The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Connect To Dons Money Like Jen

  1. .
    I’ve decided that I’m wearing the watermelon shirt while I bake apple pie in a jar. I know it’s not seasonally appropriate but who cares 🍁🍉🧡🌲🎃
  2. .
    I sincerely hope Don and the kids are in some sort of actual therapy after living with her all these years. Her parents probably need it too. Scott got the hell out of the house as fast as he could and kept on running from her.
  3. .
    How much is all these events costing Don .she’s not an athlete in any shape or form. To her money is nothing more then something to make her happy never mind someone else is working for her to faff around another mountain.
  4. .
    The kids look like they’re being held there with her and they look like they’re smelling something bad in all the photos. CC is giving so much shade it could be midnight. Jen is obviously clueless.
  5. .
    Right now people are running for their lives. But buttercup is talking about prancing across a finish line at Disney. She is the most selfish person I’ve ever known.
  6. .
    Tens has kids including Jen’s and her home is fully furnished as is everyone else that has kids she’s just making excuses.
  7. .
    I’m sure Jen’s kids are above and beyond what she thinks they are. I’m sure they don’t need to go to bed before dark have 99 sleep routines and watch age appropriate stuff on tv along with the rest of the family. She was amazed that they were able to walk without a stroller. Their cousins and siblings are not stunted I’m sure they aren’t either. It’s all in her head.
  8. .
    I don’t think those kids are that hard to travel with if Tens can do it with all of them. I’m sure buttercup Jen can with just the two kids. I’ll bet Tens doesn’t pack the kitchen sink when they travel either.
  9. .
    It’s amazing how the right size clothes can make such a difference, along with the right person Bazinga shirt hopefully went to goodwill. It’s sad how she dressed him so bad .
  10. .
    Never have I ever seen someone age so much so fast as Jen it’s amazing how what my Grandma used to say be beautiful on the inside makes you beautiful on the outside, well she hit on the nail with being ugly on the inside makes you ugly on the outside Jen is living proof.
  11. .
    If not for you people I would have moved on a long time ago. I feel about her the same as Don did in the Christmas vlog . Never doubt he loves his kids he looked like he was in actual pain being that close to her. I don’t know where this train wreck is going to end. I can’t remember anything anymore said when I was ten how can she. A ten year old made a mental note to visit sun valley what kid does that 🤷‍♀️
  12. .
    Why keep the dog beds out. It hurts me to see them. How can she look at them. God knows how many she has. Give them to the local shelter. If she gets another dog God forbid it will deserve to have their own bed
  13. .
    I can’t take Jenny for 5 seconds let alone 1:09.05 that’s too long to see nothing and hear nothing
  14. .
    Her comment about enjoying the fruits of August is her throwing shade at Tens and she knows some people watch her reels . She is just jealous.
  15. .
    She is never going to shut up about her 1000 ride. The smug is going to be drip like sweat off her.
240 replies since 26/1/2020