The Gossip Bakery

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  1. .
    I would love to see only Daddy and son activities. It’s important to have that bond. I know Andrea spends mommy daughter alone time baking with chunk.

    Those children are old enough to split up and have Daddy daughter time, Daddy son, etc.

    Andrea your mommy son time can’t just be taking him for his therapy. Have some fun. There were 5 children in my family my father worked two jobs and always made time individually for each of us. It’s important and teaches autonomy.

    As for Abi-grew I think she’ll never get the help she needs. It’s a shame. But they want her to be the baby girl still wearing diapers.

    Anyone else think Rudy is scared of her owner?
  2. .
    Jen Honeychild, I get you are trying to find answers as to why hubby wanted to stray to threesomes and out there looking.

    I understand it’s painful and knowing how loved, cared for, adored, spoiled, only the best for the best wife you were.I get it.

    But honey you need to move on ... this selfish me me me attitude is getting old and pounded to death.

    Move on, find another rich, vain, snooty hubby to hook. The pickings are getting slim. Hurry.
  3. .
    I am getting creepy feelings about matches and Abi-grew. I pray they don’t leave anything that could start a fire within her reach.

    She doesn’t listen or obey... it’s so scary when they have that child around open fire. She’s too stupid to understand it’s hot.
  4. .
    I’ll tell you what’s sad... where is Rudy?? They film outside we don’t see him, they film inside we don’t see him? What’s going on?? I’m so worried about that poor neglected dog.

    Is it me or does it appear Abi -grew has an unusually high tolerance for pain?
    When she broke her leg ( disobeying as usual to try and take attention off of Rafael getting a little bit of attention getting his hair cut.)

    But she didn’t seem to be in any real pain, same with the burn today... something is odd here.

    Can you imagine what she gets into when they don’t film it? Holy crap.

    Touching mommies necklace when you mother is filming like your a 5 mouth old nursing at your mommies breast. Snuggle and be so over the top with trying to get the attention on you Abi-grew.

    Kinda funny I can predict when the hug mommie coming on and let’s not forget daddy. Remember the song anything you can do I can do better.

    Hold on Rafael and hide anything you care about don’t let your food 🍱 n your plate go unwatched.

    Sister is watching... she getting fat, eating like a 7 year old.

    Maybe cut down on the crappy food she devours and she wouldn’t have to wear a diaper to dump in. Just a suggestion.
  5. .
    One more thang in Foolyville, no one has a picture perfect fama-Lee, but they keep it real, you’ll get more viewers if you try to show it real, rather than the rosy bullshit.
  6. .
    Hate to bring this up but in the vein of HoDar when Abi-grew interrupted (of course) in one of the videos she asked how to work something of Rafael’s he said that’s not yours that’s why you don’t know how to use it, put it back. Hallelujah!!

    For once he addressed the little sneak to keep her dirty hands off of Rafael’s frigging stuff. I watched it twice.

    Remember Andrea if you show the kids being kids, follow through on how you dealt with Abi-grew’s rude piggy behavior. Next time she scratching her ass like she’s digging for gold, say something to her!!!!

    Show the haters how you deal with that greedy greasy kid. Be a parent. Keep it real. We know it’s not all roses.

    Step up!!
  7. .
    You don’t have to live in a castle have money to teach your children important general manners to get along in this world. I can sincerely say I don’t believe Scam-drea, has never invested any time on her daughter. I don’t see any results: she eats with her mouth open, she interrupts non stop, her fawning over her mother father nana is disturbing. It’s not sweet. It’s too clingy it almost too Shirley Temple to be real. Anyone notice that greedy child always hones in when it’s Rafael’s turn? He didn’t grab a stool when it was her turn? Andrea says nothing.

    My attitude is if you show it on video you Discipline on video. Anyone notice how much the video is edited when Abigail is on. She hasn’t been taught not to be greedy and selfish. Asking for a toy rather than a sucker from her grandmother would never have gone on with my mother. Actually my mother would’ve taken me aside and quietly said you have enough toys you do not need to ask your grandmother for a toy and it’s not OK to be a rude little girl. If you don’t want something you say no thank you. And you shut your mouth.

    How about Abi-grew drawing a kitty for nana and scribbled on the back? Cuz kitties is Rafaels passion. That little brat wants Pokémon too.

    Andrea I know you don’t see how like everyone else your child has flaws you need to address.

    What am I saying? You don’t cut her hair or even take her to an eye doctor. Move your ass before she gets any older. By the way Rafael will leave you just like his brother.

    How will both children interact with others? This is neglect. I can’t tolerate Rudy not being part of the family. Take the dog back. Take the dog back.
  8. .
    Scam Drea... buying more and more and more crap is mind blowing. I don’t care what anyone can afford to live in, you don’t clutter. Bring in one stuffed kitty get rid of two. I thought she was on the right track but has definitely gone backward.

    Dear God please take chunky monkey to an eye doctor. What is the problem? I have seen disturbing behavior in the child that just doesn’t feel right. She has no idea of personal space to respect others personal space. Not saying it’s her fault but her mommy and daddy not saying sit down. Stop hugging, it’s time to play with other children this isn’t healthy. Enroll her in some online classes bring her up to speed. Today’s video when she put her hands up in the air when she pushed that pipe down like good job!! It literally stunned me, my two year old nephew does that. His 3 year old sister has moved on to verbal good job but not every frigging thing she does.

    By the way .... cut her hair... it ridiculous for an almost 5 year old to keep having to
    Push it back. What are you going for Scammy, is it an internal psyche thang?

