The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by JamHands9

  1. .
    Her new video shows 2 days of leftovers and 2 crockpot meals (that they eat twice). The kids aren’t eating anything she’s cooking either based upon how many meals she is eating her cooking for.
  2. .
    I don’t understand their family dynamic at all. Lemon barely does any work other than laundry and some basic food prep.

    Avid reader with one book a month? 🤣🤣
    Girl needs to look at BookTube. Most of use avid readers read one book at WEEK, and sometimes more.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Mommaof5 @ 23/1/2024, 12:17) 
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 22/1/2024, 23:16) 
    Just started watching the new grocery haul. Something looks different in her face. Puffier almost? Hopefully Next Level Nicole is monitoring sodium levels in all of the processed crap she is teaching lemon to eat.

    Lemon is going out of town for a few days so wanted to “stock up” on “easy peasy” things for mark to give the kids.

    As opposed to what? The glamorous chef meals that you usually provide them!? Your favorite quote is quick and easy!

    Lol, what looks different about her face is she didn't put full makeup on...Just mascara, I think? I remember a few years ago she said she sometimes just puts mascara on, and really, that is not a good look for her. She looks like she has no eyebrows.

    Yes the eyebrows are non-existent. Almost look shaved off.
    Her eyes do look a bit puffy too.
  4. .
    Yea I don’t drink nearly as much water as I “should” but I go by my urine color.

    Lemon admitting to drinking several sparkling waters a day. And I’m sure the kids saw that and wanted to have their own non-plain water drinks multiple times a day as well. No wonder they are pouring through drinks.
  5. .
    “Multitasking” means meal prep while doing laundry.
    Yea the laundry washes itself. You don’t need to babysit it.

    Also 1-2 kids won’t eat the soup. So she means Bryce and Rose. Those 2 basically eat junk.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Anothertimesuck @ 17/1/2024, 04:34) 

    Looks like a chunk of wood is missing.

    Complains about the price of groceries but spent $40 on ice cream. Make it make sense!
  7. .
    QUOTE (Sunshine08 @ 16/1/2024, 23:49) 
    I’m 2 mins into Lemons Walmart grocery haul and had to stop.

    Last week bought the kids containers of scoops ahoy ice cream. And since they liked it she told them she would buy them the other 4 flavors this week!!! How the hell do these two idiots not see that they are DAMAGING their children by pushing unhealthy eating habits onto them?!?!?! Why do they NEED four more containers of ice cream within a weeks time????

    And now onto Tim and Vee. She bought four containers of Halo for them to INjoy. They are planning on having the entire containers for their dessert twice this week. Idk how this can possible be a healthy way of living. Consuming a container of ice cream before bed no matter how “healthy” she thinks it is.

    They are going to be pooping like crazy eating a whole pint of Halo top….
  8. .
    Also you don’t *have* to eat all your calories for a day especially if you’ve overweight. I’m not saying starve yourself, but don’t eat if you aren’t hungry.

    I’m tracking calories for a gradual weight loss, and some days I eat more and some less calories. Lose It will track weekly calories for me so I just do that.
  9. .
    I know Rose is 11, but she looks too small to be sitting in the front seat. My 11 just starting being heavy enough so the air bag is on and he’s about the same size as Pearl.
  10. .
    Pizza lunchables, pizza bagels, mini pizza from Trader Joe’s, pizza rolls, hot pocket pizza flavor

    Pretty sure Lemon considers that a veggie since it has tomato

    So much pizza
  11. .
    Oh now a Walmart haul 🙄
  12. .
    And she’s still not done shopping. Has to get some fresh things closer and has to get more of those mini Starbucks drinks one of them prefers another flavor 🙄
  13. .
    She’s blaming inflation for spending so much, but she always spends about $200 at Trader Joe’s. And Baby Bird always adds to the total.

    The prices of the things she got seem close to the same as they usually have been. I get some of those items too.
  14. .
    I don’t get buying for kids when the holiday is right there

    Also is Pearl is going a business making bracelets, then she also needs to spend her money to buy stuff for them because that’s how a business works.
  15. .
    I have one cat, but she pees like crazy so I go through a lot of litter.

    Maybe she should have thought for all those extra costs before getting each kid their own cat 🤔
530 replies since 3/3/2020