The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by TheHairyChild

  1. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 3/29/2024, 08:23 PM) 
    Oh please, Jenny… YOU like the “at sea” days so that you can have your ME time.

    Exactly! She is a lazy mofo who can’t handle, or enjoy, unstructured time with her children. She’s the only adult! With TWO! Babies! Her heart! Her love podiums! Her top priority!
  2. .
    Just went back to the cruise bin, and she said “the kids binoculars”. I don’t know if that means each kid has their own set of binoculars, and she has her set….or she has a set and the kids share one set. Knowing her, there are 3 sets of binoculars, and the kids probably each have a shitty pair with plastic lenses, and Jen has 2 nice pairs with like Leica or Zeiss lenses or something….one for cruises, and one to live in her traveling hoard.
  3. .
    But she can’t take one of the lights they already have. She needs a third one for traveling.

    Did anybody get the binoculars part? I know she needs a pair of cruise binoculars, and one pair that stays in her traveling hoard….but it kind of sounded like each kid had their own set of cruise binoculars as well….? Or did I mishear that?
  4. .
    Bon voyage to us!
  5. .
    She’s a braggart through and through.
  6. .
    Something about this video made me dislike her more and more. And made me sympathize with Don. Having to listen to her inane blabbing. Omg. I can’t even imagine.

    Also, she said at least twice she didn’t want to work on the vacation, but she was bringing her laptop because she had to work on the plane. Omfg. To do what? The flight isn’t even that long is it? She’s such a sewious business wady.
  7. .
    Good god. She buys a new piece of cruise specific jewelry each trip.

    And all that crap she buys for her kids to keep them entertained. New markers every trip. And colored pencils. Stickers and back up stickers and more stickers. And 2 of everything. God forbid they share. New stuffies. I probably shouldn’t have an opinion. I don’t have kids, and maybe nowadays that’s just what kids are used to. But I think she goes way overboard.
  8. .
    Woof. Man she has aged in three and a half years. Jen, if you’re reading….please see how much better your hair looked at that length.

    Also….Jen doing God’s work by sharing her life and spending money
  9. .
    It would never, ever, in a million years occurred to her that she could be the one to move her food into a separate fridge in the garage. Never. Because that is how she is.
  10. .
    I bet not only did she make him store his meat and dairy products in the garage, she let her disgust of his food be known while he was preparing and eating his food.

    She’s a mean, extremely selfish bitch.

    And now she mows down on all the meat, cheese, and real ice cream. She’s always liked chicken guys! And I don’t think she has ever once addressed that supposedly one of the reasons she stopped drinking milk or eating meat was because she cared about animals. How is she reconciling that in her head? Or did she never care about animal welfare. It was all just an eff you to Don the whole time?
  11. .
    Yeah, thanks for the video. I guess I've never really watched videos of her before...just seen pictures. Didn't really realize her eyebrows were that uneven.
  12. .
    QUOTE (SweetSmellOfSolitude @ 3/27/2024, 06:36 PM) 
    I think she is incredibly uncomfortable in her body. She is well aware of the fact that she has gained weight and not the size she used to be. She can't fit into the dresses she once did and even if she did, I'm betting she is insecure about how her legs look. She can wear stretchy pants and oversized shirts because they are more forgiving as her weight goes up and down 10 pounds every few months but she will play it off like she is dressing this way because she was "caged" in her previous life and forced to wear regular clothes.

    However, I bet anytime she has to interact with Mrs. Ross 2.0, she feels ugly, fat, frumpy, and humiliated and avoids those opportunities like the plague. Unfortunately, that means missing out on activities that are important to her children. Then again, it's not like she really cares if her kids feel slighted...

    I agree. I even wonder if how uncomfortable she is in her body contributes to her lack of showering.
  13. .
    Okay, that makes sense.
  14. .
    QUOTE (WhereDoesDaddySleep @ 3/26/2024, 03:56 PM) 

    Omg, lol! Mirror mirror on the wall….
  15. .
    QUOTE (Mysterygal @ 3/25/2024, 12:40 AM) 
    that wonky ass eyebrow

    So, I’m not on the deep fake video train. I think it was an authentic video. But I’m baffled by that eyebrow. Like, it looks like it’s stuck in a raised position. Does anybody know what would cause that?

    (And I’m sorry she has cancer and hope she makes a full recovery. But it doesn’t make me feel bad about gossiping or wondering about her. Like…just the fact that she was going to be in the hospital for two weeks for a surgery told me it was most likely a very serious health matter. That is a loooong time to be in the hospital. They generally want to get you back home as soon as possible. And the photoshopped Mother’s Day photo was shady. The PR people made all the speculation, gossip, and conspiracy theories worse.)
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