The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by YoYoWhaaatYooow

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    QUOTE (HawaiianOrganDonor @ 9/12/2023, 04:05) 
    Re: Tallulah

    I am in Canada too and know a TON of people with ongoing and (in my opinion) unnecessary prescriptions to benzodiazepines which are constantly refilled without follow-up and investigation. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe doctors are given a commission for prescribing drugs. My own relative is on multiple prescriptions she arguably doesn't "really" need just because it's an easy band aid and my relative seeks them out purposely to be "medicated" and "diagnosed". Maybe it depends on the geographic area?

    Re: Tallulah

    I am in Canada too and know a TON of people with ongoing and (in my opinion) unnecessary prescriptions to benzodiazepines which are constantly refilled without follow-up and investigation. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe doctors are given a commission for prescribing drugs. My own relative is on multiple prescriptions she arguably doesn't "really" need just because it's an easy band aid and my relative seeks them out purposely to be "medicated" and "diagnosed". Maybe it depends on the geographic area?

    Re - Lacrossemom

    I thought the infamous RCMP visit was due to a complaint or report of child endangerment, not a creep alert? Not sure why I thought that. Does anyone remember when she addressed it?

    As far as I know it was not addressed by her but it’s a small town and the rumours about the O’Blenis family must keep everyone wondering, therefore why on earth would you inflict your child to that situation. This will come to a sad end, not sure what will happen but it’s a volatile situation. I just pray no one is hurt and that Miranda receives the help she so desperately needs.
  2. .
    Unbelievable that parents would leave their daughters alone with Miranda. She makes the gift opening all about her as she hoots and hollers. I had to stop watching. Please people of Salisbury- she is a danger- to herself and others- someone get her psychiatric help before something happens. Miranda, tone it down. Why is that one commentator JerrySerina? so up her all telling her she loves her. Why does that not creep her out??
  3. .
    Why does anyone watch her? She is totally fucked in the head. Fake , so fake. All millennials are broken as are their parents? No, Moronda, only you. You are So excited over an eight year olds first candle ? Its a recipe for disaster. Good thing you live with a firefighter. Will you also brag about her first sexual experience? OMG she is wacko. Totally. Someone needs to get her help. Surely someone can do an intervention before its too late.
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    QUOTE (Leah Ford @ 6/12/2023, 20:30) 
    We'll that was embarrassing. She's spent 1000s of dollars last year on Christmas but now this year Is giving her nieces and nephews last years clearance stuff? Gotta save that booze and gambling money right Miranda?? She really thought she did something there didn't she.

    She is now simply embarrassing herself. She invented budget shopping, lives paycheque to paycheque so she can spend. Maybe someday she will announce that she has invented saving. What a novel idea Miranda. You are a genius. I personally would participate in a gofundme for Miranda to buy a bra that fits and maybe some counselling for Curtis because he is clearly delusional about his life in general. I can’t believe she actually thinks she is cute using an English accent. As I said I am now embarrassed for her. To be so delusional about is actually just sad.
  5. .
    So you give your overweight child a chocolate bar that size? Smart move. Your boys act like fools in church. Probably make makes you proud. I think the thing besides your black coffin clicky names is your mispronunciation of the word bagel. That and the word anyhows and anyways, confirm that you are a hillbilly.
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    QUOTE (Doxie Mom @ 4/12/2023, 22:30) 
    QUOTE (biga$$tittie$ @ 4/12/2023, 18:33) 
    Is plus size for real??!!! I know I am asking the dumbest question ever asked in the bakery ! From the donating for clout to those ridiculous nails she thinks she is presenting as a genuine person , but she is so SO transparently see through. I say it again , my heart actual goes out to her subscribers as they must be the loneliest of the lonely out there🥺

    Someone commented how beautiful her nails were! I honestly think her subscribers don't know any more than Moronda does! Like minds...think alike. How many more freaken' Christmas shopping hauls (for trash btw) are there? It just gob smacks me the never ending bottomless pit of money they spend!! They gotta be printing money in the

