The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Ohplease5

  1. .
    Her untrained dogs are something she can control. She won’t let them out of the house and have training. It’s scary to treat her dogs like that. It’s weird.

    What is she on about hormonal red skin? Hormonal hinger? Is Ann a doctor now?

    #letyourdogshavewalksann poor dogs
  2. .
    Has she even seen her kid Evan?
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    QUOTE (carporttimemachine @ 27/4/2024, 01:57) 
    I am convinced Ann is a shopaholic point blank periot.

    Seems like the only time she is happy. Minus the other people who have the nerve to be in Ann’s parking lot or aisle!!
  4. .
    She hates swearing. But DANG IT. non stop from her lol. Clueless.
  5. .
    Funny she just doesn’t see how she behaves. Very little self awareness. Does a whole bit on how she’s being bullied, then goes on to spend her time being a bully to someone who wants clothes that fit their body. Clueless. Who goes out of their way to record that and post. A bully i suppose.
  6. .
    Leave it to Ann to body shame others.
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    Her talk about the devil putting thoughts in your head is LEGIT scary. Major red flag on her state of mind. Like wacky to say a devil puts thoughts in your head. Crazy!!!
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    QUOTE (Prookiesgrl @ 21/4/2024, 23:22) 
    Does anyone else think AI is completely writing and illustrating these books with her prompts? She is writing these entirely too fast to be of any quality and substance. And it’s too easy today to put prompts into AI and have it spit out a story. Seems like she will do anything to make a quick buck and not have to work for it.

    Not sure - but I bet she’d say that’s still so hard. Lol. I just don’t get why she wants to keep saying how fast she cranks them out. Makes it sound like they aren’t worth the price. I’d like to think an author put a lot of time and effort into something. Not cranked out one a week.
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    Bets on how long she lasts with a booth amongst the mass of unwashed and smelly people? Are they allowed to be out when she is? Are they allowed to park next to her in the parking lot?
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    [QUOTE=Prookiesgrl,17/4/2024, 01:19 ?t=62870254&st=165#entry465356149]
    You are appalled by the comments here but weren’t appalled by all of her posts on Instagram on YT bashing thin women telling them to shut up because they are thin? Your not appalled by her calling people smelly and being in her isle at the stores? You’re not appalled by her constant negativity toward any and all people in general…in her neighborhood, online, in stores, customers of hers…etc. hmmmmmm could this person who posted this long and hillariously inaccurate, one sided post possibly be Ann??? Hahahahaha. What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander. And if you dish it out you need to be able to take it in return. Oh wait, princess Ann can say and do whatever she wants but no one is supposed to have anything to say or have any opinion of their own…because she is Ann. Absolutely pathetic. If you’re gonna bash people, complain and have every thought that ever pops into your head on the internet you should expect people to have opinions about those things that you put out there. Viewers aren’t robots that sit watch something and have no thoughts of their own about the video/person. You need to develope a thick skin if your gonna be an online “celebrity”…Like Ann is…we all heard how she had someone knock on her door and ask for an autograph..hahaha. And have a stalker…oh please. Grow up. Please we beg you Ann GROW UP.

    QUOTE (WeAreAllHuman @ 17/4/2024, 00:42) 
    I am appalled at the comments in this thread but not at all surprised considering the site.
    I assume that most, if not all, of the comments are made by woman. Quite discouraging, but again, not at all surprised because women bashing other women either passively agressively or outright is the norm today.
    The hypocrisy is laughable.

    So you hate bashing women… yet you’re here …….bashing women?

    And your friend Ann can bash women everywhere she goes. But no one else must have an opinion.

    Like pick a lane lady. Why are you even worried about “18 people”.
  11. .

    Bit of a stretch. Ann is like a former President? Who lived in New York? Who’s ruled a country? Who had a reality show? Ya lost me. But carry on with your opinion as you wish.
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    QUOTE (Deniselovescrafts @ 14/4/2024, 23:01) 
    Ann, those are all adult things that can be managed. Why punish the dogs?

    They sure are. They aren’t allowed training or walks. That’s like basic stuff for dogs. Sucks they get punished by not being allowed.

    QUOTE (Bratcat1 @ 16/4/2024, 20:00) 
    Ann and Trump are very much alike.

    I like Ann but don't understand her reasoning for being anti-Trump when Trump stops bullying in its tracks just like she does.

    Ann believes Trump mocked a crippled reporter when Trump says he didn't. Trumps says he didn't know the reporter was in a wheelchair and only imitated a generic frustrated and flustered reporter.

    Afterall, Ann did the same thing when she imitated a crazy person as she followed a girl down the hallway in high school who bullied her.

    Ann and Trump are very much the same in responding to bullying but she succumbs to and agrees with the Liberal bullying of Trump. Go figure!

    Super duper don’t understand this comment. Are you saying you saw Ann follow someone down a hall in school? So you went to her school. What does Ann have to do with the a former president?
  13. .
    QUOTE (Deniselovescrafts @ 12/4/2024, 02:50) 
    She could be nervous that if one or both ran off, she couldn't catch them or get them both back home. Could be a bad neighborhood and busy streets. Could be that your neighbors start chatting when you walk by and you don't feel up to dealing with it all.

    Ann, those are all adult things that can be managed. Why punish the dogs?
  14. .
    QUOTE (LonelyDisneyRun @ 10/4/2024, 20:10) 
    I think she mentioned this place on her socials hoping that her “fans” would flock here and defend her. That clearly didn’t happen. Oops
    Also, she makes it sound like she’s bullied here, when in reality all anyone is saying is that her dogs needs exercise and training. She conveniently leaves that part out. Always the victim.

    People are allowed to have opinions. She doesn’t have to like it.
    She always talks bad about people on her channel (like who on earth complains someone is in HER aisle or parks in a parking lot on a spot SHE doesn’t like!)
    She complains. We can complain. Deal. Hi Ann!
  15. .
    Hi Ann! Maybe stop being mean to so many people you encounter just living their (happy) lives. Take your own advice. Don’t be so mean!

    (Also, please let your dogs be trained. Poor suffering things).
1139 replies since 27/1/2020