The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by YoYoWhaaatYooow

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    QUOTE (Lighthouse2 @ 18/12/2023, 21:50) 
    The best word mentioned here that describes Miranda.....S M U G! She "literally" thinks she has the 'cool' life, is so cute, has the perfect spouse (not... haha) and the coolest, name brand kids. She totes that she is cleaning up all the damage done by her parents and she is "literally" doing MORE damage to her kids. She's smug obese and smug losing weight. She's smug throwing food in the cart like 'LOOK AT ME EVERYONE'. She is smug on top of smug. Its sickening. But she thinks she is so cool and cute. Oh well....let's see how this soap opera turns out. It could be named.....How the Smug Family Turns! The only one who isn't smug is Cooper. He's just sad and withdrawn and has a lost look in his eyes. We see you buddy.

    I agree with everything you said here. She wants n one to know who she is because she did something really really dumb and someone in her small town called her on it. She is embarrassed , in her eyes she didn’t do anything wrong. But yea Miranda, you did. Curtis is taking you shopping so you quit crying. How sad is that really?
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    It also occurs to me that this is the first time I have not heard Curtis make a sexual comment. That’s why this channel should have been reported along with the exploration of children. Did she have to point out Booger or Boobie, the little boy she had in her videos until the parents wised up.Her fake stutter should also have been reported to the Canada Stuttering Association as she was openly mocking people with that disability. Plus the fact that she obviously has mental health issues that she is passing on to her daughter. It also occurs to me that she will be back, because yes, maybe they can live on one salary but this means no more Sheppie and elaborate setups for birthdays. No more Dollar store $200 visits for crap, no more pizza three times a week. She will be back. Louder than ever.
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    I am glad. Maybe now she will get the help she needs, get healthy, feed her children nutrition and stop pretending she is a Brit who stutters. In reality it was the fake stutter and laughing at stuttering that really really bothers me. It is not funny to stutter. Actual neurological disorders are NOT funny and she made them a joke. She is doing everyone a favour by leaving. Especially herself and by default all those she mocked through her actions. Go in peace my fellow bakers, Merry Christmas.
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    I hope she is finally getting the help she so desperately needs and that her children are safe. Curtis seems incapable of parenting without her so I hope he to is getting the help he needs.
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    I think Sheppie is the Christian version of the Elf on the Shelf. As far as I know the elf doesn’t bring gifts. Sheppie appears for 24 days until he finds Jesus. Sheppie spends about $100 a day so $2400 of crap they don’t need and the boys probably don’t want. It’s a excuse for her to scream “ whaaaaaat” at the top of her lungs. Most families don’t spend that much on Christmas but she does prepping for Christmas. She also everyday asks Winnie if she is taking the gift to school. To show off?? To brag that she is really the Queen? Only My Miranda knows.
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    I happen to know it was reported. So , probably YouTube.
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    Miranda at Dollarama looking at a gingerbread mug- “I love it so much “.
    Miranda at home talking about Curtis “ I love him so much “.
    She loves everything and everyone equally. Sounds a tad fake. She is definitely going to crash. Loud and out of control most of the day.
    No one, and I mean no one who claims to have OCD would ever have laundry unfolded all over. Or a house so messy.
    Speaking of clothes- no one needs as many clothes as that family has. It borders on hoarding .
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    Someone in the comments called her mighty slim. She isn’t. You all are correct about her behaviour today, she is definitely manic. Can you imagine how it must be to wake up to her? Winnie, no time to play with Duplo, you have makeup to put on!! She no doubt finds actual lego difficult and heaven help us is she has to figure something out for herself.
    Curtis says he is freezing his balls off. Not possible Curtis, Miranda has them stored away somewhere. Maybe in a Disney mug? Oh well, you know you don’t use them anyway.
    Also, must we always be reminded that the Queen has “besties”? It is normal, but you seem shocked- why? because you know she is immature and subject to bullying because she is your daughter!
    If you were a teacher? Miranda, you spent your high school years being a _____.
    She is ridiculous and the only question is will she crash before or after Christmas.
    Her, of all people giving advice is hilarious.
    She needs to stop with the FAKE STUTTERING! It’s rude and offensive to people who actually stutter.
    One final comment- the cookies may taste good but did a blind chimpanzee decorate them?
    Pathetic bunch.
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    Idiopathic Hypertension
    Symptoms: Headaches, blind spots, peripheral (side) vision loss.
    Diagnosis: Dilated eye exam, vision test, other medical tests.
    Treatment: Weight loss, medicine, surgery.
    This is her diagnosis and I read enough to determine that there are no related speech issues. The stuttering is usually caused by nervousness. I would be nervous too if I was lying on the internet!
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    Dear Miranda- it’s Christmas and no, we are not all in misery. It’s just you because although you speak a lot about Jesus, and have a holier than thou attitude about your stupid Shepard, the rest of us are not on YouTube showing the world how truly broken you are. You lie so much it is probably stressful to keep in all together. You should be stressed by the visuals you send of a child wearing adult sized clothing with her gut hanging out. The sexual deviants watching are loving it. No misery there. Comb your hair, stop wearing slippers in public. Your fake stutter has been verified by the Canadian Stuttering Assembly so there’s that. So you are truly miserable. But the rest of is are not. Please, please get help. Winnie will be bullied at school if she is not already for her size. If you can’t see it that makes you blind and miserable. Your husband, that trained paramedic that you often speak so highly of sees it and does nothing. One wonders why.
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    Such a sad thing for her children to have to witness but on the bright side they get to watch the movie in silence as long as Winnie isn’t flapping her trap!
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    Does she really think she looks attractive in that onesie? She looks like she weighs at least 385+ pounds. At least.
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    QUOTE (Lacrosssemom @ 10/12/2023, 17:38) 
    Curtis, “I love our house at Christmas we could charge people to tour our house”, if the tacky decor and dirt doesn’t make them puke, get Miranda to cook up some KD and hotdogs or better still burnt lasagna. Can you imagine?
    I am glad I am not the old one who noticed as the video went along she looked out of it again words being slurred, not her normal stuttering but slurred her tone changed. I was wondering what was in the ginger ale, but then Curtis showed up with drinks, it wasn’t the first of the evening.
    Great family evening after the nutritious meal Miranda passes out boys no where to be seen. We have often heard Whinny calling her father by his first name in this video Skyler does the same, so wird they do not call him Dad, this says so much. Do they all call Curtis by his name not Dad?

