The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by disquette

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    QUOTE (RossManor2.0 @ 4/12/2023, 05:27 AM) 
    Did she get a new away carry on to match the new personal item bag?

    of course she did!
  2. .
    in the latest vid, she walked over to Wolfie in a highchair and said "we're trying out the hair chair." He was not strapped in when she walked over to him being attended, when she dragged him in the chair closer to her, or while he was sitting in it. That's an accident waiting to happen, heaven forbid.
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    QUOTE (Jens George Washington Curls @ 4/10/2023, 04:44 AM) 
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 10/4/2023, 01:58) 
    I don't know if she explained it, but basically she did a bunch of 5 and 10 minute rides (there are warm ups and short rides you can stack with others to make longer rides, or just do a bunch of 5 minute warm ups and cool downs) It's a bit stupid and really a way to manipulate your numbers. Like she could spend 30 minutes doing 5 minute warm up rides , and that would be 6 rides. Ot she could do One 30 minute ride. So when someone has done 2000 rides it's not as crazy as it seems.

    All that effort and her coming up with ways to “cheat” the system for absolutely nothing. Talk about completely and utterly meaningless. My mind is exploding at how asinine it all is.

    What's weirder is she's talking about stacking rides to get to 900 a day after asking if she had a "perfect" year of run Disney. Gir, your ass is showing... your definition of perfect and goals is not the same as mine.

    Edited: Sorry, reading backward and see others have said similar, including Gene Is Sis Concert <3
  4. .
    Sorry if this has already been said, but in her solo park vid, why the heck is the crown on her ears off center? It is driving me nuts. Also... who wears their sunglasses not over their ears, but wedged on top of the headband (can be seen around the 13:30 mark)? She looks ridiculous. And the clanging of the medals adds to the frustration and this video. How could anyone enjoy it? Such a content creator.
  5. .
    She really didn't put the lotion in the winner's box. In a video she couldn't find a larger box and jam packed the box she had. A few things "didn't fit," including the lotion she really wanted to keep anyway.

    Spoiled lady got a new kitchen aid stand mixer. Her old one was red and "that's not her favorite color." Also, she bought from Target and Alex picked up the order and put it under the tree. How the heck is that a gift?

    When they're out as a family and people comment "you've got your hands full" or "you'll miss these times," she and Alex look at each other and think they won't really miss these times. Then why are they still having kids?

    Also, she tried setting up the oil diffuser on her nightstand (it was broken), but that's also less than a foot from the co-sleeper. That can't be good for the baby.
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    I've never heard someone, outside of royalty refer to their "lineage" PERIOD. Then along comes Jen. :10:
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    Ridiculous! I'm glad the Kohl's cash is expiring, she's been talking about it for months.

    Her videos are groundhog days. She has Kohl's cash, but doesn't know what to spend it on. She hates shopping online, but continues to shop online. Everything is so expensive, but they keep spending "a pretty penny" on toys Alex wants - the Grinch porch decoration and now the popcorn machine. She's thankful her kids help her clean - eye roll - but they don't do it right. "Come at me" for suggestions her followers make (in today's video it's about laundry detergent and putting names on ice packs) - no one can mom as hard as Kim. The construction addition hasn't started. She doesn't like things she buys, but "it's good enough" and then she declutters it months later. She lives a disposable life.

    All that and I only made it through half of the video. There's nothing new and it's getting so old!
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    QUOTE (Retsuko @ 10/27/2022, 12:52 AM) 
    So these items have recently been added to Jen's Etsy favourites.

    My initial reaction is... does she know how to pronounce Swarovski yet? Why does she need a bag specifically for Disney Cruises (can't she just use any of the 128741 Disney bags she owns???) , and holy shit a $200+ door magnet? Is she going to use it for herself and not the kids? Even then, won't the kids want one too, or do they know not to ask her just like they know not to touch the packages in the foyer?

    That's a crazy expensive door magnet. I think she said Disney cruisers decorate the doors to their rooms on the boat. She's really leaning into this and throwing $$$ like all of her hobbies.
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    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 10/27/2022, 01:38 AM) 
    You didn't think to get these for Meredith but a barely 3 week old baby yes?

    According to one of her videos (where she asks the audience to "remind her" to do something every 5 minutes, these are for Meredith. The "little kids" get into the board games upstairs and take all the pieces out. Really, she blamed the little kids' friends. It's always the friends...
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    QUOTE (MothershipPalette @ 4/13/2022, 06:48 PM) 
    That smug smile where Sarah raises her eyebrows, and is acting like she wants to interrupt and say something reminds me of Trump lol.