    Maybe that’s why the cops were there at 3 in the morning ! They are printing those hundred dollar bills in the basement. The police didn’t enter because it looks like a hoarder house and they didn’t have on the proper protective gear! Kidding of course but one does wonder where the money comes from. She shared the gifts she bought her mother in law and her father as a way of saying that even though she criticizes them constantly she still gives them gifts.
  7. .
    One word to describe the O’Blenis family- gluttony.
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    QUOTE (Lacrosssemom @ 2/12/2023, 19:29) 
    Charity for clout? I don't get impressed when I see people do it. Why do I need a video or a post of Miranda and family helping out someone in need? People doing good things for other people should be second nature; I don't applaud fish for swimming. Teaching you children about charity should be a year round goal over 2 million Canadians are visiting food banks monthly. Good people don't have to brag about doing good things.
    They let their work speak for them.
    So in the end, during this season of giving, do good, but leave the phones at home or in your pocket. Question would Miranda have donated if there was no reward of pizza gift cards? Those cards could have been donated to those in need.

    Exactly!! Well said!
  9. .
    Proof positive they read here.,no more random throwing of things into the Costco cart. My goodness they are the most obnoxious couple. Raising more obnoxious people. I would never go to Pizza Mill, if they think Miranda is a positive spokesperson they are wrong. She is definitely in the middle of a manic state. Her telling people its ok to have breakdowns over Christmas is something we ALL do is crazy. What gives her the right to give advice to others. I have never had a break down at Christmas because i am mentally stable. She likes to justify herself by saying she knows we all do it. I thought she was counting calories? There are more calories in that salad than in 2 pieces of pizza. She is beyond help. And slurping the Diet Coke like a 600 pound drunken sailor is so not attractive. I won’t even comment on Winnie. She is collateral damage in the travesty that is the O’Blenis family.
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    QUOTE (HawaiianOrganDonor @ 1/12/2023, 16:37) 
    Vlogmas Day 1 is just video montages and her recording the entire Salisbury parade.

    The poor folks around them had to endure her diarrhea mouth AND her father. Poor Winnie wanted to high five all the fun characters but because of her size she is in the third row with the adults. Miranda thinks she is cute, Curtis thinks he is cool. It’s very sad, not for then, but the people around then.
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    Recording the parade and being the 2nd most obnoxious person in attendance. The first? Her father, now there is a gem?
  12. .
    Can Curtis not tell she is having a manic episode? He is allowing her to buy all that useless crap ? None of it is needed and yes it gets literally tossed in the cart? Ridiculous.
  13. .
    In today’s video she is in her pyjamas. Miranda- since you admitted reading here, showing us that your boobs hang to where your waist should be is not a good look. You are also proud that tour 9 year old wears a ladies small. For the love of God are you that stupid. Rhetorical question I know. She isn’t exchanging gifts with Curtis but will give him a bajillion birthday gifts on his birthday. She is so predictable its kind of scary. And Yes you do have a fake stutter. You are welcome.
  14. .
    The whole family that Miranda was born into seems odd. The dad is a male Miranda, the mom is a borderline hoarded, passed on to Miranda, the brother is rarely spoken of, he escaped. The eye doctor sister is spoken of with reverence but it rarely a visitor. From what I have seen, granted it’s not that much, seems to be leaning towards being a bit odd. Let’s hope it’s a good odd. Curtis is not about to tell Miranda anything as she once again pushes them into the poorhouse. All in all they are just a sad bunch, Skylar is a big fish in a small pond, if he ever leaves NB he will not be the star he believes he is. Winnie is unknowingly going to have weight issues, thank you mommy dearest. Cooper is an anomaly, haven’t quite figured him out but I think he will be the one to leave the family and only come back when required. The tone for Christmas will be set by her version of elf on the shelf, let us see how much useless dollar store crap he brings. BTW- is Vegas not a thing anymore? Miranda? Curtis? Can we have an update?
  15. .
    I expect a total mental breakdown shortly after Christmas. I don’t wish it upon her as I have experienced panic attacks in the past and which i control with exercise, food choices and a whole lot of breathing and self awareness. Miranda uses food. Alcohol and shopping, self indulgence and selfishness to function which is like driving at a brick wall 100 miles an hour with faulty brakes. Winnie will suffer. The boys have given up years ago and Curtis is so codependent he too may have issues. Miranda or Curtis, I know you are regularly here so I beg if you- seek help. Do it for your family. Hospitalization for mental disorders can be lonely but life changing. Please get help.
658 replies since 21/2/2020