The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Ohplease5

  1. .
    So did greg take over her precious “pilot”?
  2. .
    Who is the “we” she’s talking about all the time? There’s no we.
  3. .
    She didn’t finish low but April. Or even the tracking?

    What does she do all day.
  4. .
    Yeah I wonder how much she maps things out financially. Her sticker shop for example was a zillion items that never sold. Has she ever made a business plan. I’d certainly not take business advice for her. Seems like everything is a whim and a want. Not a plan.
  5. .
    I actually felt sorry for her kids today. Like really sorry for them. Wake up at 1030am. Mom reads them one chapter. Then they cleaned the house.

    Shocking to me that a parent wouldn’t want their kids to be educated. Like really sad for those kids.

    College isn’t even an option for them according to Amy. It’s cruel.
  6. .
    Where did her outside dining table go? Her yard is a hot mess
  7. .
    I wonder how the booth is doing. I don’t quite understand how buying items from thrift stores and putting them in a booth in the same town makes money. Plus the cost of the booth, the tables, the baskets, etc.

    I don’t see how this is a good use of time where you could be working and making real money.
  8. .
    Her untrained dogs are something she can control. She won’t let them out of the house and have training. It’s scary to treat her dogs like that. It’s weird.

    What is she on about hormonal red skin? Hormonal hinger? Is Ann a doctor now?

    #letyourdogshavewalksann poor dogs
  9. .
    Has she even seen her kid Evan?
  10. .
    QUOTE (carporttimemachine @ 27/4/2024, 01:57) 
    I am convinced Ann is a shopaholic point blank periot.

    Seems like the only time she is happy. Minus the other people who have the nerve to be in Ann’s parking lot or aisle!!
  11. .
    She hates swearing. But DANG IT. non stop from her lol. Clueless.
  12. .
    Funny she just doesn’t see how she behaves. Very little self awareness. Does a whole bit on how she’s being bullied, then goes on to spend her time being a bully to someone who wants clothes that fit their body. Clueless. Who goes out of their way to record that and post. A bully i suppose.
  13. .
    Leave it to Ann to body shame others.
  14. .
    Her talk about the devil putting thoughts in your head is LEGIT scary. Major red flag on her state of mind. Like wacky to say a devil puts thoughts in your head. Crazy!!!
  15. .
    QUOTE (Prookiesgrl @ 21/4/2024, 23:22) 
    Does anyone else think AI is completely writing and illustrating these books with her prompts? She is writing these entirely too fast to be of any quality and substance. And it’s too easy today to put prompts into AI and have it spit out a story. Seems like she will do anything to make a quick buck and not have to work for it.

    Not sure - but I bet she’d say that’s still so hard. Lol. I just don’t get why she wants to keep saying how fast she cranks them out. Makes it sound like they aren’t worth the price. I’d like to think an author put a lot of time and effort into something. Not cranked out one a week.
1146 replies since 27/1/2020