    I understand if you didn't wanna get vaccinated, but why bother being "upset" that you're denied due to testing? Or you could just follow instructions and test at the proper facility. I've traveled nonstop in 2021, and never had issues because I'm vaccinated.

    "Everyone knows everything about people's medical information" according to Jughead, so she didn't get why the hospital couldn't fax over test results... didn't you go to nursing school?? She's so sassy in this video! Rolling her turkey neck, and trying to be slick at the mouth.

    Jughead loves to call out rude employees... uh, you're a rude bitch, Sarah!! That poor airline worker gets shitty folks like Sarah and Solo daily.

    Jughead said she wants autonomy when traveling and be allowed to hold her own passport. Funny how you fight for your own autonomy, but don't want other women to have the right to choose. *sips tea*

  11. .
    QUOTE (My son's butler @ 3/2/2022, 11:50 PM) 
    Someone would think that She would share how badly she wants to buy things BUUUUUT she'd bitch about the prices of these things, hoping someone would send it to her PO BOX?? Cos she talked about that front door rug for a good 5-10 minutes or so but DIDN'T BUY IT. The gift card and finally using it to buy something for herself- perfume! Drove all the way to the mall, DIDNT BUY IT cos didnt come in a fckin set 😂😅🙄🤔🤔🤔 She did this with that candle and she got sent like 4 because she wouldnt stop mentioning it. Maybe wishing some of her stans get the hint 😉😉😉

    I think half of us (all of us?) knew she was going to walk out of Dillards empty handed. For someone who shops so much, she sure doesn't know how it works. Never would I assume every store carries what is online. Call them and ask. Work smarter, not harder but that's not a strong suit with this fam.

    Now that you mention, I wonder if she's floating all these items that she wants so people will send them to her. I can't with this mess - literally.
  12. .
    I think Jen will get another dog. Empath Jen doesn't care about anyone other then herself and her needs in the moment. She will do so selfishly, not worrying about how to travel or her emotional capacity. She will get the dog to use as she needs and then throw money at finding solutions so that Jen can continue to travel and do exactly what and when she wants. Winnie has not stopped Jen from doing anything and, in fact, props Jen up emotionally. That is Jen's selfish, stunted experience and she doesn't have the capacity consider anything else. So sad.
  13. .
    QUOTE (PlainJane @ 11/27/2021, 06:29 PM) 
    QUOTE (Daisy-a-day @ 27/11/2021, 17:32) 
    Instead of hosting all the large family holidays and extravagant birthday parties after you just moved into a new house a minute ago, why not properly clean, sort and unpack the house first.

    She won’t be able to keep this up. You cannot be “super” meth mom and not eventually crash and burn.

    I absolutely despise her "good enough " attitude. Why not just do it right the first time then you don't have to keep doing it over and over.

    If she doesn't do it over and over, there is no content. This is where I turned on her. Buy some nice clothes and take care of them and you won't be purchasing things to purge them 6 months later, having never worn them. Her life is extremely wasteful. It's even worse in this house...the sectional!
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    QUOTE (DominantJunk @ 11/13/2021, 07:28 PM) 
    Put on a freaking Werq video and let the kids dance, good grief. Or, I don’t know, skip working out for a day.

    It’s like she has absolutely no idea how to be a parent.

    Peloton has family friendly exercise classes. I just did a Disney dance/HIIT workout there. Kids participation was encouraged. She could have gotten her blue Peloton workout dot, engaged her kids in a fun way, and thrown Disney muffins to the bakery all in one 20 minute class. :) Poor kids.
  15. .
    They are going to trash this house.

    1) In stories last night she posted a quote for ~$1,250 (I think) for adding baby gates to the stairs and some protection on the railings. She was aghast at the price. That is a very small percentage of the price of the house. Better get used to increased costs for utilities/maintenance/upkeep. I know it's going to happen, but it's going to ruin the house to keep out on those items.
    2) Buying a light colored couch is the worst decision they can make. We've seen every fabric surface in their current house.
    3) She carried a curio cabinet-type piece up the stairs herself today. Dragging furniture up that light colored carpet is no way to care for that $ investment (property).

    She also said the bathroom off the loft didn't have room for cleaning supplies, so she needed the curio cabinet. There are built-ins right outside the bathroom door. That's free storage for Ms. Thrift. Also, are you really storing cleaning products and rags in a glass fronted curio cabinet? She is in over her head.
29 replies since 9/6/2020