The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Connect To Dons Money Like Jen

  1. .
    The thing that stands out for me is the pictures from the cruise. She just could not let her kids borrow a pair of Mickey ears for the picture. Mine was one of my favorite things as a child. Jenny can’t share. And making Winnie wear the PJ’s she’s just making her pain worse.
  2. .
    Merry Christmas bakers 🎄 May Gene get all the coal she deserves. I think 2023 is going to be a doozy for her.
  3. .
    Watching the new one Winnie crying breaks my heart. A throw at aunt Julie those earrings came from her she got them at Sundance acting like she don’t remember She is truly a selfish woman. I’ll bet people walk on eggshells around her.
  4. .
    Watching her Willow tree house tour . First it overlooks a sewer pond. No pictures on the wall too many windows with no curtains . It made me wonder how many cameras are in the woods for the owners to people watch . You couldn’t pay me to stay there.
  5. .
    Jennifer at her best she loves to with hold . She knows there are people worried about Winnie . I think she’s grieving but even people who lose family members hold it together to inform others of their passing. She enjoys making people worry.
  6. .
    She has to miss a show or two and a Christmas tea so what Winnie should come first. After all that poor baby has been through in her life with Jen she deserves to come first for once.
  7. .
    Poor Bev now has someone to discuss Jen with, her new Daughter in law . Im I’m sure she had plenty of questions. #1 why doesn’t she buy furniture.
  8. .
    Jen doesn’t have enough sense to be ashamed to post a picture of a grown healthy dog taking over poor disabled Winnie’s bed while Winnie is on the hard floor in the back ground. You know Jen Jen didn’t give up her bed for anyone.
  9. .
    I’ll be glad when C gets her license. She and D can go home when they get ready to. And use spending the night at a friends house as an excuse.
  10. .
    That German Shepherd sheds just sitting there. I have one. I’ll bet the other 3 do also. Jen will be cleaning dog hair for months. The gift that keeps on giving.😊
  11. .
    Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Bakers you know it’s going to be better than Jens with her Boyles and dogs.😊🍁
  12. .
    That cabin has deliverance vibes couldn’t pay me to stay there. Bertha Gene captured Jen perfectly with the grinch pictures. It hurts my heart she hides her decorations from her children mine look forward to the decorations every year and they are older. Thank goodness for T and D.
  13. .
    Jenny seems to be trying to prove something, don’t know who maybe Don has told her she’s no real runner. But Martha Stewart wannabe never really cared about camping and running like she does now.
  14. .
    Jen is a collector of things. Like chips she can’t stop at just one. She is obsessed with the metals and just has to have them all. I don’t think she actually completed the virtual run.
  15. .
    I can imagine the family is super glad that when they are ready to leave they don’t have to drag a bag of chocolate chip cookies with them . I will never believe anyone was glad to get them. Probably landed in the garage when they got home. If Tens hands something out you can bet they are glad to get it.
236 replies since 26/1/2020