The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Nefarious Oatly Foam

  1. .
    Those medals. 🙄
    Wouldn't the office/craft nook be a great place for her to display her kids' artwork from school?
    Or on the fridge, like every other mom in America does?
    If you didn't know children lived part-time in that'd never know children lived part-time in that house.
    Every single thing is Jen-centric.

    20 bucks says Tens has her kids' and step-kids' art on the fridge.
  2. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 9/15/2023, 03:46 PM) 
    This is the view when you walk through the fiery gates of Hell


    What?? That's the way a teenage boy would hang his middle school wrestling medals. :slob:
  3. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 9/15/2023, 08:08 AM) 
    Good morning friends, today is the TWO! year anniversary of Enough is Enough :funny_dancing_stickman_smiley_e

    The bathroom scolding from the day before:

    Did we ever decide what triggered this? Was it because we found RM3?

    How interesting that just a few days ago she told us her three month long internet break was due to her very tender mental health, yet this rant planted the blame squarely on her viewers while taking zero responsibility for exposing intimate details of her life.

    I totally forgot that she was called to post this epic monologue!
  4. .
    OMG - the glass-shattering squeals, the giant fake grins, the forced giggles, the wholly insincere reactions, and overt bullshit of her on today's video is vomit-inducing.

    Edited by Nefarious Oatly Foam - 9/13/2023, 11:48 PM
  5. .
    So she was in despair 2 years ago?
    Interesting because that's when we were told that her marriage made her miserable for years and that she was now in such a great place.

    I've never felt sorry for her before but she's really off the rails - even more so than I suspected.

    That said, I think we know now, with certainty, that the RV trip to her heart home was very the moment she experienced the full consequences of blowing up her life.
  6. .
    That conversation with her camera should have happened with a well-trained professional.
  7. .
    Jen: "I don't know how to make friends."
    Paying audience: "Join a bookclub, volunteer, get involved with school activities".
    Jen: "I don't need to be told what to do".

    And that, right there, is the answer to your issue, Jennifer.
  8. .
    Words are powerful

  9. .
    Does this knucklehead have any idea how dangerous and cruel Alaskan dog sledding is? Many of those dogs don't make it thru an entire race because they're overworked, they suffer, and are pushed well beyond their limits. Does she even care? Typical - she's oblivious.

  10. .
    QUOTE (Natural Single Mother @ 9/4/2023, 03:16 PM) 
    Going back to Don, I am going to believe he’s becoming a changed man not only physically but mentally. Jen LOVED her 1% arrogance as seen by how she still is today. Don seems moldable to his spouse’s interest. He’s a people pleaser. I can easily see him becoming a more considerate person. The fact things haven’t turned ugly is probably Tens telling him to just let it go.

    She seems like a person who wouldn’t be with an asshole and I hope for the sake of all the kids Don has become a better man.

    I definitely think he loves being a Dad and cares about his and Tens’s kids. It also says a lot that he’s welcoming to his wife’s ex.

    So while I’ll never know for sure, I hope that he has become a better man.

    And I LOVE that for Jen.

    He looks so much more relaxed in his new photos; no more pasted on smile.
  11. .
    QUOTE (SweetSouthernComfort @ 9/4/2023, 10:07 PM) 
    I'm not looking forward to this stupid video. What a choice: Why Jen can't possibly make any friends or how Jen has totally accepted her body finally.

    The thing is, it isn't hard to make friends at 40. I'm more or less Jen's age (will turn 40 later this year). My family and I moved in 2020. Guess what? I made friends. I made friends at church. I made friends at work. I made friends who have a common interest in an organization I joined. I made friends with my kid's friends' parents. It's much weirder to not have friends at her age. She doesn't have social anxiety or any other condition that would keep her from making friends. And even if she did, she could get some actual therapy from a trained professional and get over that. But the truth is, she's a self-absorbed bitch who turns everything back on herself and can't maintain a relationship with anyone who won't blow smoke up her ass all day.

    Or maybe she'll ignore the wishes of the WWC and go with body image. Because, you know, this time she is totally serious when she says she has accepted her body. And she doesn't photoshop her pictures or make sure she only shoots herself from certain angles and people should be ashamed of themselves for taking pictures of her in the wild that make it look like she does photoshop her pictures. And it's normal to order clothes too small and squeeze yourself into them so you are busting out of them like a busted can of biscuits because that shows body positivity.

    It's stale, Jen. We all know the truth. You don't have friends because you are a bitch and you hate your body because you refuse to do the right things to have a healthy body (mostly healthy eating, portion control, treats only occasionally, and healthy workouts) because you have to eat your feelings after you blew up your life. You know what people want? They want you to be honest about how much you hate your life and how your constant traveling is all about you trying to recapture something that resembles joy after blowing up your life.

    It's possible, but not probable, that if she got even 10% involved in her kids' school she'd make a friend or two. She just can't be bothered with such trivial matters - too busy securing 'me time' and 'connecting' with her paying 'friends'.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 8/27/2023, 01:44 PM) 
    From the lumberjack show when we went this summer. Four handsome, muscular men! Lol. It was cheesy, but fun! Definitely not hard on your eyes!


    :o: 3_3
  13. .
    "For now I'm feeling very fluid about souvenirs"
    WTF is this freak talking about? Go enjoy time with your kids and let them pick out what they like - Who would ever ruminate on such an insignificant thing?

    "We like a little downtime and quiet in our room during the day".
    LOL - yeah, all kids LOVE being locked in a room with a whole swirl of things going on right outside the door. She's going to make them nap, isn't she?

    Big question - will the kids be relegated to strollers?
  14. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 8/25/2023, 01:32 PM) 
    She doesn’t order things for the kids in time because they’re not a priority.

    She spends all her time planning her own solo trips and getting all the crap she needs for that.

    She spends all her time planning her own solo trips and getting all the crap she needs wants for that.
  15. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 8/22/2023, 09:26 PM) 
    December 2022 cruise:

    Mommie Dearest with the death grip on her daughter.
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