing dying in someone else's care.

    Either way, it's clear she didn't give two shits about that sweet innocent pup who put up with her abuse for 13 years. I will NEVER get over Jen demanding baby Winnie undergo spay surgery without shaving her fur. That's as much cruel as it is monumentally stupid. Where on God's green earth did she find the quack veterinarian who agreed to do it?
  9. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 5/23/2023, 06:04 PM) 
    Winnie abuse under the spoiler.
    SPOILER (click to view)

    This doesn't get any easier seeing it for the second time. That stupid selfish bitch!
    Winnie never needed to be there. She was only there because Jen thought it was cute and needed 'content'. The poor pup was literally luggage/bungee corded her to the paddle board. It's unconscionable, cruel and abusive.

    Jen - Get a human friend to paddle board with, if anyone will have you. Good luck with that.

    SOCIOPATH: Consistent behavior patterns in sociopaths include: Lack of empathy (CHECK!) for others. Impulsive behavior (Wasting money on on a whim for crap she never looks at again - CHECK!) Attempting to control others with threats or aggression (Scoldings - CHECK!) Using intelligence, charm, or charisma (Her bullshit stories - CHECK!) to manipulate others.
  10. .
    One measly tear, no dripping snot, and not even red watery eyes. That was.....something.

    It's pretty clear now that she wasn't there with Winnie because Jen would have told us how strong and magnanimous she was to hold on to that sweet pup at the end, and how Winnie went peacefully, etc.. Instead, as usual, she avoided it but saying she didn't want to go into detail.

    And I'm sorry, but what exactly is "beautiful" about this? I've been there a few times as I know many of you have; it's gut wrenching and actually physically painful as you're going thru it. Beautiful is not a word I'd use to describe being present during a beloved friend's final moments.

    Jen, I sure do hope all the trips you took and have planned, all the plastic participation medals, and the giant Legos kits were worth leaving your 'whole heart' behind when she needed you most.

    It should be very sad that she has only a camera to talk to right now but it's of her own doing. Enjoy staying uncaged and untamed, Jennifer!

    RIP Winnie. <3

    Edited by Nefarious Oatly Foam - 5/22/2023, 11:16 PM
  11. .
    If it wasn't clear to Jennifer Boyles Ross by now, after today she has to finally recognize that we are not here at the Bakery united in jealousy; we are united in our feelings of contempt and disgust for her. We despise her for who she is, not what she has.
  12. .
    QUOTE (RumpusCrap @ 5/22/2023, 01:18 PM) 
    Rest easy, sweet Winnie. My Maddie is up there and she loves to play if you ever need a friend to show you the ropes.

    😢😢 That is so sweet and so sad. I'm sorry about your baby...
  13. .
    Watch her get another dog so she can torture that one on her brief and rare trips to suburban Chicago, where she stays only because she's legally obligated to babysit a few times a month.
  14. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 5/22/2023, 11:35 AM) 
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 5/22/2023, 11:33 AM) 
    I wouldn’t be surprised if she finally put Winnie out of her misery because she had to travel.

    If that’s the case, I wonder if the kids got to say goodbye since it was planned all along… or is she going to wait until they ask where Winnie is?!

    You rang :(

    "...because she HAD to travel." Yep! Sad but true - that's the way Jen saw it. No options when your heart speaks to you and says you must rent an Air B&B several states away because self care is the most important care. She disgusts me. :furious:

  15. .
    QUOTE (TheHairyChild @ 5/22/2023, 12:04 PM) 
    QUOTE (Blue-tah @ 5/22/2023, 05:58 PM) 
    TheHairyChild, before I heard the news, I looked at your profile picture before and I just felt so sad for sweet Winnie.

    She was expected to become a sport dog in her senior years, PADDLEBOARDING! Surviving and thriving. The water stand. Ugh. I'm so sad right now.

    Carrying her in a Disney sling bag when she basically couldn’t move if she was uncomfortable.

    Some people, like Jen, don’t deserve dogs.

    That infuriated me! :furious:
    She literally folded the poor dog in half to fit her in the bag, that clueless, cruel, maniacal, piece of human shit.
896 replies since 11/1/2020