The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by JenBoyle’sHusbandFreeBunion

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    From a few days ago, her typical “I don’t like to drink.” She doesn’t like it and she has a low tolerance. But, she has a martini for martini Monday, another on their date night, and wine two other nights a week. At least four out of seven nights a week the “I don’t drink” woman has a drink. She is still like this. Why sit there and say you don’t like to drink, has stated before you don’t have to drink to have fun, blah blah blah, then have reasons why you have a drink. Just have your damn drink and STFU.
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    I love how Ms Organization waits until already being a busy bee on Thanksgiving prep to put together the scrap book from last year. She wasn’t sure if the picture book could possibly be done that day, but she of course has plenty of time to stew in the tub. Ridiculous.
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    She’s definitely not just tired, I’m guessing Vicodin and possibly a muscle relaxer to go with it. Jen, you may have finished your rich person fake “challenge,” but it definitely kicked your gigantic wide ass. All of that exercise is for nothing if you don’t fix your nasty hooves and don’t put the sugar down. Not only are you aging like sour milk, your ugliness on the inside is seeping out of your unshowered pours. Enjoy the next few days/weeks of unbearable foot pain.
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    Her running outfit reminds me of outfits my son would pick out for himself when he was two or three. As for the music, Jinny, you’re correct. You’re never getting back together. That notion was cemented TWO! years ago when D•n got married. Move on already! By the way, not everyone has issues with holidays and not every family has tension. The issue appears to be you. Get some professional help.
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    Is she hiding Voldemort in Harry Potter in there?
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    I’m still flabbergasted she calls her boring ass videos her “work.”

    Why are the kids going to summer camp when BOTH parents are home? In this scenario, Don is just as guilty as smelly Jin.
  7. .
    The baby talk in this video, even when she was alone, was just too much! He spent his entire day shopping and cooking to spoil her, and all she could do was bitch about him not using reusable bags, not getting the balloon she wanted and spelling errors in his poems. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jen! Have the day you deserve!
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    Lasted two minutes. I simply cannot take hearing anymore from her about run Disney crap. Same BS, different year: training for 12 weeks to wog her way through, injuries, blah blah blah. Her weird arm and mouth movements were out of control in this one.
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    To summarize this New Year’s video: “Hi guys. I’m so proud of myself. I’ve grown so much. I’m so supported. I’ve grown into my own. I’m a person now. I. I. I.” Even back then with nothing but busy work to do does she mention anything she has done for anyone besides herself. Eleven years later, and it’s still all about her. Even after having two kids. What a pathetic existence.
  10. .
    How does she look so gray and pasty? I have been in bed since Thursday with my third round of Covid (fully vaxxed) and look 100 times better than she does. Jen; you need some serious help!
  11. .
    Hmm, Tens posts pics of her houseplants, then our Ms Original posts the same. Jin, the “content creator” can’t even post a decent picture of her blooming plant. Btw Jin, no matter how hard you try, your hair will NEVER look like Tens’!
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    After all of these years, I am still horrified over her dress choice for the company party. She dressed like a young child while hosting a party for her husband and in-laws company. All of the money and pampering of Jen was totally wasted. She never learned any class. Perpetual cry baby.
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    Who in their right mind can look this stressed out regarding Christmas decorations other than this ding bat? Boohoo. That mean man is taking her on another vacation. However will she survive?

    Give the amount of time she stared at the screen in the car, how did she miss the writing? Could she find her way out of a paper bag?
  14. .
    The level of over the top craziness she created for Thanksgiving makes me wonder how I have functioned all these years hosting. Our immediate family is 15. I don’t rent tables or chairs. We set up our own folding tables within an hour of dinner, with throw away table covers. Out of 15, 7 are kids so there’s always at least one spill. I don’t have the day planned to the minute. Heck, the day we have Thanksgiving changes every year (we all work in health care or retail so time off is always an issue). Everyone relaxes in front of one of the three fireplaces, this year the world cup will be on the tv, games are played and the laughter can be heard from next door. We all clean up together and enjoy our time until wee hours of the morning. The old Jen would have been horrified by my 99%er heathen celebration. The new Jen would be offended by the amount of people and the fact that we all shower and use toilet paper. On another note, what would I give to be a fly on the wall for her family Thanksgiving? I wonder how her family interacts with her now that she’s smelly and free.
  15. .
    Her whole appearance is tragic. She claims to be happy but her poor diet, over excising, misery and poor mental health are literally showing on her face. And that part on the side of her head. She cannot possibly think that looks decent.
110 replies since 29/1/2020