The Gossip Bakery


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    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 5/7/2021, 14:51) 
    IMO he now looks like a grown up, AS HE SHOULD. With the I’ll fitting clothes he always looked like they were playing dress up.
    Is he my type? Still no. But he doesn’t have to.
    This picture doesn’t look as staged as the ones with Jen, when he had to stand higher up, so she looked petite, and show every single tooth he has. He and Tens seem to click and be happy, what more can you want.

    I thought along similar lines. I don't recall seeing any selfies with Don or more to the point, spontaneous or memory making. It all seemed contrived for her "dear friends".
  2. .
    Thanks for the Blair Lamb recommendation! I'm watching her Christmas vlogidays and really like her! She definitely has the fun Jen ,2012 feel to her:)
  3. .
    This 4th of July vlog is still up! And we get a very happy Donald here and she's ooohing and ahhing his meat.....also she mentions her annual PA trip with her side of the family in a July.
  4. .
    I thank her for :
    1. Entertaining me at work
    2. Her chocolate chip m & m recipe.. Really is amazing and the cooking wine in the dish ala Suzanne cooking chicken breasts.

    Phrases such as : on hand, of choice and of course the never to be explained or elaborated on " deep shave ".
  5. .
    Omgosh im finding myself missing my go to Vlogidays 2012 and 2013. ... Ugh.

    I found 2 silent vloggers I like. One girl is from England.. Apronful of Stones and the other from France, By Emmy. Both moms who have sweet short vlogs of them cooking, recipes, sightseeing , lil day trips etc. They are relaxing anyway. Thought I'd share lol. In the meantime...

    I think she's been told not to post the kids anymore and now That DonDons married, Jen just took the stuff of their life down for all to see. It's over and even though she accepts it, and even likely created this catastrophe, she's having a really hard time.. I don't wish bad things on her. I wish she could pull herself up and really just... Get on with it, for her own health and sanity. We all liked and followed her for some reason. In any case, maybe she could pull a howjendoesit out of her hat and post a Farewell video.

    Edited by SLEW OF SUITORS LIKE JEN - 7/1/2021, 06:57 AM
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    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 24/6/2021, 02:01) 
    One thing about watching some of the old Jen videos here and on the rewatch, it’s interesting knowing now that Don really wanted to be married to an adult after all.

    QUOTE (KerryGold @ 6/23/2021, 07:56 PM) 
    Hot damn! You rang?

    It's me and all of the other KerryGolds in the fam!! A veritable family portrait! :running_around_smiley_emoticon:

    Almost a family reunion.

    Do you all stay in the Hamptons for a week?

    Let Donald have the hotdogs he wants. 😂😂😂😂 in retrospect I remember watching this when it aired and thinking.. Wow..that's alot of butter!!! But knowing what I do now, her constant over explanation of food choices,and shaming Donald... Ugh.
  7. .
    QUOTE (IDon'tEatSugar @ 6/15/2021, 12:48 AM) 
    RIP, Grandma Betty. :(

    And, not that it matters, but Jen had her PB Teen vanity first. This comes up about once a year. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon For once Jen wasn’t copying off of Elle.

    oooooh I wasnt aware of that. Ty LOL

    she did copy the facecloth though :) least I got one part right!!! xo

    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 6/15/2021, 04:54 AM) 
    QUOTE (AlsoFromIL @ 15/6/2021, 02:33) 
    I MIGHT have taken a photo at the Cubs game but y’all said no photos can be posted on this site. I was curious to see a pic of T a month ago and everyone said NO. So I didn’t post. Now people are saying show us a pic! Which is it? Pick a lane….

    :10: :10:

    I think they were all sent via PM, not posted. ?
  8. .
    QUOTE (AlltheReisenthels @ 6/14/2021, 10:33 PM) 
    Grandma Betty passed away on the 10th of June

    You know, she probably waited until all the services were over.
    There really are stalkers IRL. and it was a smart move on her part to be honest.

    I mean, we all are like private detectives finding stuff that she dangles like a carrot and withdraws, but... sadly there are likely whackadoos who would show up at the service or something.
    I get her, this once.
    and Ill give her a pass.

    I wonder when / if she will actually be back.
    She could do an HONEST video. like not acting. like...not even go into massive detail.
    Like actually be HER, not one of her borrowed personalties :

    ie : Elle and Blair Fowler had a video on how they did makeup. Jen goes out and buys Elles vanity from PB Teen( Vincente paints it brown) then goes on about how she leaves a folded face towel down fr her brushes. Exactly the samething Elle did. oh, the glory days.
  9. .
    Rest in blessed peace Grandma Betty.
    Holding the Boyles in prayer today.

    Zero snark.
  10. .
    3rd time trying to post a pic, and cant UGH. Tried with my phone and pc, sorry!!!

    Bakers... not sure if this has been discussed yet, i havent gone thru 50 pages yet but... check out Jennifers etsy wish list.

    She has saved a wedding gift . its a bespoke white planter with the names of the couple and wedding date. Its quite nice actually.

    edit. let me try a link LOL

    Edited by SLEW OF SUITORS LIKE JEN - 6/13/2021, 06:00 PM
  11. .
    I definitely think they are married. The celebration dinner was either like a rehearsal dinner thing night before or the actual dinner .
    Also, she's friends with Emily on Instagram and FB no way she'd change her name unless she is a Ross
  12. .
    Just had a thought. Could the devastating news be that Don was granted full custody and Jen visitation? Or was that same day as engagement announcement?
  13. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 8/6/2021, 22:42) 
    Ok, that’s it.

    Anyone got today’s peloton stats from the ice palace?

    Sorry I missed it ! Hope you had a Happy birthday xx
  14. .
    Definitely on married train bad luck to use a name if you're not.

    Also, karma.. Please, come back with wedding pic:)
  15. .
    I wonder if Jen and Tens actually knew eachother IRL, like from school or something?
270 replies since 6/2/2020