The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Good Morning Friends

  1. .
    Fatty admitting she stirs the pot on purpose, she's feisty. Of course. :rolleyes:

    She's picking up the kids? No wonder she's so miserable. She always runs to IG to start shit when she's on babysitting duty.
  2. .
    What is that fat asshole's problem? That innocent comment triggered her that bad? It must be a nefarious bully with ill intentions!!! Don't they know you don't question dear Jen?! She RAN because she says so and she is an athlete!!! 😤
  3. .
    She would not shut up about goo packs. Like she's actually so concerned about fueling.

    Does she think she's a dainty little thing that may pass out from exhaustion at any moment? "We did it!!!" like does she actually think there's a chance she won't make it?

    She's a massive ham beast doing a casual stroll she's done 500 times now.
  4. .
    2x speed was not fast enough.

    Skip to the end where she shows starofmay. Proof she has a friend! See! Then she says she met so many WWC friends!

    She truly has the mind of a 4 year old. She is still always so bewildered at everything, even though she's seen it 100 times. She gets to be in the park after-hours!

    The most toddler thing ever was her passing the park in the monorail at 2:30am, saying "by the time I run back here it'll be daylight!"
  5. .
    Happy Spring Equinox, friends! It will officially be Spring at 11:06pm EST. We can finally spring clean and pull out all the spring decor and sweet treats!

    Goodbye Winter! Goodbye bread! I can already feel my body craving greens!
  6. .
    Half her travels are to Disney, they allow pets? She's taking a puppy to sleep in her car and shack airbnbs? Good luck with that.
  7. .
    Fatty wants a new dog by the end of the year. It must be killing her not having something to torture, so she's ready for a new furry friend.... even though she still intends to travel nonstop and never be home. She's probably already planning to dump it off at the shady vet. She's a psycho.
  8. .
    Of course when she had the kids full time, time just dragged on and January was soooo long! Now time is flying by! Slow down, March!

    That freak once again obsessed with seasons and official equinoxes. Jen truly needs to stfu about "climate stuff" when she has a massive carbon footprint. :rolleyes:

    "Which I feel like would be really good for the kinds of injuries and ailments that befall me." stfu freak
  9. .
    She almost had a panic attack and mental breakdown over having a roommate (who miraculously ended up not showing up), and she bailed on volunteering. Yet she thinks she's hosting a With Wonder retreat? Delusional.

    Would that be safer because she thinks her paid friends would never dare be a mean hater? Just like Disney folks. They just couldn't be mean!

    She's such a sheltered privileged freak.
  10. .
    That cow has no clue how to speak to anyone. She is so rude and dismissive, and someone manages to be smug and remind everyone she's privileged constantly. She talks down to everyone. Her giggling after doesn't help. :rolleyes:

    All she knows how to do is talk about herself and her interests.
  11. .
    Ewww I just pressed play on the live and she literally looks like Gollum.
  12. .
    She rearranged her entire closet to make the workout gear prominent because that's all she fits into. You aren't fooling anyone, Jen. :lol:

    She pretends living in leggings and massive spirit jerseys is a choice because of her active lifestyle. Please.

    She can't even fit into normal shoes because of those deformed bunions. She has like 3 normal outfits hidden away in case she needs them. The pirate boot "theatre with mummy" outfit, for example.
  13. .
    Stupid freak is being weird about holidays and children again. Just say you have kids' Christmas and Easter things in the bins and move on. She still thinks some kid is watching these videos and will be scandalized if she dares imply Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real. :rolleyes:
  14. .
    Her entire life is dedicated to working out like a maniac and living in Crowned Athletic outfits.... yet she looks like that?! How much food is she inhaling daily to still be gaining weight?

  15. .
    Those poor sweatpants are STRUGGLING. My god, they are stretched to the max by dat ass. Is that a medium? It's time to skip large and reach straight for an XL. Every lump and dump is visible.
3728 replies since 16/2/2020