    That’s it for now. Sign same shit with this family different day.
  9. .
    It’s been a while since I’ve watched their videos, and posted comments. I’ve watched them from the very beginning.

    I needed a break after watching the video when Andrea had her mother over and allowed Abi-gale to jump and stick her feet in grandma’s face. We all know why that child did it , to take away the little attention her brother was getting.

    See I was there at the beginning when Rafael was an infant. I saw the way he was treated and all the standing in the corners. Mostly it was hard to watch this crude parenting style and their complete total ignorance.

    I could never take to Abi right from the beginning. She was fresh, ugly demeanor, jealous and sneaky. Never Disciplined. Touching and stealing her brothers things. Never satisfied.. always til this day always watching her brothers plate, toys, candy.

    Did anyone notice when she stole Rafael’s chocolate snowman pop? Very sneaky, at least I give Andrea credit for speaking to her right then saying it was not nice and give it back.

    There is something wrong with her and should be addressed. She needs to learn how to read and write she makes no sense when she interrupts. Which will go really well in school.

    Where is Rudy? What’s going on with him? These people never should have adopted him. He’s not part of the family. This is so disturbing. I hope he has clean water and the bugs don’t eat him alive.

    By the way I’m guessing they bought a new mobile home. Why celebrate Christmas early? Because their moving! Just a guess.

    I’m done for now. Let’s save a Rudy campaign started.

    Another comment stop giving Abi sugar.
  10. .
    We don’t know what Jennifer stipulated in the divorce and she’s way to smug in Utah, I bet going there to (her) home with the kids is one of them. There is no way she’s going to miss out on that and her children’s future holding. She’s too self involved and greedy to let that slip through her hands. Even if that poor bastard Don remarried she will still be there. I feel badly for him and his family.
    Whatever is in jens best interest will prevail.

    Jen your children act rude and disrespectful to the camera. How about saying hello to the camera and viewers, singing a song? If they act like wild animals don’t bother filming I’ll go to a zoo.

    Can you just imagine what’s in the divorce? That’s why it’s taking so long. Milk it out Jen...I bet they can’t stand you.
  11. .
    Abbie seems to be developmentally behind that she at times seems like an 8 mouth old. At other times I think one. She gets into her diaper and does fecal smearing. She also has a very aggressive side as well.

    I’m sorry for the above message I thought it was Abbie of Fathering Autism not Fooly Living.
  12. .
    The AC looks enormous, but I bet there’s more to it than that.

    Well, I did get a chuckle when they were sitting on that shack the other day while they were waiting for their tires rotated.

    She gave a box of French fries of course to the favorite child to share with her brother (ha ha) Rafael was trying to get another one but little piggy started shoveling them in her mouth as fast as she could so none for brother except the empty box she tried to put over his head .

    What a sweet kind child, Andrea please promise to keep blogging until piggy hits teen years you’ll get viewers you don’t have to buy. I can’t wait! Don’t get her help this will be way better.

    Rafael is one lucky little boy not getting his hand taken off with one piggy bite.

    Andrea keep making Rafael the fall guy, what a great fair mom.. Good job parenting.

    I Hope Abigoo bites you on the ass ( sorry for the pun)
  13. .
    Andrea ....Abigoo should be sitting properly on the seat of the car. She looks like Baby Huey sitting in the car seat. She’s too big for it. She weighs more than her brother. Holy shit.

    I know it must be tough to see your girl progressing into a 4 year old, but don’t worry, you’ll keep her from other children her age. Anyone see how GooGoo squints at a book and holds it upside down. She still eats like a one year old smearing food on her mouth. She’s so developmentally behind for her age, and tell her to stop the drama, overreacting is never normal.
  14. .
    First of all I am speechless that Jen in her incredibly, self centered in Utah with her soon ex- in- laws.. I knew she wouldn’t give up going to Disney or Utah, with the divorce.

    Jen loves the perks of getting into the wealthy Ross family, and she will not give them up.

    I truly think Jen believes the Rosses love love her. What a purely awkward ride it must have been to everyone but Jen.

    She giggled filmed the scenery passing by, her big huge mouth smiling away.She was practically giddy. Wow, I thought she had more class than to do the Utah thing but I was wrong about a lot of things with her.

    Congratulations Jen for holding on to that golden ring and not letting go like your wedding ring. Poor Don.

    How can anyone move on without her letting go? She wants it all.

    I hope Don finds a new wife and moves on from this parasite of a wife.

    Jen please stop the attention on yourself and teach your kids some discipline and comb CC’s hair. Leave Don alone. Let him enjoy his own family with his kids. You won’t though will you?
  15. .
    Why does Andreas food all look the same? It looks like crap Digested from a cows second stomach.

    Think Abigoo is being taught before you cook or touch food you wash your hands!? She’s not taught obviously because her mommy doesn’t wash her hands. Oh and how about pulling her ratty hair back too so no one is getting something extra in their soup.

    I was cracking up out of frustration because Abigoo ( who makes friends wherever she goes) and splashing her brother who doesn’t like to be splashed (but she’s so good for him) and had sticky dirty jealous fingers hiding his kitty mask, is more screwed up than her brother needs help first.

    Why does she have a blind spot when it comes to Mini-Moby-Me? She needs to be evaluated. Oh and disciplined more than gently saying..that’s not nice Abigail or be nice? Are you kidding me!!!

    Andrea when your son had his therapy session ask if it’s the right treatment to aggravate your brother? Ya what Dr would advise that? Where do you get your ignorant assumptions from?

    Last but not least Dumbdar how about taking your son for a bike ride? Or does it bother Goo Goo too much?

    And..,,,did GooGoo kiss Andreas ass?
133 replies since 12/1/2020