    As a teen I called my parents by their first names when they were wasted and I felt like I was the parent. I see it as a lack of disrespect, often totally deserved disrespect. Curtis flatters her to get what he wants in bed. Doesn’t seem like a respectful relationship between anyone on that family. Their house should be on TV, reality shows are done about dysfunctional families and the O’Blenis family has multiple layers of dysfunctional.
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    QUOTE (HawaiianOrganDonor @ 9/12/2023, 04:05) 
    Re: Tallulah

    I am in Canada too and know a TON of people with ongoing and (in my opinion) unnecessary prescriptions to benzodiazepines which are constantly refilled without follow-up and investigation. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe doctors are given a commission for prescribing drugs. My own relative is on multiple prescriptions she arguably doesn't "really" need just because it's an easy band aid and my relative seeks them out purposely to be "medicated" and "diagnosed". Maybe it depends on the geographic area?

    Re: Tallulah

    I am in Canada too and know a TON of people with ongoing and (in my opinion) unnecessary prescriptions to benzodiazepines which are constantly refilled without follow-up and investigation. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe doctors are given a commission for prescribing drugs. My own relative is on multiple prescriptions she arguably doesn't "really" need just because it's an easy band aid and my relative seeks them out purposely to be "medicated" and "diagnosed". Maybe it depends on the geographic area?

    Re - Lacrossemom

    I thought the infamous RCMP visit was due to a complaint or report of child endangerment, not a creep alert? Not sure why I thought that. Does anyone remember when she addressed it?

    As far as I know it was not addressed by her but it’s a small town and the rumours about the O’Blenis family must keep everyone wondering, therefore why on earth would you inflict your child to that situation. This will come to a sad end, not sure what will happen but it’s a volatile situation. I just pray no one is hurt and that Miranda receives the help she so desperately needs.
  15. .
    Unbelievable that parents would leave their daughters alone with Miranda. She makes the gift opening all about her as she hoots and hollers. I had to stop watching. Please people of Salisbury- she is a danger- to herself and others- someone get her psychiatric help before something happens. Miranda, tone it down. Why is that one commentator JerrySerina? so up her all telling her she loves her. Why does that not creep her out??
631 replies since 21/2/2020