The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Aloner Like Jen

  1. .
    Her teeth are translucent because of stomach acid from purging.
  2. .
    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound is a pound is a pound. Muscle takes up less room than fat.
  3. .
    Dave Ramsey always says live like no one else today so you can live like no one else tomorrow. How is Toni doing this? She has the best and newest of everything, including a new Mercedes. She is doing the opposite.
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    I would be really freaking out if my hips had bunions. Geez Gene, you’ve got to lay off the sugar and carbs!
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    I’m sure the yoga folks enjoyed her rotten stench while trying to meditate.
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    Holy aging badly Batman! She has absolutely destroyed her eye area. Only surgery can fix that. But she keeps digging those holes to China with her fingers.
  7. .
    She’s doing the Dave Ramsey cruise next year. Guarantee she’s doing it for the millionaire flex. Most millionaires don’t look like millionaires. She however, will be decked out in her Ralph Lauren sweaters and armful of $3k gold bangles bracelets, walking around with her nose in the air.
  8. .
    No. Jen treated Don like dirt. He got fed up and left. Especially once he realized what a terrible mother she is.
  9. .
    Spent $3k on new brakes for her Mercedes. NOW she says don’t buy a Mercedes. I’ll bet that she just HAD to have that car though, probably bought it brand new too.
  10. .
    I don’t remember the older girl and the son’s name to follow them. PM me if you care to share with me. But the high school senior, yeah. She strikes me as a spoiled and entitled party girl. The family went to a function several weeks ago, and she was wearing what basically looked like a tube top. Low cut and suuuper short.

    I couldn’t believe that she openly showed that book about marriage. Why would you advertise that? Her husband John seems like a super nice guy. He makes her breakfast every day, and does all the laborious work for her at home. I would not be putting hints out there if there was trouble in my marriage.
  11. .
    Is she going to have a list of her paying “friends” with her? Will she check the list if someone approaches and send them away if their name is not on the list? Only approved paying “friends” are allowed to be in Gene’s presence!
  12. .
    Just when I think Gene can’t get any more tragic, she posts a photo of herself in a flesh toned sausage casing and points Dat Ass right at the camera.

    You look awful Jennifer. Just because you identify as a size small doesn’t mean you actually are. You are a size large. Deal with it. You look like a homeless person with your greasy hair and your filthy body. And you look like you are wearing clothes that were given to you by a kind person who wants to help you get back on your feet financially. Clothes that don’t fit, but it’s better than walking around naked. This is how you want to present yourself to the world?

    It’s an interesting phenomenon that Gene buys clothes for herself that are too small, but buys things that are too large for her kids. You are a mentally unstable and extremely disturbed individual, Gene GRoss.
  13. .
    Catastrophic Glow Down would be an awesome user name!
  14. .
    Jen is so asexual that I don’t think she can comprehend anyone voluntarily having sex. After all, she spent much of her caged years trying to avoid Don and his hungry eyes.
  15. .
    She has wrecked her eyes with all the digging and pulling. She’s also getting a uni-brow.

    I am a diabetic and I have to watch my blood sugar levels every single day. I have never devoured sugar and carbs the way that Jen does, yet I’m genetically predisposed for the disease. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, except Jen. She wouldn’t take care of herself and her health would truly crash and burn. She would get uglier and more unhealthy every year. And she would completely deserve it.

    ETA: maybe CC gave her the black eye. I’m only half kidding.

    Edited by Aloner Like Jen - 4/10/2024, 09:49 PM
2105 replies since 25/1/2020